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statsig-io/ios-sdk v1.36.0
Statsig's SDK for client-side iOS applications.
⭐️ 12
🕓 15 weeks ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
.package(url: "https://github.com/statsig-io/ios-sdk.git", from: "v1.36.0")

Statsig iOS SDK

The Statsig iOS SDK for single user client environments. It works for both Swift and Objective-C. If you need a SDK for another language or server environment, check out our other SDKs.

Statsig helps you move faster with feature gates (feature flags), and/or dynamic configs. It also allows you to run A/B/n tests to validate your new features and understand their impact on your KPIs. If you're new to Statsig, check out our product and create an account at statsig.com.

Getting Started

Check out our SDK docs to get started.

Apple's Privacy Manifest

Following Apple's rules, we've included a Privacy Manifest in the Statsig SDK to explain its basic features. Developers will need to fill out their own Privacy Manifest, listing the information they add to the StatsigUser class. Important details like UserID and Email should be mentioned, but they aren't included by default because not everyone using the SDK will include these details in their StatsigUser class.

For more on how we use and handle data in our SDK, look at the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file. If you need help putting these steps into action in your app, check Apple's official guide on Privacy Manifests at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files/describing_data_use_in_privacy_manifests.


Stars: 12
Last commit: 6 days ago
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Release Notes

1.40.0 - Add Custom Cache Key, User Validation Callback, updateUser with values
6 days ago
  • Adds StatsigOptions.customCacheKey, providing the ability to specify a custom cache key for a given user.
  • Adds UserValidation callback, providing a way to modify the StatsigUser object before it is used by the SDK.
  • Adds the internal Statsig event statsig::non_exposed_checks
  • Adds an option to pass static "bootstrap" values on updateUser

Included In This Release

  • 2752204293625ce4497160ee3fb1b32f30202687 Weihao
    • Add updateUserWithValues (#265)
  • 2efdca8d5b6faf9211b8d4da85b8268c0f19ca1c Daniel
    • add ability to specify custom cache key (#266)
  • c25cd38f13a4e4ae0b1c9d139c7b53d91f2bc11c kenny-statsig
    • user validation callback (#264)
  • c6ef97953c8f7f7a0e65039b31e819cfdd59a68f Daniel
    • Non expo test (#258)

Full Changelog: https://github.com/statsig-io/ios-sdk/compare/1.39.4...1.40.0

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