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Packages published by llvm-swift

llvm-swift/LLVMSwift 0.8.0
A Swift wrapper for the LLVM C API (version 11.0)
⭐️ 734
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
LLVMSwift now tracks LLVM 11.0. ⚠️ Breaking Changes Ahead ⚠️ - Minimum tools versions have been bumped to LLVM 11.0 and Swift tools 5.2 (h/t @twof & @ThatsJustCheesy). - Non-default `brew` install locations are now supported by the `utils/make-pkgconfig.swift` script (h/t @eonil). - `DIBuilder` methods now require explicitly-specified alignments. They previously defaulted to 0-alignment, which violates the DWARF standard. - A `sourceFilename` may now be set on a `Module`. This value still defaults to the value of `name`. (h/t @ColMcp) - In accordance with recent LLVM changes, alignments of 0 (the default) passed to `IRBuilder`'s `buildAlloca`, `buildStore`, and `buildLoad` will result in the target choosing a default alignment that is convenient and compatible with the type. This will impact output IR files, which previously left out default aligns altogether. - Per LLVM 10.0, unnamed function arguments now get printed with their automatically generated name (e.g. “i32 %0”) in IR function definitions. - `DIBuilder.buildCompileUnit` now accepts parameters for `sysRoot` and `sdkRoot`. - Fixed an issue where the `|=` and `<<=` operators were inverted for `Size` types. - Fixed issues in the behavior of `Alignment.log2` for zero-alignments and 64-bit results.
3 years ago
LLVMSwift now tracks LLVM 9.
4 years ago
⚠️ Breaking Changes Ahead ⚠️ - LLVMSwift now enforces deployment target constraints. In the future, we will continue to update this constraint in line with the LLVM homebrew package. - The `PassPipeliner` is now provided as an alternative to `FunctionPassManager`, which may crash if used in many common situations. Please migrate accordingly. - The `FunctionPassManager` is now deprecated - Documentation for core components continues to improve - An analog to LLVM’s infamous target `Triple` API has been added. APIs that previously dealt with Strings have been updated accordingly - The bindings to ObjectFile were not correct and were not nearly feature-rich enough. The API has been completely overhauled - The `IRInstruction` protocol has been added to unify instruction values around a common protocol. - Metadata can now be attached to instructions - The debug location accessor now supports being reset to `nil` without crashing - DIFile now exposes file metadata, and file metadata now exposes its source text, directory, and name - The Metadata Builder facility (`MDBuilder`) has been ported from LLVM - Additional bit-manipulation primitives for setting and clearing bits and getting leading and trailing 1’s counts have been added to `APInt` - The labels on `FunctionType`'s initializer have been removed - The internalize pass has been added - All SROA passes no longer differentiate between their parameters. They are now deprecated - SROA is available under with the unified `scalarReplacementOfAggregates` pass
5 years ago
LLVMSwift now tracks LLVM 8.0 - Convenience bindings to common memory intrinsics (memcpy/memset/memmove) and pointer/integral casts have been added - TargetData functions that used to take and return integers were deprecated last release. They are now removed. Please update to the corresponding functions using `Size` and `Alignment`. - More bindings to optimizer passes have been added - Support for the JIT on Linux has been restored - The value type of a global value is now accessible - A new API for retrieving and attaching metadata to global values and instructions has been added. - The new `APInt` type provides arbitrary precision integral arithmetic that is compatible with LLVM values - `BasicBlock` is now `Equatable` Intrinsics ======= LLVMSwift finally supports intrinsics! For more information, see [Intrinsics](Sources/LLVM/Intrinsic.swift).
5 years ago
- Convenience functions to insert the `llvm.dbg.declare` and `llvm.dbg.value` intrinsics have been added to the `DIBuilder` - Inline assembly builders have been improved. Notably, the choice of syntax is now customizable. - Bindings for inserting and manipulating module-level debug information flags has been added. - Bindings for a few missing optimization passes have been added - A crash in the setter for a module's link name has been resolved (h/t @matthewseaman) - All concrete instances of IRTypes are now equatable. Values of IRType may be compared directly but are not themselves `Equatable`.
5 years ago
LLVMSwift now tracks LLVM 7.0 In addition to breaking a lot of APIs, our upgrade path to LLVM 7.0 coincides with the first removals of deprecated APIs in LLVMSwift. Without further ado ⚠️ Breaking Changes Ahead ⚠️ - LLVMSwift now supports Swift 4.2 and the Swift 4.2 tooling and package manager - `cllvm` has been internalized to LLVMSwift. The separate repository has been archived and will no longer be maintained. - The `CallingConvention` enumeration has drastically expanded - APIs for COMDAT support have been added - The `IRConstant` protocol has been added, and all global values now conform to it. - The return type of APIs that return constants have been refined to use `IRConstant` where possible - Constant GEP, sign extension, and bitcasting APIs have been aded - Restrictions on function attributes have been completely lifted - Documentation for `ThreadLocalModel`s has drastically expanded and is much more accurate - `UnnamedAddress` now supports local unnamed addresses - Routines for adding globals have been moved from `IRBuilder` to `Module` where they belong - `StructType` now includes accessors for its opacity and whether it was created with bitpacking or not. - The `Size` and `Alignment` unit values have been added. Like clang's `CharUnits`, they prevent bugs with mixed-unit arithmetic and make it convenient to work with byte-level calculations. - APIs that used to take and return integers now speak in terms of `Size` and `Alignment`. Notably, `TargetData`'s functions that used to take and return integers now take and return `Size` and `Alignment`. The old forms are now deprecated - The `StructLayout` enum has been ported from LLVM to provide convenient access to the layout of `StructType`s. - Accessors for many more attributes of `TargetMachine` have been added. - The `Target`s supported by a `TargetMachine` are now enumerable. # ORCJIT LLVMSwift has migrated `JIT` to ORCJIT this release. To do so, we have completely removed and rewritten the old API. The ORCJIT will continue to evolve and stabilize over the next several LLVM releases. # Debug Information Last but not least, LLVMSwift now includes a nearly feature-complete implementation of LLVM's debug information APIs. It's been a long time coming, but creating and attaching metadata to IRValues is now a reality!
6 years ago
⚠️ Breaking Changes Ahead ⚠️ LLVMSwift now requires LLVM 6.0 and Swift 4.1 to build. In exchange, MetadataType and TokenType now have working initializers.
6 years ago
Support for the modern LLVM attribute API. ⚠️ Breaking Changes Ahead ⚠️ This is the last release of LLVMSwift that will fully support LLVM 5.0.
6 years ago
- Resolves an issue where MCJIT was not linked-into the calling process. - Documentation fixes - Additional constant operations to support [load-time inert references](http://duriansoftware.com/joe/Optimizing-global-constant-data-structures-using-relative-references.html)
Fix SwiftPM Versioning
6 years ago
We saw some issues with SwiftPM versioning of this project's dependencies. They now track explicit versions instead of `master`, so we can avoid transitive dependency issues.
llvm-swift/FileCheck 0.2.6
A standalone Swift version of LLVM's flexible pattern matching file verifier
⭐️ 66
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
Upgrade Swift Argument Parser to 1.1.0
3 years ago
Rebuild the `filecheck` tool with Swift Argument Parser
3 years ago
- Removed compilation warning from Swift 5.2.
4 years ago
* Fixed a bug where TTY devices aren't receiving colored output as intended.
4 years ago
- FileCheck now requires Xcode 11.2+ and Swift 5.1 to build.
4 years ago
- Error messages no longer include ANSI color code for non-terminal devices.
4 years ago
- Declare a new `filecheck` standalone tool
5 years ago
- FileCheck now requires Xcode 10.2+ and Swift 5 to build.
5 years ago
- FileCheck now requires Xcode 10 and Swift 4.2 to build
6 years ago
- Resolve multiple invalid buffer access conditions caught by ASAN - Dramatically speed up the Levenstein Distance computation
llvm-swift/PrettyStackTrace 0.0.7
A Swift library for printing a breadcrumb trace on a fatal signal.
⭐️ 45
🕓 4 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4 years ago
- Update SwiftPM dependency
5 years ago
Update to Swift 4.2
6 years ago
Update to Swift 4.1
6 years ago
6 years ago
llvm-swift/Lite 0.2.0
A test runner for compiler-like Swift projects
⭐️ 11
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4 years ago
- Update SwiftPM dependency.
5 years ago
- Improve performance of subshell spawning - Update to Swift 5
5 years ago
- Revert popen changes
5 years ago
- Swaps out ShellOut for SwiftPM's Basic.popen. This runs much faster than spawning bash for each invocation. This also means that any substitutions that are quoting the executable argument will fail.
Test Filtering
6 years ago
Customizable titles
6 years ago
Thanks @franklinsch!
6 years ago
Update to Swift 4.1
6 years ago
Update the ShellOut version
6 years ago

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