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Packages published by typelift

typelift/Swiftz v0.5.1
Functional programming in Swift
⭐️ 3,330
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


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5 years ago
⚠️ Breaking Changes Ahead ⚠️ Swiftz is now compatible with Xcode 10.2 and Swift 5.
6 years ago
⚠️ Breaking Changes Ahead ⚠️ Swiftz is now compatible with Xcode 9 and Swift 4.0.
7 years ago
Swiftz is now compatible with Swift 3.1
7 years ago
Resolves a compatibility issue introduced by the implementation of SE-110
7 years ago
Fixes a compatibility issue with the Swift Package Manager
Swifts (Three Different Ones)
7 years ago
⚠️ Breaking Changes Ahead ⚠️ Swiftz now supports Swift 3.0, Xcode 8.0 and the Swift Package Manager.
Cartesian Catechism
7 years ago
⚠️ Swiftz now requires Swift 2.3 ⚠️ In addition to bumping the version requirements, we now include support for the `Monoidal` typeclass.
8 years ago
Swiftz now fully supports building on Swift 2.2. Not much has changed but we live underwater, etc.
Scheme a Little Scheme
8 years ago
:warning: Breaking Changes Ahead :warning: Swiftz has just turned 0.4.0! Here's what we changed: - Swiftz now has watchOS and tvOS targets. - JSON support has been moved into the new [Tyro](https://github.com/typelift/Tyro) framework. Point your package manager accordingly! - Swiftz no longer links with Foundation. - More structures now have lawful tests. - `Writer` now has a friend, the `Reader` monad. - `Tuple2` has been removed entirely. - `Unit` has been added.
8 years ago
- Fixes issues with the pod spec build.
typelift/SwiftCheck v0.7.0
QuickCheck for Swift
⭐️ 1,414
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
5 years ago
⚠️ Breaking Changes Ahead ⚠️ - Update to Swift 5, 5-style package format, and upgrade the Xcode project to compile in Swift 5 mode - Fix a bug where `cover`ed properties yielded a false positive if the condition was never true In the coming release, we will be reworking the coverage system to better match QuickCheck's current functionality.
Four Two The Floor
5 years ago
⚠️ Breaking Changes Ahead ⚠️ - Update to the Swift 4.2 tooling, 4.2-style package format, and upgrade the Xcode project to compile in the 4.2 mode of the Swift compiler. - Removed the previously-deprecated `Gen.map` forms. Please use the corresponding `Gen.zip` function call itself - Removed` quickCheck(_ :name:)`. Use one of `quickCheck(asserting:)` or `quickCheck(reporting:)` instead.
5 years ago
- Remove self-referential Arbitrary instances for lazy collections - Updates to documentation ⚠️ Breaking Changes Ahead ⚠️ This is the last release of SwiftCheck that supports Xcode 9 and its tooling.
Higher-Order Checkanery
6 years ago
Swift turns 4.1, and so SwiftCheck marches onward. This release brought with it a raft of improvements: - Non-operator spellings of the standard `property() <- test` pattern is provided in the form of the new `quickCheck` functions. - Conditional conformances for a raft of Standard Library types obviate most modifier types. As such, `ArrayOf<T>`, `SetOf<T>`, `DictionaryOf<K, V>`, and `OptionalOf<T>` have been removed. You can now directly use the natural types `[T]`, `Set<T>`, `[K: V]`, and `T?` respectively. - Documentation improvements and simplifications
6 years ago
- Silence warnings introduced by Xcode 9.1.
Chubby Checker
6 years ago
SwiftCheck has internally upgraded to Swift 4.x. ⚠️ Breaking Changes Ahead ⚠️ - Generation of floating point values specified an incorrect mask which could lead to decreased diversity of test values. Calculation of the mask has been corrected (h/t @sebastiangrail). Seeds replaying tests involving floating point numbers may need to be recalculated. - `Gen.fromElements(in:)`, `Gen.fromElements(of:)`, `Gen.choose(_:)` and `Gen.chooseAny()` have been updated to take fuller advantage of type inference and may no longer require explicit specialization. In addition, incorrect specializations may now be diagnosed as errors. - `Gen.map(...)` overloads have been deprecated and renamed `Gen.zipWith`. These have been given a similar overhaul to the above.
Pointless Pointilism
6 years ago
⚠️ Breaking Changes Ahead ⚠️ SwiftCheck now targets Xcode 9 and Swift 3.2. This is the last version of SwiftCheck that will support Swift 3.
Swift Three, We Hardly Knew Ye
7 years ago
SwiftCheck now builds with Swift 3.1
7 years ago
Fixes an issue where generating with the range `(Int.max - 512, Int.max)` could cause `Builtin` integer conversions to fail in the middle of random number generation.
Arrowized Materialism
7 years ago
Fixes an issue where extending the lifetime of `ArrowOf<T, U>` or `IsoOf<T, U>` could cause the underlying data table to be prematurely deallocated. (h/t @broomburgo)
typelift/Concurrent v0.3.0
Functional Concurrency Primitives
⭐️ 208
🕓 4 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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5 years ago
Concurrent now supports Xcode 10.2 and Swift 5
Lock Free At Last
6 years ago
Concurrent now supports Xcode 9.3 and Swift 4.1.
Atomic Explosion
6 years ago
⚠️ Breaking Changes Ahead ⚠️ Concurrent now supports Xcode 9 and is being built in Swift 4.0. While no change to the API were made, this does mean we no longer support the Xcode 8 toolchain.
Pi-ckaged Properly
6 years ago
Concurrent now supports Swift 3.1! * Fixes some latent structural issues in STM * Fixes SwiftPM compatibility
Route 20
7 years ago
⚠️ Breaking Changes Ahead ⚠️ Concurrent now supports Swift 3, Xcode 8, and the Swift Package Manager. We've also removed the ability to interact with `pthread`s as first class citizens because most valid use cases are subsumed by libDispatch.
7 years ago
Concurrent now builds for Swift 2.3 ## STM is back! After a long hiatus for maintenance, Concurrent now supports Software Transactional Memory in the form of `STM` as well as a whole host of data structures that use it to guarantee deterministic access and modifications to shared memory: - `TVar` - Shared memory that uses STM as a mediator for atomic operations - `TMVar` - A hybrid of a `TVar` and an `MVar` for transactional shared mutable references - `TChan` - A transactional channel - `TQueue` - A transactional implementation of `TChan` with a queue interface - `TBQueue` - A transactional implementation of bounded queues - `TSem` - A transactional implementation of a counting semaphore
Magic `Conc` Shell
8 years ago
Concurrent now fully supports Swift 2.0! - Dependence on Swiftz has been broken. This library now stands independently. - Exception handling has been removed. Please use Swift's exception mechanisms. - `Box<T>` has been removed from all internal and external APIs.
Contemporaneous Swiftulosity
8 years ago
The Concurrent Framework is a collection of functional concurrency primitives inspired by [Concurrent ML](http://cml.cs.uchicago.edu/) and [Concurrent Haskell](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- This release includes: - `Chan`nels and Immutable `Chan`nels - Forking - Futures - Exception Handling - `MVar`s, `SVar`s, and `IVar`s - Quantity Semaphores
typelift/Abstract 0.1.0
Practical Abstract Algebra in Swift
⭐️ 47
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Free Structures and Algebraic Data Types
5 years ago
This release focuses on two main topics: free structures and algebraic data types. ## Free structures 4 free algebraic structures were defined as typealiases of existing and brand new data structures, that is: - `NonEmptyArray` (brand new) -> `FreeSemigroup`; - `Array` -> `FreeMonoid`; - `Multiset` (a.k.a. `Bag`, brand new) -> `FreeCommutativeMonoid`; - `Set` -> `FreeBoundedSemilattice`. A free representation for `Semiring` was also provided, with the type `SetM` (a `Set` where elements are monoids). ## Algebraic data types 3 algebraic data types were added, that is, data types that exist only for combining other types in interesting ways, that is: - `Product<A,B>`, representing `A` and `B` *at the same time*; - `Coproduct<A,B>`, representing *either* `A` *or* `B`; - `Inclusive<A,B>`, representing one of the following: - *only* type `A`; - *only* type `B`; - *both* types `A` and `B`. These types have definitions for the algebraic structures depending on the contained types: e.g. `Product<A,B>` is a `Monoid` if `A` and `B` are monoids. Finally, the `Function` type was included among the algebraic data types.
Update to Swift 4.1
6 years ago
Many changes: - new project structure, focused on separation of abstractions from concrete types; - use of conditional conformance throughout the whole project; - new `Function` type that selectively conforms to the protocols depending on the output type; - a couple of new concrete types.
Carthage support
6 years ago
Now `Abstract` properly builds with Carthage.
A nice starting point
6 years ago
The basics are done. I'm trying this release to see if I can integrate Abstract with another project via SwiftPM.

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