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danielsaidi/RichTextKit 1.0.0
RichTextKit is a Swift SDK that helps you use rich text in Swift and SwiftUI.
⭐️ 762
🕓 4 weeks ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
.package(url: "https://github.com/danielsaidi/RichTextKit.git", from: "1.0.0")

RichTextKit Logo

Version Swift 5.9 Swift UI MIT License Twitter: @danielsaidi Mastodon: @danielsaidi@mastodon.social

About RichTextKit

RichTextKit is a Swift SDK that lets you edit rich text in Swift & SwiftUI with a multi-platform RichTextEditor:

The RichTextEditor supports text styles (bold, italic, underline, etc.), fonts, font sizes, colors, text alignments, image attachments, and much more. It's powered by a RichTextView that bridges UITextView & NSTextView and adds additional, platform-agnostic APIs that make the two views behave more alike.

If you just want to view rich text connte, you can use the RichTextViewer SwiftUI view, which wraps the editor and applies a read-only configuration to it.


RichTextKit can be installed with the Swift Package Manager:


Getting started

RichTextKit has a SwiftUI RichTextEditor that takes a text binding and a RichTextContext:

struct MyView: View {

    private var text = NSAttributedString(string: "Type here...")
    var context = RichTextContext()

    var body: some View {
        RichTextEditor(text: $text, context: context) {
            // You can customize the native text view here
        .focusedValue(\.richTextContext, context)

The editor uses a RichTextCoordinator to sync changes between the editor, context, and platform-specific view. You can use the context to change font, colors, alignment etc. and observe context changes to update the UI.

If you just want to display rich text, you can use the RichTextViewer instead:

struct MyView: View {

    private var text = NSAttributedString(...)

    var body: some View {
        RichTextViewer(text: text)

RichTextKit provides UI components, keyboard shortcuts & menu commands that can be used in a rich text editor.

For more information, please see the getting started guide.


The online documentation has more information, articles, code examples, etc.

Demo App & Inspiration

The RichTextKit demo lets you explore the library on iOS & macOS. To try it out, just open and run the Demo app.

RichTextKit is also used in the following apps, so make sure to check them out for inspiration:

Don't hesitate to reach out if you are using RichTextKit, and want to add your app to this list. I'd love to feature it.

Sponsor my work

Please consider supporting my work if you find this and my other open-source projects helpful. I manage them on my spare time, and any help to keep them going is greatly appreciated.

You can sponsor me on GitHub Sponsors, reach out for paid support, or hire me for freelance work.


Feel free to reach out if you have questions or want to contribute in any way:


RichTextKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Stars: 762
Last commit: 15 hours ago
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Release Notes

4 weeks ago

This release removes all deprecated code and cleans up the library.

✨ Features

  • There are new view style and config modifiers for components.
  • RichTextFormat is a new namespace with format types and views.
  • RichTextContext has more intuitive ways to paste text content.
  • RichTextContext has a new observable paragraphStyle property.
  • RichTextInsertion has new static convenience insertion builders.
  • RichTextViewer is a new SwiftUI view that can be used to view rich text.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • RichTextView no longer resets font and styles when setting up the macOS text view.

💥 Breaking Changes

  • All previously deprecated code has been deleted.
  • Many localization keys have been renamed to be easier to use.
  • RichTextContextFocusedValueKey is renamed to RichTextContext.FocusedValueKey.
  • RichTextEditor is now configured and styled with modifiers instead of the init.
  • RichTextFont pickers are now configured with a shared modifier instead of the init.
  • RichTextFont size picker is now configured with a shared modifier instead of the init.
  • RichTextFormat components are now configured with a shared modifier instead of the init.
  • RichTextFormatSheet has been renamed to RichTextFormat.Sheet to trim SDK surface area.
  • RichTextFormatSidebar has been renamed to RichTextFormat.Sidebar to trim SDK surface area.
  • RichTextFormatToolbar has been renamed to RichTextFormat.Toolbar to trim SDK surface area.
  • RichTextLine.SpacingPicker is now configured with a shared view modifier instead of the init.
  • RichTextKeyboardToolbar is now configured and styled with two view modifiers instead of the init.

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