Swiftpack.co - iSapozhnik/Menu as Swift Package

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iSapozhnik/Menu 1.10.2
The most customizable menu for macOS apps.
⭐️ 111
🕓 2 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/iSapozhnik/Menu.git", from: "1.10.2")


Swift macOS License: MIT

Fully customizable macOS drop-down menu. It includes 30 settings you can play with.


  • Xcode 11+
  • macOS 10.12+
  • Swift 5.0 and higher


Since this is a Swift Package, the installation process is pretty stright forward.

Manual way

Update your Package.swift dependencies:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/iSapozhnik/Menu", from: "1.10.1")

Via Xcode:

  1. Go to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency.
  2. Put GitHub URL https://github.com/iSapozhnik/Menu and click Next
  3. Select the latest version
  4. Click Finish

What can be customized? Everything!

public protocol Configuration {
    var titleBottomSpace: CGFloat                           { get }
    var titleFont: NSFont?                                  { get }
    var titleColor: NSColor                                 { get }
    var backgroundColor: NSColor                            { get }
    var cornerRadius: CGFloat                               { get }
    var hasShadow: Bool                                     { get }
    var appearsBelowSender: Bool                            { get }
    var presentingOffset: CGFloat                           { get }
    var animationDuration: TimeInterval                     { get }
    var contentEdgeInsets: NSEdgeInsets                     { get }
    var maximumContentHeight: CGFloat?                      { get }
    var separatorColor: NSColor                             { get }
    var separatorThickness: CGFloat                         { get }
    var separatorHorizontalPadding: Padding.Horizontal      { get }
    var separatorVerticlaPadding: Padding.Vertical          { get }
    var rememberSelection: Bool                             { get }
    var textAlignment: Alignment                            { get }
    var iconAlignment: Alignment                            { get }
    var menuItemFont: NSFont?                               { get }
    var menuItemHeight: CGFloat                             { get }
    var menuItemHoverBackgroundColor: NSColor               { get }
    var menuItemTextColor: NSColor                          { get }
    var menuItemHoverTextColor: NSColor                     { get }
    var menuItemCheckmarkColor: NSColor                     { get }
    var menuItemHoverCheckmarkColor: NSColor                { get }
    var menuItemCheckmarkHeight: CGFloat                    { get }
    var menuItemCheckmarkThikness: CGFloat                  { get }
    var menuItemHorizontalSpacing: CGFloat                  { get }
    var menuItemImageHeight: CGFloat?                       { get }
    var menuItemImageTintColor: NSColor?                    { get }
    var menuItemHoverImageTintColor: NSColor?               { get }
    var menuItemHoverAnimationDuration: TimeInterval        { get }

How to use

import Cocoa
import Menu

class ViewController: NSViewController {
    private let myMenu = Menu(with: "Select a search engine:")

    @IBOutlet var showMenuButton: NSButton!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let bing = MenuItem("Bing search", image: Icn.bing.image, action: { [weak self] in
            self?.showMenuButton.title = "Bing"
        let item = MenuItem("DuckDuckGo search", image: Icn.duck.image, action: { [weak self] in
            self?.showMenuButton.title = "DuckDuckGo"
        let google = MenuItem("Google search", image: Icn.google.image, action: { [weak self] in
            self?.showMenuButton.title = "Google"
        let longText = MenuItem("Some very-very-very long text with no icon", action: { [weak self] in
            self?.showMenuButton.title = "Some very long text"
        let emojiItem = MenuItem("Emojis are here 😎🚀", action: { [weak self] in
            self?.showMenuButton.title = "Emojis are here 😎🚀"
        let exit = MenuItem("Exit", image: Icn.exit.image, action: {
        let separator = MenuItem.separator()
        let menuItems = [


    @IBAction func didClickButton(_ sender: NSButton) {
        myMenu.show(from: sender)


In this section I've collected some examples of what can be i,plemented do using Menu control. On the left side some random example from Dribbble and on the right side my implementation.

Dribbble Menu Code


Created and maintained by @iSapozhnik.


Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.

Copyright © 2020-present Sapozhnik Ivan.

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