Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by YusukeHosonuma

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Packages published by YusukeHosonuma

YusukeHosonuma/SwiftPrettyPrint 1.4.0
Pretty print for Swift.
⭐️ 303
πŸ•“ 1 year ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


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1.4.0 - Hyouka
1 year ago
# Feature - SwiftUI Support #179, #180, #181, #182, #185, #186, #187, #188, #189, #190, #191 by @YusukeHosonuma # Bug fix - fix output-colored.log #192 by @sahara-ooga
1.3.0 - The Heike Story
1 year ago
# Feature - Support for UIResponder and its subclasses (#161). Thanks @heoblitz! - ANSI color support for console output (#165, #168, #173, #177). Thanks @dankinsoid! - Support splatting methods (#166). Thanks @dankinsoid! - Swift Web Assembly Support (#167). Thanks @fjtrujy! - Add pretty-print method to `View` of SwiftUI(#176). Thanks @YusukeHosonuma! *** Full Changes are here: https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftPrettyPrint/compare/1.2.0...1.3.0
1.2.0 - Humanity Has Declined
3 years ago
## Feature - Terminal integration with ANSI-Colored. - Output to external log files when running on iOS simulator or macOS. - See the [README](https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftPrettyPrint#terminal) more details. ## Bugfix - Ignore global label when LLDB command `_p` and `_pp`. ## Blog article (Japanese) [SwiftPrettyPrint 1.2.0 γ‚’γƒͺγƒͺγƒΌγ‚Ήγ—γΎγ—γŸγ€‚](https://blog.penginmura.tech/entry/2021/02/12/131249)
1.1.0 - Penguin Highway
3 years ago
This release includes two integrations, LLDB and Combine. - [LLDB integration](https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftPrettyPrint#LLDB) - [Combine integration](https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftPrettyPrint#Combine) Blog article (japanese): - [SwiftPrettyPrint 1.1.0 γ‚’γƒͺγƒͺγƒΌγ‚Ήγ—γΎγ—γŸγ€‚](https://blog.penginmura.tech/entry/swift-pretty-print-1.1.0)
4 years ago
**1st official release** πŸŽ‰
0.0.7 - Maruruku
4 years ago
- support `Date`, `CustomStringConvertible` and ` CustomDebugStringConvertible` ( #99 ) - uniform API naming ( #104 #108 ) - delete Xcode snippets ( #109 ) - internal improvements e.g. organize tests
0.0.6 - Bondorudo
4 years ago
- support prefix and label ( #77 #85 ) - support `enum` that has associated values ( #79 ) - support `Set` - support Linux. - improve pretty format ( #92 #96 ) - bugfix for ValueObject and `Optional<URL>` ( #97 )
0.0.5 - Reg
4 years ago
- support `tupple` ( #69 ) - support `enum` ( #70 ) - support output to any target ( #71 ) - add [code snippets](https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftPrettyPrint#xcode-code-snippets) ( #71 ) - support multiple-values and separator ( #75 )
0.0.4 - Habo-san
4 years ago
- add [operator-based API](https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftPrettyPrint#operator-based-api) ( #65 ) - API perfect safety ( #48 ) - support `URL` ( #43 ) - fix indent bug ( #68 ) - many internal improvements!!
0.0.3 - Raiza
4 years ago
- add OSS logo ( #30 ) - add format option ( #29 ) - support some basic-type ( #24 ) - support nested struct partially ( #26 ) - add example project of cocoapods ( #21 ) - many improvement for develop
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
YusukeHosonuma/SwiftUI-Simulator 1.6.0
:iphone: Simulate device configurations in real-time. (and useful tools for development)
⭐️ 79
πŸ•“ 1 year ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
## New feature of UserDefaults browser - Support AppGroup (`UserDefaults(suiteName: "xxx")`) - Support editing and export data. <img width="1033" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2990285/166862473-29bd09c0-5675-4541-8f72-84534ea65dcd.png"> **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftUI-Simulator/compare/1.5.0...1.6.0
1 year ago
## Feature: UserDefaults browser ( #42 #43 #45 ) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2990285/166130234-32180d43-7bd2-438e-9878-9016b7f739be.png)
2 years ago
- Add user custom debug menu. ( #38 ) - Add built-in modifier that display filename. ( #39 #41 ) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2990285/165708221-180d8378-5795-4d52-a16b-a7b773e8abca.png) <img width="608" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2990285/165708281-3ac6b454-2942-445d-b2ff-6249e6e1e37d.png">
2 years ago
## What's Changed * Feature: customize color of simulator components by @YusukeHosonuma in https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftUI-Simulator/pull/36 * Feature: reset to defaults by @YusukeHosonuma in https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftUI-Simulator/pull/32 * Feature: setting view by @YusukeHosonuma in https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftUI-Simulator/pull/31 * Bugfix: accent color is not working in dark-mode by @YusukeHosonuma in https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftUI-Simulator/pull/33 * Improvement: default value of device for `Locale` and `Calendar` by @YusukeHosonuma in https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftUI-Simulator/pull/35 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftUI-Simulator/compare/1.2.0...1.3.0
2 years ago
- Support `TimeZone`. ( #30 ) - Add example project. ( #29 )
2 years ago
- Support iPhone simulator and device. ( #24 ) - Add default scale screen. (#25 ) - Some improvements.
2 years ago
YusukeHosonuma/SwiftUI-Common 1.1.0
SwiftUI components that seem to be highly reusable.
⭐️ 79
πŸ•“ 1 year ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
1 year ago
Now conforms to the semantic version. ## Control <img width="581" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2990285/168200565-3a00f8bc-4669-4fb8-9623-562d58ae2cc9.png"> ## Extension - [CGSize+.swift](https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftUI-Common/blob/main/Sources/SwiftUICommon/Extension/CGSize%2B.swift) - `contains(_ other: CGSize) -> Bool` - [View+](https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftUI-Common/blob/main/Sources/SwiftUICommon/Extension/View%2B.swift) - `frame(size: CGSize?) -> some View` - `sizePreference() -> some View` - `onChangeSizePreference(_ perform: @escaping (CGSize) -> Void) -> some View` - `boundsPreference() -> some View` (iOS 15+) - `onChangeBoundsPreference(_ geometry: GeometryProxy, perform: @escaping (CGSize) -> Void) -> some View` (iOS 15+)
0.6.0 - `debug()`
2 years ago
- Add `debug()` to `View+`. ( #8 )
0.5.0 - `whenLet`
2 years ago
- Add `whenLet()` to `View+`. ( #6 )
0.4.0 - edge border modifier
2 years ago
- Add edge border modifier. #5
2 years ago
- Add: `View.when(<condition>) { view in ...}`
2 years ago
- Add `Binding` extensions.
2 years ago
2 years ago
iOS macOS
YusukeHosonuma/SwiftParamTest 2.2.1
Parameterized test for Swift
⭐️ 57
πŸ•“ 2 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
* remove `@_functionBuilder` warnings. ( #48 ) - Thanks! @sahara-ooga
4 years ago
- feature: [save markdown-table to XCTest attachment](https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftParamTest#save-or-output-markdown-table) ( #36 ) - can [specify parameters by each arguments](https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftParamTest#function-builders-api-recommended) instead of tuple - fix document ( #33 ) - Thanks! @sahara-ooga - many internal improvements (refactor and unit-test)
4 years ago
- support [instance method](https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftParamTest#example) ( #29 ) - make testable in Linux ( #28 ) - Thanks! @417-72KI - fix document ( #27 ) - Thanks! @hironytic
2.0.0 - NEWGAME!!
4 years ago
Introduce **new API** that used **Function builders** in Swift 5.1. (This release includes API breaking changes) - redesign API ( #22 ) - add [Xcode code snippets](https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftParamTest#xcode-code-snippets) (#23 ) - update README
1.1.0 - Fairies Story
4 years ago
* support [custom assertion](https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftParamTest#custom-assertion) ( #17 ) * add documentation comment and internal refactoring ( #19 )
1.0.0 - NEWGAME!
4 years ago
This release includes **API breaking changes**. * API change: `assert(_: ).forAll(_: )` to `assert(to: ).expect()` ( #14 ) * add Example project ( #13 ) * many improvement for development ( #8 #10 #12 ) * update README
4 years ago
4 years ago
* support Carthage ( #7 )
4 years ago
YusukeHosonuma/SFReadableSymbols 1.1.0
High readable code with SFSymbols.
⭐️ 14
πŸ•“ 2 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1.1.0 (SFSymbols 3.3)
2 years ago
## What's Changed * Support SFSymbols 3.3. #2 * Platform version restrictions eliminated. (So you can use any platform that supports SFSymbols) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2990285/164892046-e7c7cbc9-1ddc-48be-8156-5518a023dac6.png)
2 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
YusukeHosonuma/LifeGame 1.5.0
Swift Library for the Game of Life.
⭐️ 7
πŸ•“ 3 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1.5.0 - Shizuru
3 years ago
1.4.0 - Saren
3 years ago
- Make `Board` to `public`.
1.3.0 - Kyoka
3 years ago
add `generation` property to `LifeGameBoard` (#3 #4)
1.2.0 - Kokkoro
3 years ago
Add `LifeGameBoard.random(size:)`. ( #2 )
1.1.0 - Kyaru
3 years ago
Add apply().
1.0.0 - Pecori-nu
3 years ago
YusukeHosonuma/SHList 0.1.0
HList for Swift by statically meta-programming.
⭐️ 5
πŸ•“ 1 year ago
YusukeHosonuma/Flatten 0.1.0
Flatten method reference that resolved to SE-0042.
⭐️ 3
πŸ•“ 1 year ago
YusukeHosonuma/SwiftRLE 0.1.0
Run-length encoding (RLE) library for Swift.
⭐️ 2
πŸ•“ 3 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
0.1.0 - Ikaruga
3 years ago
1st release.

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