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michzio/Networking 0.0.5
Simple URLSession-based Networking library that enables to use Combine publishers
⭐️ 0
🕓 22 weeks ago
iOS macOS tvOS
.package(url: "https://github.com/michzio/Networking.git", from: "0.0.5")


An example implementation of Router

enum Router: IRouter {
    case sample
    case uploadFile
    static var baseURL: String = "https://mockapi.com"
    var path: String {
        switch self {
        case .sample:
            return "/sample"
        case .uploadFile:
            return "/upload"
    var isFullPath: Bool { false }
    var method: HTTPMethod {
        switch self {
        case .sample:
            return .get
        case .uploadFile:
            return .post
    var headerParams: [String : String] { [:] }
    var authorization: Authorization { 
        switch self {
        case .sample:
            return .noAuth
        case .uploadFile:
            return .queryParams(["apikey": "#apikey"])
    var queryParams: [String : Any] { [:] }
    var bodyParams: [String : Any] { [:] }
    var bodyEncoding: EncodingType {
        switch self {
        case .uploadFile:
            return .multipart(boundary: "boundary")
            return .formData
    var files: [FileUploadInfo]? {
        switch self {
        case .uploadFile:
            if let file = Self.mockUploadFile {
                return [file]
            return nil
            return nil
    static var mockUploadFile: FileUploadInfo? = nil

An example implementation of BaseService

import Networking

protocol IProfileService {
    func getProfile() -> AnyPublisher<ProfileDTO, Error>

class ProfileService: BaseService<JSONDecoder>, IProfileService {
    func getProfile() -> AnyPublisher<ProfileDTO, Error> {

An example implementation of AsyncBaseService

import Networking

protocol IProfileService {
    func getProfile() async throws -> ProfileDTO

class ProfileService: AsyncBaseService<JSONDecoder>, IProfileService {
    func getProfile() async throws -> ProfileDTO{

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