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Packages published by danielsaidi

danielsaidi/Sheeeeeeeeet 3.2.3
Sheeeeeeeeet is a Swift library for creating menus, custom action sheets, context menus etc.
⭐️ 1,667
🕓 43 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
43 weeks ago
* This version adds some adjustments and bug fixes from the community. * `ActionSheetItemCell` removes an old fix for separator lines on iOS 10.
2 years ago
This version fixes a bug that caused sheets to get initial empty frames.
2 years ago
### 🐛 Bug Fixes This version fixes a bug that could cause multiple dismissals when in popover.
2 years ago
This version makes it possible to build Sheeeeeeeeet from Xcode 13. It does so by removing `UIApplication.shared` dependencies and instead use the view controller. These changes required the removal of some deprecated `Menu` logic. ### 💡 Behavior changes * The `ActionSheet` init presenter is now optional instead of the default one. ### 💥 Breaking changes * Some deprecated `Menu` logic had to be removed. * The `ActionSheet` `presenter` is now optional and is resolved when presenting instead of when creating the sheet.
2 years ago
This version temporarily downgrades the Quick dependency to 3.0 to make Sheeeeeeeeet work with packages that haven't upgraded.
2 years ago
This version updates external dependencies.
2 years ago
This version fixes a bug that caused regular items to not apply right to left text alignment if the device locale requested it. * `ActionSheetItemCell` now uses `.natural` instead of `.left` by default. * The standard appearance doesn't apply `.left` to the base cell or section titles.
4 years ago
This version prepares the library for Xcode 11.4 and Swift 5.2 and upgrades external dependencies.
4 years ago
Thanks to @BinaryDennis, this version adds support for auto dismissing context menus and action sheets when an app is sent to the background. ### New stuff: * `ActionSheet` has a new `ActionSheet.Configuration` that replaces `Menu.Configuration`. You specify it when you create an action sheet. * There is a new `ActionSheetPresenterBase` base class that you can use when creating custom presenters. * `ActionSheetStandardPresenter` and `ActionSheetPopoverPresenter` inherits `ActionSheetPresenterBase`. * `ActionSheetPopoverPresenter` has moved its popover delegate logic to another class and no longer inherits `NSObject`. * There is a new `DestructiveItem` type that makes it possible to have destructive options in a menu, not just destructive buttons. * `DestructiveItem` is automatically styled by the `ActionSheetAppearance` base class. * `DestructiveItem` is automatically annotated when it's converted to a context menu item. ### Deprecations: * `Menu.Configuration` is deprecated and have no affect anymore. * `Menu.presentAsActionSheet` is deprecated. Use `toActionSheet` instead, then present it. * `ActionSheet.HeaderViewConfiguration` is renamed to `ActionSheet.HeaderConfiguration` * `ActionSheet.headerViewConfiguration` is renamed to `ActionSheet.headerConfiguration` * `ActionSheetDangerItemCell` is renamed to `ActionSheetDestructiveItemCell` ### Breaking changes: I tried but couldn't avoiding breaking changes, since some protocols had to change. Hopefully, you can easily work around these changes: * `ActionSheetPresenter` no longer has an `isDismissable` property. Instead, use a `.nonDismissable` configuration when creating an action sheet. * `ActionSheetPresenter` convenience presenters are now part of `ActionSheetPresenterBase` no longer `open` for extension.
4 years ago
This version adjusts the secondary action signature to also provide the affected item. It's a breaking change, but a small one, so deal with it I guess ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ This version also makes the `ActionSheetItemHandler` protocol implementations `open` so they're possible to override.
danielsaidi/SwiftUIKit 4.2.2
SwiftUIKit is a Swift SDK that adds extra functionality to Swift & SwiftUI.
⭐️ 1,288
🕓 6 hours ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
13 hours ago
### 🐛 Bug fixes * `View+Label` now correctly applies the provided bundle.
3 days ago
### 💡 Behavior changes * `View.alert` now injects the context as environment object. * `View.label` now takes a localized string key instead of a key. * `View.sheet` now injects the context as environment object. * `View.fullScreenCover` now injects the context as environment object.
5 weeks ago
This version refactors many views to take their styles & configs as environment values, instead of injecting them in the initializer. ### ✨ New features * `CircularProgressBar` now supports customizing animation. * `FilePicker` now supports providing a custom picker config. * `ImagePicker` now supports providing a custom picker config. * `LinkText` has new link style options, to define font weight. * `ListButtonGroup` is a new group view for groping many buttons. * `ListButtonStyle` has a new optional `pressedOpacity` init param. * `ListCard` now supports specifying a custom pressed scale animation. * `String+Replace` has a new options-based replace extension shorthand. ### 💡 Behavior changes * `Color.standardListBackground` has been renamed to `listBackground`. * `FormInlineActionButtonStyle` has been replaced by `ListButtonGroup`. * `FormText` has been renamed to `ListActionRow`, and is now style-based. * `ListActionRow` now supports a `ListAction` instead of a trailing view. ### 🗑️ Deprecations * `DismissableView` has been deprecated due to native SwiftUI support. * `FormRowTitle` has been deprecated due to now being used internally. * `PresentationDetents` has been deprecated due to native SwiftUI support.
10 weeks ago
This version makes the list header not use a section, to avoid disclosure groups.
10 weeks ago
This version fixes a bug in the image list header extension.
18 weeks ago
This version adds a few additional utilities. ### ✨ New features * `ListHeader` has a new image-specific modifier. * `View+Label` makes it easy to convert any view to a label. * `View+macOS` has a new `openAppSettings()` view extension. ### 💡 Behavior changes * `ListHeader` now applies a platform-specific bottom padding.
19 weeks ago
This version makes the `ListBadgeIcon` available on macOS. ### ✨ New features * `ListBadgeIcon` is now available on macOS. * `ListBadgeIcon` has a new `appStore` badge. * `ListBadgeIcon` iconColor is nil by default and adaptive to the badge color.
19 weeks ago
This version adjusts the `ListBadgeIcon` to behave better. ### ✨ New features * `ListBadgeIcon` has new properties and render better on iOS 17. * `ListBadgeIcon` has new predefined types.
22 weeks ago
This patch fixes the default `FormInlineButtonStyle` background in dark mode. ### ✨ New features * `Color` has a new `standardRowBackground` function.
22 weeks ago
This major version bumps the deployment targets to iOS 15, tvOS 15, watchOS 8, and macOS 12. This lets us remove a lot of code for older OS versions. This version also adds everything from `SwiftKit`, which is discontinued. I don't want to manage or add two libraries, so merging them seems valid. This version removes protocols where not needed. This means that it will no longer have a protocol and a standard implementation if not needed. ### ✨ New features * `Bundle+Information` is a new extension with bundle-specific information. * `BundleFileFinder` is a new file service that can search for files in a bundle. * `Collections` is a new namespace with collection-related utilities and extensions. * `Commands` is a new namespace with `macOS` commands. * `CsvParser` is a new class that can be used to parse CSV files and strings. * `Date` is a new namespace with date-related extensions and utilities. * `DeviceIdentifier` is a new class for generating unique device IDs. * `iCloudDocumentSync` is a new class that can sync iCloud document changes. * `Keychain` is a new namespace with keychain-related utilities and services. * `ListAction` is a new enum with quick list action types. * `MimeType` is a new type that defines various MIME types. * `Pasteboard` is a multi-platform pasteboard typealias. * `String` is a new namespace with string-related utilities and extensions. * `URL+iCloud` adds new iCloud-specific URLs. * `ValidationRegex` is a struct that defines various regex-based validation expressions. ### 🐛 Bug fixes * `View` `disableDynamicType` now applies the provided size category instead of always `.medium`. ### 💥 Breaking Changes All previously deprecated code has been removed. * `ActionToggle` has been removed - just use `onChange(of:)` to observe the toggle state instead. * `DismissableView` now uses `DismissAction` instead of `PresentationMode`. * `EdgeInsets` factory functions have been replaced with proper initializers. * `FilePicker` now requires `UTType` instead of `String`. * `FolderMonitor` has been renamed to `DirectoryMonitor`. * `FolderObservable` has been renamed to `DirectoryObservable`. * `FormActionButton` has been replaced with a `FormActionButtonStyle`. * `FormTextButton` has been removed since `ListAction` is so easy to use. * `FormTextEditor` and `FormTextField` has been removed. Use `.formRowTitle(...)` instead. * `ScanCodeGenerator` has been replaced by `Image` and `ImageRepresentable` init extensions.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
danielsaidi/RichTextKit 1.0.0
RichTextKit is a Swift SDK that helps you use rich text in Swift and SwiftUI.
⭐️ 762
🕓 4 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4 weeks ago
This release removes all deprecated code and cleans up the library. ### ✨ Features * There are new view style and config modifiers for components. * `RichTextFormat` is a new namespace with format types and views. * `RichTextContext` has more intuitive ways to paste text content. * `RichTextContext` has a new observable `paragraphStyle` property. * `RichTextInsertion` has new static convenience insertion builders. * `RichTextViewer` is a new SwiftUI view that can be used to view rich text. ### 🐛 Bug Fixes * `RichTextView` no longer resets font and styles when setting up the macOS text view. ### 💥 Breaking Changes * All previously deprecated code has been deleted. * Many localization keys have been renamed to be easier to use. * `RichTextContextFocusedValueKey` is renamed to `RichTextContext.FocusedValueKey`. * `RichTextEditor` is now configured and styled with modifiers instead of the init. * `RichTextFont` pickers are now configured with a shared modifier instead of the init. * `RichTextFont` size picker is now configured with a shared modifier instead of the init. * `RichTextFormat` components are now configured with a shared modifier instead of the init. * `RichTextFormatSheet` has been renamed to `RichTextFormat.Sheet` to trim SDK surface area. * `RichTextFormatSidebar` has been renamed to `RichTextFormat.Sidebar` to trim SDK surface area. * `RichTextFormatToolbar` has been renamed to `RichTextFormat.Toolbar` to trim SDK surface area. * `RichTextLine.SpacingPicker` is now configured with a shared view modifier instead of the init. * `RichTextKeyboardToolbar` is now configured and styled with two view modifiers instead of the init.
9 weeks ago
This release adds a lot of new `RichTextAction` cases and adjusts the context and coordinator subscription. This release also deprecates `RichTextAttributeReader` and `RichTextAttributeWriter` functionality that are not used by the library, in favor of `RichTextViewComponent`, to reduce the complexity of the library. Until now, these functions mostly did the same thing, but sometimes the `RichTextViewComponent` have to use its text storage or layout manager, or update the typing attributes. This caused the code to diverge and mostly identical copies had co-exist, where the reader and writer versions were not even used by the library. By deprecating these functions, we can simplify the library in 1.0, and focus more on unifying the different `RichTextViewComponent` implementations (`UITextView` in iOS and `NSTextView` in macOS), rather than providing a low level string handling interface. ### ✨ Features * `FontRepresentable` has new extensions. * `RichTextAction` has a new `label` property. * `RichTextCommand.ActionButtonGroup` has new inits. * `RichTextCommand.FormatMenu` is a lot more configurable. * `RichTextFormatSheet` is now available on all platforms. * `RichTextFormatSheet` has new configuration and style types. * `RichTextFormatSidebar` has new configuration and style types. * `RichTextFormatToolbar` is a new rich text formatting toolbar. * `RichTextKeyboardToolbar` has a new config to always be shown. * `RichTextLine` is a new namespace with support for linespacing. * `RichTextStyle.Button` now supports using custom button styles. * `RichTextView` has a new theme that lets you define its style. * `RichTextViewComponent` has a new `hasRichTextStyle` function. * `RichTextViewComponent` has a new `toggleRichTextStyle` function. * `RichTextViewComponent` now handles superscript changes properly. ### 🚨 Important * `RichTextFormatToolbar` is no longer navigation wrapped by default. * `RichTextFormatToolbar` has a new `asSheet()` function that does this. ### 💡 Adjustments * `RichTextColor` `icon` is no longer optional. * `RichTextColor` has a new `titleKey` property. * `RichTextContext` makes coordinator handle alignment. * `RichTextCoordinator` now syncs an extra time at ends editing. ### 🐛 Bug Fixes * The library once again builds on visionOS. * `RichTextAlignment` now behaves better. * `RichTextAlignment.Picker` now uses provided values. * `RichTextCoordinator` now handles indentation changes. ### 🗑️ Deprecations * `RichTextAttributeReader` has deprecated a lot of functions. * `RichTextAttributeWriter` has deprecated a lot of functions. * `RichTextCommand.AlignmentOptionsGroup` has been deprecated. * `RichTextCommand.FontSizeOptionsGroup` has been deprecated. * `RichTextCommand.IndentOptionsGroup` has been deprecated. * `RichTextCommand.StyleOptionsGroup` has been deprecated. * `RichTextCommand.SuperscriptOptionsGroup` has been deprecated. * `RichTextContext` replaces individual colors with a single `colors`. * `RichTextContext` replaces individual styles with a single `styles`. * `RichTextContext` `userActionPublisher` is renamed to `actionPublisher`. * `RichTextCoordinator` functions calling `handle(_:)` have been deprecated. * `RichTextFormatSheet` has been renamed to `RichTextFormatToolbar`. * `RTKL10n.bundle` has been deprecated since we can use the `.module` bundle. ### 💥 Breaking Changes * `RichTextColor.undefined` was no longer used and has been removed.
13 weeks ago
This release starts moving types and views that relate to other types into the type namespaces, to make the surface area of the library smaller. ### ✨ Features * `RichTextAlignment.Picker` has a new style parameter. * `RichTextCommand` is a new namespace for command-related views. * `RichTextColor.Picker` now shows a quick button to reset the color. * `RichTextLabelValue` is a new protocol to harmonize label-compatible label values. ### 💡 Adjustments * Many value types implement `RichTextLabelValue` to get a `label` property. * All types that implement `RichTextLabelValue` get a `label` that has improved accessibility. * `RichTextColor` `.adjust` now takes an optional color. * `RichTextColor` `.allCases` no longer returns `undefined`. * `RichTextFormatSheet` no longer hard-codes an accent color. * `RichTextStyle` views no longer use a style - use `foregroundStyle`, `tint` and `accentColor` instead. ### 🐛 Bug Fixes * `Image.symbol(...)` removes `palette` rendering mode to fix incorrect color scheme behavior. * `RichTextAlignment.Picker` now hides its picker label. * `RichTextColor.Picker` no longer auto-adjusts black and white to make it possible to actually set those colors. ### 🗑️ Deprecations * `RichTextAction*` views have been renamed to `RichTextAction.Button*`. * `RichTextAlignment*` views have been renamed to `RichTextAlignment.*`. * `RichTextArgumentReader` deprecates the font name and size functions. * `RichTextArgumentWriter` deprecates the font name and size functions. * `RichTextColor*` views have been renamed to `RichTextColor.*`. * `RichTextCommand` views are now nested within the new `RichTextCommand` type. * `RichTextComponent` deprecates the font name and size functions. * `RichTextDataFormatMenu` has been renamed to `RichTextDataFormat.Menu`. * `RichTextFont*` views have been renamed to `RichTextFont.*`. * `RichTextStyle*` views have been renamed to `RichTextStyle.*`.
14 weeks ago
Thanks to @ropellanda, RichTextKit now supports Vision OS. Thanks to @screenworker, RichTextEditor now has a `config` that can disable scrolling. ### ✨ Features * `Image` has a new rich text-specific image builders. * `RichTextEditor` has a new `config` value parameter that can disable scrolling. * `RichTextView` has a new `configuration` property that can disable scrolling. ### 🗑️ Deprecations * `RichTextAction` static properties have been deprecated in favor of their corresponding functions. * `RichTextReader` `.richTextRange` has been renamed to `.richTextFullRange`. ### 🐛 Bug Fixes * `RichTextAction` corrects some icons and localized strings. * `RichTextAttributeReader` now use `range` correctly in `setRichTextSuperscriptLevel`. * `RichTextCoordinator` now sets correct `underline` color instead of `foreground` color. ### 💥 Breaking Changes * `RichTextAttributeReader/Writer` functions now require a range.
14 weeks ago
Thanks to @DominikBucher12, fonts and pasting images behave a lot better than before! ### 💡 Adjustments * `pasteImage(_:at:moveCursorToPastedContent:)` now uses `true` as default move parameter.
16 weeks ago
Thanks to @DominikBucher12 and @msrutek-paylocity, some bugs have been fixed and some formatting adjusted. ### ✨ Features * `RichTextColor` has a new `attribute` property. * `RichTextColor` has a new `underline` color. * `RichTextFormatSheet` has a new `colorPickers` init parameter. * `RichTextFormatSidebar` has a new `colorPickers` init parameter. ### 💡 Adjustments * `RichTextAttributeReader` now allows providing a `nil` range. * `RichTextAttributeWriter` now handles `setRichTextStyle` with a switch. * `RichTextAttributeWriter` and `RichTextViewComponent` shares more code. * `RichTextFormatSheet` now exposes its init params as mutable properties. * `RichTextFormatSidebar` now handles keyboard focus way better than before. * `RichTextFormatSidebar` now exposes its init params as mutable properties. * `RichTextViewComponent` now handles `setCurrentRichTextStyle` with a switch. * `RichTextViewComponent` now handles `setCurrentRichTextStyle` with a switch. * `RichTextViewComponent` uses the new color `attribute` to optimize some code. * `SwiftFormat` now uses `consecutiveSpaces`. ### 🐛 Bug Fixes * `RichTextAttributeWriter` now handles `strikethrough` with a switch. * `RichTextView` now handles initial drag & drop better on iOS. ### 🗑️ Deprecations * `RichTextAttributeReader` color functions are replaced with a single `richTextColor(_:at:)`. * `RichTextAttributeWriter` color functions are replaced with a single `setRichTextColor(_:to:at:)`.
20 weeks ago
Thanks to [@Mcrich23](https://github.com/Mcrich23), the `RichTextColorPicker` now adjusts foreground and background color for the current color scheme. ### ✨ Features * `RichTextColor` has a new `.undefined` type. * `RichTextColor` has a new color adjust function. * `RichTextColorPicker` now takes an `RichTextColor`. ### 💡 Adjustments * `RichTextColorPicker` now uses the color type icon by default. * `RichTextColorPicker` now uses the color type color adjustment.
20 weeks ago
Thanks to [@Mcrich23](https://github.com/Mcrich23), RichTextKit now supports Mac Catalyst. Thanks to [@msrutek-paylocity](https://github.com/msrutek-paylocity) the unit tests are in a much better shape.
20 weeks ago
This version adjusts some display issues when changing text style.
26 weeks ago
This version reverts the `.presentationBackgroundInteraction` addition that caused the format sheet to appear behind the keyboard.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
danielsaidi/DeckKit 1.1.0
DeckKit is a Swift SDK that helps you build deck-based apps in SwiftUI.
⭐️ 559
🕓 7 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
7 weeks ago
This version adds support for visionOS. This minor update also rolls back the environment changes in 1.0.1. The configuration is once more init injected and not through the environment. The environment injection will be implemented in a major version instead. ### ✨ New features * `DeckView` now has a shuffle animation init parameter. * `DeckViewConfiguration` has a new `modified` function. ### 💡 Behavior changes * `DeckItem` is now a typalias, not a `protocol`. ### 🗑️ Deprecations * `Deck` is no longer needed, you can just use plain arrays instead. * `DeckContext` is no longer needed since `Deck` is also deprecated. * `Favoritable` is no longer needed, you can just use `Identifiable`. ### 💥 Breaking Changes * The `DeckViewConfiguration` environment change has been rolled back.
10 weeks ago
This patch adds support for visionOS and environment keys. It also adjustes the default direction of the ``DeckView``, from `.up` to `.down`. ### ✨ New features * `DeckViewConfiguration.Key` is a new environment key. * `View` has a `.deckViewConfiguration` modifier that you can use to apply a custom view configuration. ### 💡 Behavior changes * `DeckViewConfiguration` now uses `.down` as the default direction.
16 weeks ago
DeckKit now targets iOS 15.0, macOS 11.0, tvOS 15.0 and watchOS 8.0. ### 💡 New features * `DeckPageView` is a new horizontal page view.
20 weeks ago
DeckKit now targets Swift 5.9. ### 🐛 Bug Fixes * `DeckShuffleAnimation` now properly triggers `isShuffling`.
36 weeks ago
### 💡 New features * `Deck` has new `move` functions.
45 weeks ago
### 💡 New features * `Deck` has a new `shuffle` function. * `DeckShuffleAnimation` is a new animation. * `DeckView` has a new convenience initializer.
1 year ago
### 💡 New features This version adds an additional `DeckView` initializer so that you don't have to specify the `itemViewBuilder` parameter name. ### 💥 Breaking Changes * All previously deprecated code has been removed. * `DeckView` `itemViewBuilder` has been renamed to `itemView`.
1 year ago
### 💡 Behavior changes * `DeckView` action parameters are now optional. * `DeckView` card builder no longer requires `AnyView`. ### 💥 Breaking Changes * `BasicCard` no longer applies a fixed width to its content. * `HorizontalDeck` no longer contains a scroll view. ### 🗑️ Deprecations * `BasicCard` has been deprecated and will be removed in 0.6. * `HorizontalDeck` has been deprecated and will be removed in 0.6. * `StackedDeck` has been renamed to `DeckView`. * `StackedDeck` has a new `itemViewBuilder` initializer. * `StackedDeckConfiguration` has been renamed to `DeckViewConfiguration`. * `StackedDeckConfiguration` has a new `itemDisplayCount` initializer.
1 year ago
### ✨ New features * `StackedDeckConfiguration` is a new `StackedDeck` config. * `StackedDeckConfiguration` has a `.standard` value that is automatically used. ### 💡 Behavior changes * `StackedDeck` no longer changes the card offset value within an animation. ### 💥 Breaking Changes * `StackedDeck` now takes a configuration as init parameter instead of separate values.
1 year ago
### ✨ New features * `Deck` now lets you specify id. ### 💥 Breaking Changes * `BasicItem` has been renamed to `BasicCard.Item`. * `CardItem` has been renamed to `DeckItem`.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
danielsaidi/OnboardingKit 7.0.2
OnboardingKit is a Swift SDK that helps you create onboarding experiences in Swift and SwiftUI.
⭐️ 478
🕓 3 days ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 days ago
### ✨ New features * `View` has a new `tryPresent` function.
3 days ago
### 🐛 Bug Fixes * The custom onboarding page view style is now applied on appear, instead of as a task.
6 weeks ago
This version drastically simplifies the library and bumps the platform deployment targets to more modern platform versions. Please see the docs and the demo for updated examples. ### 💡 Behavior changes * `Onboarding` and its subclasses have been simplified. * `Onboarding` is now based on `tryPresent` regardless of which class you use. ### 💥 Breaking changes * All deprecated code has been removed. * `Hint` has been removed. * `Onboarding` no longer has a `userId` property. * `Onboarding` no longer has a `hasBeenPresented` property. * `Onboarding` no longer has a `registerPresentation` function. * `OnboardingPageView` now takes page values instead of a tutorial. * `Tutorial` has been removed and replaced with new onboarding views.
19 weeks ago
This version bumps macOS to 11. ### ✨ New features * `TutorialPageView` now supports macOS.
19 weeks ago
This version bumps Swift to 5.9. This version (once again) makes the `Tutorial` type non-generic, and adds a `GenericTutorial` for the rare use-cases where a generic type is needed. This will once again make it possible to add static properties to the `Tutorial` type, to define app-specific values. ### ✨ New features * `GenericTutorial` can be used for generic use-cases. * `Onboarding` has new static builders for various types. ### 💡 Behavior changes * `TutorialPageView` has one initializer for `Tutorial` and one for `GenericTutorial`. ### 💥 Breaking changes * `Tutorial` is no longer generic.
34 weeks ago
### ✨ New features * `LocalizedTutorial` now supports custom bundles.
35 weeks ago
### 🗑 Deprecations * `TutorialSlideView` has been renamed to `TutorialPageView`. * `TutorialSlideViewStyle` has been renamed to `TutorialPageViewStyle`.
45 weeks ago
In this major update, Tutti is renamed to OnboardingKit. You have to update all your imports from `import Tutti` to `import OnboardingKit`.
1 year ago
This version adjusts the TutorialPageInfo type slightly. ✨ New features * `TutorialPageInfo` now has a `currentPage` property. * `TutorialPageInfo` `isCurrentPage` is now a property instead of a function.
1 year ago
This version bumps the minimum iOS version to 13 to allow importing SwiftUI. ### ✨ New features * `TutorialSlideView` is a new view for presenting tutorial-based onboarding flows. * `TutorialSlideViewStyle` can be used to style `TutorialSlideView` views.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
danielsaidi/SystemNotification 1.1.0
SystemNotification is a Swift SDK that helps you mimic the native iOS system notification in SwiftUI.
⭐️ 347
🕓 Yesterday
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
This version adds predefined system notification messages and styles and makes it easier to present a message. ### ✨ New features * `SystemNotificationContext` has a new `presentMessage` function. * `SystemNotificationMessage` has new, predefined `error`, `success`, `warning` and `silentMode` messages. * `SystemNotificationMessageStyle` has new, predefined `prominent`, `error`, `success` and `warning` styles.
2 days ago
This version bumps the deployment targets and moves styling and configuration to view modifiers. ### 🚨 Important Information * All previous style- and config-based initializers have been removed. ### 📱 New Deployment Targets * .iOS(.v15) * .macOS(.v12) * .tvOS(.v15) * .watchOS(.v8) * .visionOS(.v1) ### ✨ New features * `SystemNotification` is more self-managed than before. * `SystemNotificationConfiguration` can now be used as an environment value. * `SystemNotificationStyle` now supports background materials. * `SystemNotificationStyle` can now be used as an environment value. * `SystemNotificationMessageStyle` can now be used as an environment value. * `SystemNotificationMessageStyle` now supports specifying a foreground color. * `SystemNotificationMessageStyle` now supports specifying a background color. * `View` has new system notification-related style- and config view modifiers. ### 🐛 Bug fixes * `SystemNotification` now correctly applies the configuration animation.
7 weeks ago
## 0.8 ### ✨ New features * SystemNotification now supports visionOS. ### 💥 Breaking changes * SystemNotification now requires Swift 5.9.
43 weeks ago
### ✨ New features * `SystemNotificationPresenter` is a new convenience protocol.
43 weeks ago
This version rolls back the UIKit support deprecation. ### 🗑 Deprecations * `SystemNotificationUIKitOverlay` is no longer deprecated.
1 year ago
This version splits up `SystemNotificationConfiguration` in a configuration and style type. Due to changes in the `SystemNotificationMessage` capabilities, the `LocalizedStringKey` support has been deprecated. Also, since SystemNotification aims to be a pure SwiftUI project, the `SystemNotificationUIKitOverlay` has been deprecated. Please let me know if you really need it, and I'll re-add it to the library. ### ✨ New features * `SystemNotificationMessage` now supports a custom icon view. * `SystemNotificationStyle` is a new type that's extracted from `SystemNotificationConfiguration`. ### 💡 Behavior changes * `SystemNotification` no longer uses async size bindings to apply the corner radius. ### 🗑 Deprecated * `SystemNotificationConfiguration` moves all styles to `SystemNotificationStyle`. * `SystemNotificationMessage` has deprecated its `LocalizedString` initializer. * `SystemNotificationMessageConfiguration` is renamed to `SystemNotificationMessageStyle`.
1 year ago
### ✨ New features * `SystemNotificationConfiguration` has a new `padding` parameter. * `SystemNotificationConfiguration` has a new `standardBackgroundColor` function. * `SystemNotificationConfiguration` has a new `standardPadding` property. ### 💡 Behavior changes * `SystemNotificationContext` handles custom presentation configurations better. ### 💥 Breaking changes * All deprecated code has been removed.
1 year ago
### 💡 Behavior changes * `SystemNotificationContext` present now has an optional configuration. * `SystemNotificationContext` now uses its own configuration if none is provided.
1 year ago
This release fixes compile errors on tvOS and watchOS.
1 year ago
This release makes configuration properties mutable.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
danielsaidi/BottomSheet 0.3.0
BottomSheet lets you add custom bottom sheets to your SwiftUI apps.
⭐️ 189
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
### ✨ New Features * `BottomSheetStyle` and `BottomSheetHandleStyle` are now mutable. * `BottomSheetStyle.standard` is now mutable and lets you change the standard style.
2 years ago
This release adds macOS support and tweaks the design and behavior of the bottom sheet. The handle was previously placed in a non-designable area, under which the sheet content scrolled. Now, the area has a divider that separates the handle from the content, with the entire handle bar area being customizable with the handle style. ### 💥 New Features * The library now compiles for macOS. * There is a new `BottomSheetHandleBar` view. * `BottomSheetHandleStyle` has a new `backgroundColor` property. * `BottomSheetHandleStyle` has a new `dividerColor` property. * `BottomSheetHandleStyle` has a new `padding` property. ### 💡 Behavior Changes * The sheet handle is now placed in a bar, with padding and a divider. ### 🗑 Deprecations * `BottomSheetHandleStyle` `color` has been renamed to `handleColor`.
2 years ago
This is the first public release of BottomSheet. Check out the readme and the demo app for information about how to use it.
iOS macOS
danielsaidi/SwiftUIBlurView 0.2.0
This view is also part of SwiftUIKit: https://github.com/danielsaidi/SwiftUIKit
⭐️ 125
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
This release adds a stable blur effect that you can apply to any `View` using the `.systemBlur` modifier.
danielsaidi/WebViewKit 0.4.0
WebViewKit is a Swift SDK that adds a WebView & SafariWebView to SwiftUI.
⭐️ 81
🕓 5 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
6 weeks ago
This version adds support for visionOS.
27 weeks ago
### ✨ New features * `WebView` can now be created with an `htmlString` and a `urlString`.
1 year ago
### ✨ New features * `WebView` now supports providing a `WKWebViewConfiguration`.
1 year ago
### ✨ New features * `WebView` now supports providing an empty url and no config block.
2 years ago
This version adds a new `SafariWebView`. ### ✨ New features * `SafariWebView` is a new iOS view that wraps an `SFSafariViewController` and can be used to load a custom url.
2 years ago
This is the first public beta of the library. ### ✨ New features * `WebView` is a new view that wraps an `WKWebView` and can be used to load a custom url.
iOS macOS
danielsaidi/MockingKit 1.4.1
MockingKit is a Swift SDK that lets you easily mock protocols and classes in `Swift`.
⭐️ 78
🕓 6 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
6 weeks ago
The package now supports visionOS.
19 weeks ago
This version bumps Swift to 5.9.
1 year ago
Thanks to [Tim Andersson](https://github.com/Boerworz) and the people at BookBeat, MockingKit now supports keypaths. ### ✨ New Features * `Mockable` now supports keypaths for all functions except `call`.
1 year ago
This version removes all external dependencies. ### 📦 Dependencies * MockingKit no longer uses Quick and Nimble.
1 year ago
This version adds a mock pasteboard for macOS and adjusts the documentation setup. ### ✨ New Features * `MockPasteboard` now supports macOS as well. ### 💡 Behavior changes * MockingKit no longer uses the DocC documentation plugin.
1 year ago
### ✨ New Features * This version adds support for Swift concurrency and `async` functions. ### 💥 Breaking Changes * Since Swift Concurrency requires iOS 13 and tvOS and later, the minimum platform versions for this library have been bumped.
2 years ago
This version bumps the package Swift version to 5.5 to enable extended DocC support. It also removes previously deprecated parts of the library and removes `call` functions with implicitly unwrapped args.
3 years ago
This version replaces the accidental SSH dependencies to Quick and Nimble with HTTPS ones. Big thanks to Dave Verwer and [SPI](https://swiftpackageindex.com) for noticing this!
3 years ago
`MockTextDocumentProxy` no longer modifies its state when calling its functions.
3 years ago
`MockTextDocumentProxy` has a new `keyboardAppearance` property.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
danielsaidi/StoreKitPlus 0.3.0
StoreKitPlus is a Swift SDK that adds extra functionality for working with StoreKit 2, like extensions, observable state, services, etc.
⭐️ 63
🕓 6 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
6 weeks ago
StoreKitPlus now uses Swift 5.9, which requires Xcode 15. This version also adds support for visionOS, although the purchase operation doesn't work. ### ✨ Features * `Product` has a new `products(for:)` that uses a product representable collection. * `ProductRepresentable` has a new function to fetch all available products in a context.
1 year ago
This release breaks up the `StoreService` protocol into multiple protocols. This is done to simplify implementing custom services, mocking in unit tests etc. ### ✨ Features * `StandardProductService` is a new service that takes care of fetching products. * `StandardPurchaseService` is a new service that takes care of purchasing products and restoring purchases. * `StoreService` has been split up into three protocols: `StoreProductService`, `StorePurchaseService` and `StoreSyncService`. * `StoreContext` has a new `product(withId:)` function. ### 💡 Behavior changes * `StoreService` now inherits `StoreProductService`, `StorePurchaseService` and `StoreSyncService`. * `StandardStoreService` now implements `StoreProductService`, `StorePurchaseService` and `StoreSyncService`. * `StandardStoreService` now uses nested service implementations to make its own logic easier to overview.
1 year ago
This is a first beta release of StoreKitPlus. This version introduces a bunch of types that makes it easier to work with StoreKit in an abstract, protocol-driven way. ### ✨ Features * `StoreContext` is a new, observable type. * `StoreService` is a new protocol for comunicating with StoreKit. * `StandardStoreService` is a new class for comunicating with StoreKit. * `ProductRepresentable` is a new protocol for providing local products. * `ValidatableTransaction` is a new protocol for transaction validation.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
danielsaidi/SwiftKit 1.5.0
SwiftKit adds extra functionality to the Swift programming language.
⭐️ 59
🕓 31 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
31 weeks ago
### ✨ New features * `String+Trimmed` now supports a custom character set. ### 🗑 Deprecations * `Authentication` has been deprecated. * `BundleInformation` has been deprecated. * `FileExporter` types have been deprecated. * `Filter` has been deprecated. * `Result+Utils` has been deprecated. * `URL+QueryParameters` has been deprecated.
36 weeks ago
This version adjusts the library for Xcode 14 and deprecates some things. This version contains a few breaking changes, that should be easy to fix. ### ✨ New features * `CLLocationCoordinate2D` has new maps extensions. * `CsvParser` can now parse CSV files at urls as well. * `CsvParserError` has a new convenience initializer. * `DateFormatter+Init` has a new convenience initializer. ### 💡 Behavior changes * `StandardCsvParser` now throws native errors for file parsing. ### 🗑 Deprecations * `ExternalMapService` and all implementations have been deprecated. * `Network` has been deprecated and moved to `ApiKit`. ### 💥 Breaking changes * `String+Slugified` has been removed due to conflicts with TagKit.
1 year ago
This version adjusts the library for Xcode 14 and deprecates some things. ### ✨ New features * `Collection+Async` is now available for all OS versions that are supported by the library. ### 💡 Behavior changes * The library no longer uses the DocC package plugin. * `DispatchQueue+Throttle` now uses `Double.random(in:)` instead of `arc4random()`. ### 🗑 Deprecations * The `IoC` namespace has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. * The `Messaging` namespace has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. * The `StoreKit` namespace has been deprecated and moved to https://github.com/danielsaidi/StoreKitPlus * `String+Slugified` has been deprecated and moved to https://github.com/danielsaidi/TagKit ### 💥 Breaking changes * Due to the concurrency adjustments, macOS 11 is now needed.
1 year ago
This version bumps the iOS deployment target to 13.0 and adds new auth utils. ### ✨ New features * `LAContext+Async` adds an async policy evaluation function. * `LocalAuthenticationService` is a new service that lets you use any local authentication policy. ### 💡 Behavior changes * `BiometricAuthenticationService` now inherits and specializes `LocalAuthenticationService`.
2 years ago
### ✨ New features * `FileManager+UniqueFileName` contains functionality for generating a unique file name. * `String+Capitalize` contains functionality for capitalizing the first char in a String. * `String+Characters` contains single-char characters like `newLine` and `tab`. * `String+Paragraph` contains functionality for finding paragraphs in the text. * `String+Subscript` contains functionality for accessing chars in a String. ### 💡 Behavior changes * `String+UrlEncode` now handles + as well.
2 years ago
I think it's finally time to push the major release button. This version drastically improves documentation and ships with a DocC documentation archive. This version also introduces a new `StoreKit` namespace with handy utils for managing StoreKit products and purchases. ### ✨ New features * `Bundle` has a new `displayName` extension. * `Collection` has new `asyncCompactMap` and `asyncMap` extensions. * `Date` has a new `components` extension for retrieving year, month, hour etc. * `NSAttributedString` has a new `init(keyedArchiveData:)` that can initialize an attributed string from `NSKeyedArchiver` generated data. * `NSAttributedString` has a new `init(plainText:)` that can initialize an attributed string from plain .utf8 text data. * `NSAttributedString` has a new `init(rtfData:)` that can initialize an attributed string from RTF data. * `NSAttributedString` has a new `getKeyedArchiveData()` function that can be used to generate RTF formatted data from an attributed string. * `NSAttributedString` has a new `getPlainTextData()` function that can be used to generate plain .utf8 formatted text data from an attributed string. * `NSAttributedString` has a new `getRtfData()` function that can be used to generate RTF formatted data from an attributed string. * `String` has new `boolValue` extension. * `StoreService` is a new protocol for managing StoreKit products and purchases. * `StoreContext` is a new class for managing StoreKit products and purchases. * `StandardStoreService` is a new class that implements the `StoreService` protocol.
2 years ago
This version requires Xcode 13 and later, since it refers to the latest api:s. This version also cleans up the code and makes changes to conform to the latest standards. ### ✨ New features * `Calendar+Date` has new `same` functions to provide the comparison date. * `DispatchQueue+Throttle` has new `throttle` and `debounce` functions. * `String+Split` has a new `split(by:)` components splitting function. * `Url+Global` has a new `userSubscriptions` url. ### 💥 Breaking changes * All previously deprecated features have been removed. * `ApiService` moves the `type` param before the `httpMethod`, since `httpMethod` now has a default value. * `ApiRoute` and `ApiService` now use enum-based HTTP methods instead of string-based ones. * `DispatchQueue+Async` now requires that you explicitly define `seconds` when using that `asyncAfter` function. * `URL+Global` `appStoreUrl(forAppId:)` now returns an optional url.
2 years ago
### ✨ New features * `ApiRoute` has more explicit properties for working with post data. * `ApiRoute` has a new `shouldUrlEncodeParams` parameter. * `iCloudDocumentSync` is a new protocol for syncing iCloud document changes. * `String+Slugify` is a new extension that can convert a string to a slugified version. * `StandardiCloudDocumentSync` is a new class for syncing iCloud document changes. * `URL+iCloud` contains iCloud-specific URLs and fallback URLs. ### 💡 Behavior changes * `ApiRoute` has more required properties. * `URL+setQueryParameter` no longer url encodes the strings you send in. ### 💥 Breaking changes * `ApiRoute` requires new post properties to be defined.
2 years ago
This version adjusts code that made the demo not being able to use the SPM package instead of the source files. ### ✨ New features * `ApiError` is a new enum that replaces the old `ApiServiceError`. * `FileExporter` is a new protocol for exporting data to the file system. * `MimeType` is a new enum for simplifying working with mime types. * `MFMailComposeViewController` has a new `addAttachmentData` that uses the new `MimeType`. * `StandardFileExporter` is a new `FileExporter` implementation. ### 🗑 Deprecations * `ApiServiceError` has been deprecated in favor of `ApiError`. ### 💥 Breaking changes * `ApiError` is a lot easier than before, with many cases gone and more info in the remaining ones.
3 years ago
This version adds a new `HttpMethod` enum that can be used with the network components.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
danielsaidi/ApiKit 0.7.0
ApiKit is a Swift SDK that helps you integrate with external REST APIs.
⭐️ 43
🕓 7 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
7 weeks ago
### ✨ New Features * ApiKit now supports visionOS. ### 💥 Breaking changes * SystemNotification now requires Swift 5.9.
14 weeks ago
### ✨ New Features * `ApiClient` now validates the response status code. * `ApiClient` can perform even more fetch operations. * `ApiError` has a new `invalidResponseStatusCode` error. ### 💥 Breaking Changes * `ApiClient` now only requires a data fetch implementation.
14 weeks ago
### ✨ New Features * `ApiClient` has a new `fetch(_:in:)` for fetching routes. * `ApiRequest` is a new type that simplifies fetching data. ### 💥 Breaking Changes * `ApiError.noDataInResponse` has been removed. * `ApiResult` properties are no longer optional.
21 weeks ago
This version uses Swift 5.9 and renames some integration types.
36 weeks ago
This version adds `Yelp` api integrations. ### ✨ New Features * `Yelp` is a new namespace with Yelp API integrations.
45 weeks ago
This version makes ApiKit support PATCH requests. ### ✨ New Features * `HttpMethod` now has a new `patch` case.
1 year ago
This version adds supports for headers and for the environment to define global headers and query parameters. ### ✨ New Features * `ApiRequestData` is a new protocol that is implemented by both `ApiEnvironment` and `ApiRoute`. * `ApiEnvironment` and `ApiRoute` can now define custom headers. * `TheMovieDB` is a new type that can be used to integrate with The Movie DB api. ### 💡 Behavior Changes * All request data is now optional. * URL request creation is now throwing. * URL requests will now combine data from the environment and route. ### 🐛 Bug fixes * `ApiRequestData` removes the not needed url encoding. ### 💥 Breaking Changes * `ApiEnvironment` now uses a `String` as url. * `ApiRequestData` makes the `queryParams` property optional. * `ApiRoute` makes the `formParams` property optional.
1 year ago
This is the first public release of ApiKit. ### ✨ New Features * You can create `ApiEnvironment` and `ApiRoute` implementations and use them with `ApiClient`. * `URLSession` implements `ApiClient` so you don't need a custom implementation
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
danielsaidi/Vandelay 1.0.0
Vandelay is an iOS importer/exporter, written in Swift.
⭐️ 7
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
This version updates the Swift version in the podspec.
3 years ago
This version adds support for Swift 5.2 and bumps all test dependencies.
4 years ago
This version makes a url calculation function public.
4 years ago
This version adds support for Swift 5.1 and Swift Package Manager.
5 years ago
This version moves stuff around between Vandelay and its add-ons. This means that I have had some trial and error getting it to work, but the `0.8.1` version works with both CocoaPods and Carthage. I version bump `VandelayQr` and `VandelayDropbox` to `0.8.1` as well. The add-ons no longer have their own demo projects, since this meant I had to duplicate code en-masse. I moved the demo code to this repo and disabled it for now, since I could not get Carthage to ignore building the example app, which had a bunch of private dependencies. I will add it as a GitHub issue for future fixing.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
danielsaidi/VandelayQr 0.9.2
VandelayQr adds QR code support to Vandelay.
⭐️ 1
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
This version updates external dependencies to the latest versions.
4 years ago
This version adds support for Swift 5.1 and Swift Package Manager.
4 years ago
This version moves stuff around between Vandelay and its add-ons. This means that I have had some trial and error getting it to work, but the `0.8.1` version works with both CocoaPods and Carthage. I version bump `VandelayQr` and `VandelayDropbox` to `0.8.1` as well. The add-ons no longer have their own demo projects, since this meant I had to duplicate code en-masse. I moved the demo code to this repo and disabled it for now, since I could not get Carthage to ignore building the example app, which had a bunch of private dependencies. I will add it as a GitHub issue for future fixing.

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