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fizker/swift-apple-associated-domains-vapor 1.0.0
Vapor helpers for serving Apple´s Associated Domains specification
⭐️ 2
🕓 2 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/fizker/swift-apple-associated-domains-vapor.git", from: "1.0.0")


Vapor helpers for serving Apple´s Associated Domains specification.

The code for the JSON model is found at https://github.com/fizker/swift-apple-associated-domains.


Declare SwiftPM dependency with release tag

Add this repository to the Package.swift manifest of your project:

// swift-tools-version:5.3
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  name: "MyServer",
  dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/fizker/swift-apple-associated-domains-vapor.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")),
  targets: [
    .target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: [
      .product(name: "AppleAssociatedDomainsVapor", package: "swift-apple-associated-domains-vapor"),

Create the specification

Note: This is the sample from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/Xcode/supporting-associated-domains#Add-the-Associated-Domain-File-to-Your-Website

import AppleAssociatedDomainsVapor

let spec = AppleAppSiteAssociation(
	applinks: .init(details: [
			appIDs: [ "ABCDE12345.com.example.app", "ABCDE12345.com.example.app2" ],
			components: [
					fragment: "no_universal_links",
					isExcludingMatches: true,
					comment: "Matches any URL whose fragment equals no_universal_links and instructs the system not to open it as a universal link"
					path: "/buy/*",
					comment: "Matches any URL whose path starts with /buy/"
					path: "/help/website/*",
					isExcludingMatches: true,
					comment: "Matches any URL whose path starts with /help/website/ and instructs the system not to open it as a universal link"
					path: "/help/*",
					query: [ "articleNumber": "????" ],
					comment: "Matches any URL whose path starts with /help/ and which has a query item with name 'articleNumber' and a value of exactly 4 characters"
	appclips: ["ABCED12345.com.example.MyApp.Clip"],
	webcredentials: [ "ABCDE12345.com.example.app" ]

Serve the file

This package adds a convenience function to Vapor.Application, which makes it very easy to serve specs.


Alternatively, the spec can be built directly into the call.

import AppleAssociatedDomainsVapor

	applinks: .init(details: [
			appIDs: [ "ABCDE12345.com.example.app", "ABCDE12345.com.example.app2" ],
			components: [
					fragment: "no_universal_links",
					isExcludingMatches: true,
					comment: "Matches any URL whose fragment equals no_universal_links and instructs the system not to open it as a universal link"
					path: "/buy/*",
					comment: "Matches any URL whose path starts with /buy/"
					path: "/help/website/*",
					isExcludingMatches: true,
					comment: "Matches any URL whose path starts with /help/website/ and instructs the system not to open it as a universal link"
					path: "/help/*",
					query: [ "articleNumber": "????" ],
					comment: "Matches any URL whose path starts with /help/ and which has a query item with name 'articleNumber' and a value of exactly 4 characters"
	appclips: ["ABCED12345.com.example.MyApp.Clip"],
	webcredentials: [ "ABCDE12345.com.example.app" ]

All three keys are optional, so it is only necessary to add the one you need.

import AppleAssociatedDomainsVapor

app.appleAppSiteAssociation(appclips: ["ABCED12345.com.example.MyApp.Clip"])


Stars: 2
Last commit: 2 years ago
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