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Packages published by synesthesia-it

synesthesia-it/Murray 3.1.0
Easily add features to your projects by scaffolding new files with Stencil templates
⭐️ 54
🕓 39 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
39 weeks ago
Fixes #52 (@stefanomondino)
52 weeks ago
# Rewritten from scratch! Murray has been rewritten from scratch, now including support for YAML and JSON configuration and much more!
2 years ago
Fixed a bug preventing shell scripts defined in Murrayfile to be executed when no other shell script where defined in procedures.
Xcode 13
2 years ago
Compatibilty with Xcode 13
Better Phases
3 years ago
- Add before and after plugin to BonePaths - Renamed plugin phases to `before` and `after`
3 years ago
- Shell plugin (#37) - Recursive resolution of parameters in json strings (#39) - Bugfix: Absolute url support in Murrayfile packages (#40) - Bugfix: Bone clone support for repositories with BonePackage.json file in root folder (#41) - Support for plugin execution before and after each procedure (#44) - XCodePlugin is now based upon tuist/XcodeProj (written in Swift) rather than Cocoapods/Xcodeproj (written in ruby) (#33) - Fix folder duplication bug (#34) - SnakeCase filter (#35) - Got rid of --param explicit command. (#36)
4 years ago
## New Skin! (pun intended) Murray has been completely redesign from scratch in order to be simpler, smarter and more extensible. ### Key features - Specs and items now have a new hierachy: Specs becomes `Packages`, containing `Procedures` involving reusable `Items` - Paths are completely resolvable and include filenames: move `from` a template (`MyFile.template.txt`) `to` a resolvable destination (`Sources/{{name}}/{{name}}.txt`) - Packages can be cloned and directly edited inside the project. We dropped support for remote synch of a Bone repository since it was quite useful (if remote bones were changing, probably they wouldn't be compatible with already work in progress projects) - MurrayKit has now more separated concepts and steps (this will soon lead to a macOS App called MurrayStudio) For documentation, please use Readme.md in the homepage. Wiki references will only cover old 1.0 releases
synesthesia-it/Boomerang 6.8.0
Swift micro-framework for MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) native applications.
⭐️ 36
🕓 26 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
RxBoomerang and RxBoomerangTest pods
2 years ago
This release introduce RxBoomerang and RxBoomerangTest specs for Cocoapods for a better support in test environments. Support for macOS and watchOS is back (at ViewModel and compilation level) ## Breaking Changes - Removed `func elementSize(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> ElementSize?` in ListViewModel. > "Duality" between this method and `func elementSize(at indexPath: IndexPath, type: String?) -> ElementSize?` has caused some issues in normal usage in projects when overriding. We decided to keep a single method. This breaking change shouldn't have any impact on projects. ## New stuff - `WithPropertyAssignment` now works with both classes and structs, and includes a closure method to quickly edit object properties upon creation Example: `UILabel().with { $0.text = "hey!" }` - Introducing `RxBoomerang` pod, which should be preferred over `Boomerang/RxSwift`. This change should allow developers to quickly switch between SPM and Cocoapods without impact on their existing sources. > As of today, using `pod Boomerang/RxSwift` in Podfile requires to `import Boomerang` only even for Rx extensions. SPM requires a double import (Boomerang + RxBoomerang). With this change we keep the two approaches in sync. - Introducing `RxBoomerangTest`, a test framework to use in test targets, helping testing process of RxListViewModels and RxNavigationViewModels - Support for MacOS and Watchos targets > There's no real added value at the moment, as we're missing support for AppKit and WatchKit extensions like we have on UIKit. Support is added to simply allow complex projects to link Boomerang in sub-frameworks. - `RxStateMachine`: a state management helper built for tests based on [ComposableArchitecture](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture) concepts (credits: @jrBordet) - Some inline documentation - ... this changelog :) ## Fixes - LICENSE.md is now properly recognized as MIT by automatic parsers.
Improved Sections
3 years ago
This release includes some improvements after a first round of real-life testing in production apps. # Features: - `Section.Supplementary` has a public initializer - `Section` and `Section.Supplementary` have "`ing` methods", returning a copy of the struct instead of being `mutating` (example: `insert` and `inserting`) - RxCollectionView has dragNdrop support # Changes - `Section` id is now a `UniqueIdentifier` instead of a `String` and a default value of `UUID()`
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
synesthesia-it/Pax 1.0
iOS Drawer/SideMenu/HamburgerMenu
⭐️ 3
🕓 4 years ago

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