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ReactiveX/RxSwift 6.7.1
Reactive Programming in Swift
⭐️ 24,158
🕓 13 hours ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Seder.1 🌾
16 hours ago
RxSwift 6.7.1 🌾 - Fixed an issue preventing RxSwift to build on visionOS
Seder 🌾
1 week ago
## RxSwift 6.7.0 🌾 - Add support for visionOS (Thanks @nighthawk) #2564 - Align CocoaPods macOS deployment target to 10.10 (Like SPM) - Link XCTest weakly on CocoaPods to allow static linking (Thanks @mkj-is) #2587 - Fix and align factory closure runtimes (Thanks @danielt1263) #2534 - Fix a possible crash in RxDelegateProxy (Thanks @sejal-hotstar) #2546 - Fix release build warning from missing explicit imports (Thanks @drewster99) #2555 - Various code formatting and documentation fixes (Thanks @sanghun0724, @nicholaskim94, @fanqiaojun, @honghoker, @annie-gupta, @woin2ee, @danielt1263)
Onyx 🪨
50 weeks ago
## RxSwift 6.6.0 🪨 - New helpful conversions to `Infallible` - Fix an issue with continuation leak for `async/await` bridge - Improve atomicity of `BooleanDisposable` - Crash workaround for `Table/CollectionViewDelegateProxy` - New `Infallible` helpers for `CombineLatest` - More minor fixes and updates - Support catalyst for xcframework distribution
2 years ago
## RxSwift 6.5.0 - Swift Concurrency is here! 🎊💯 You can now use `await` on `Observable`-conforming objects (as well as `Driver`, `Signal`, `Infallible`, `Single`, `Completable`) using the following syntax: ```swift do { for try await value in observable.values { print(value) // Next event } // Completed here } catch { // Error event print("An error occurred:", error.localizedDescription) } ``` Check out the [full documentation](https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxSwift/blob/main/Documentation/SwiftConcurrency.md) for additional information: https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxSwift/blob/main/Documentation/SwiftConcurrency.md
2 years ago
Support Xcode 12.5
2 years ago
RxSwift 5.1.3 is a patch release to provide support for Xcode 12.5 for those who are still using RxSwift 5.x. We recommend upgrading to RxSwift 6.x as soon as possible, regardless.
3 years ago
# RxSwift 6.1 Thanks to @iDevid, @marcelofabri, @faimin and @danielt1263 for their contributions to this release 🤘 💯 ## Breaking Changes 🔥 - **Deprecate withUnretained for `Driver`** > **Note**: It is extremely rare to ship a breaking change in a patch release, but this is a relatively fresh feature with unusual circumstances. For the full story, see #2290. ## Other changes 🆕 - Add new `subscribe(with:onNext:onError:onCompleted:onDisposed:)` alternatives to `withUnretained`. This exists for all traits and types: `Observable`, `Driver`, `Signal`, `Infallible`, `Completable`, `Single`, `Maybe` #2290 - `Reactive` now supports structs and value-types again, with the dynamic look-up specifically dealing with `AnyObject`s #2285 - Fix xcframework support for `RxCocoa` (Drag in new **RxCocoaRuntime.xcframework** alongside `RxCocoa`) - Freeze `MaybeEvent` and `CompletableEvent` #2271 #2272 - Fix missing **RxCocoaRuntime.h** header in `RxCocoa` podspec #2281 - Remove invalid **libswiftXCTest.dylib** linking to support Xcode 12.5 - Print URLRequest body `httpBody`, regardless of HTTP Method #2288
3 years ago
# RxSwift 6 is here! ### New year, new version, new logo - such an exciting day! 🥳 <p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxSwift/raw/main/assets/RxSwift_Logo.png" width="25%" alt="RxSwift Logo" /> </p> To get a glimpse of what this new major version packs, check out the following blog post: [What's new in RxSwift 6](https://dev.to/freak4pc/what-s-new-in-rxswift-6-2nog) > **Note**: RxSwift 6 supports Xcode 12 and Swift 5.3 and has a minimum deployment target of iOS 9. - All `ReactiveCompatible` objects (`.rx` namespace) get `Binder`s for all properties for free using `@dynamicMemberLookup`. - New `Infallible` object which is identical to `Observable` with the guarantee of never failing. - Add variadic `drive()` and `emit()` to multiple observers and relays. - New `decode(type:decoder:)` operator for `ObsrvableType`s of `Data`. - `SingleEvent` is now simply `Result<Element, Swift.Error>` and methods changed accordingly (e.g. `subscribe(onSuccess:onFailure:)`). - Add `ReplayRelay`. - Add new `withUnretained(_:)` operator. - Add `distinctUntilChanged(at keyPath:)`. - Add `UIApplication` Reactive extensions . - Rename `catchError(_:)` to `catch(_:)`. - Rename `catchErrorJustReturn(_:)` to `catchAndReturn(_:)`. - Rename `elementAt(_:)` to `element(at:)`. - Rename `retryWhen(_:)` to `retry(when:)`. - Rename `takeUntil(_:)` to `take(until:)` and `takeUntil(behavior:_:)` to `take(until:behavior:)`. - Rename `takeWhile(_:)` to `take(while:)` and `takeWhile(behavior:_:)` to `take(while:behavior:)`. - Rename `take(_:)` duration overload to `take(for:)` (e.g. `take(for: .seconds(3))`). - Rename `skipWhile(_:)` to `skip(while:)`. - Rename `takeUntil(_:)` to `take(until:)`. - Rename `observeOn` and `subscribeOn` to `observe(on:)` and `subscribe(on:)`. - `ignoreElements()` now returns `Observable<Never>`. - Make `SharedSequence` conform to `ObservableConvertibleType`. - Add `onDisposed` to `Maybe`, `Completable` and `Single`. - Unify and optimize swizzling extensions into a single one. - Add `DisposeBag` function builder to allow easy comma-less initialization of a `DisposeBag`. - Advance support of XCFrameworks by enabling `BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION` and cleaning up. - Move URLSession logging settings to a more appropriate URLSession.rx.shouldLogRequest configurable closure. - Many, many, **many** quality of life bugs and fixes.
3 years ago
# RxSwift 6.0.0 RC2 **This is the second and (probably) final Release Candidate of RxSwift 6.** **The official 6.0.0 should be released in the upcoming weeks and should be mostly identical to this.** > **Note**: RxSwift 6 supports Xcode 12 and Swift 5.3 and has a minimum deployment target of iOS 9. Everything in RC1, plus: - Support for XCFrameworks, with binaries now bundled with each release. - Updated tests for new `Infallible` trait. - Fix an issue building for watchOS. - Move `URLSession` logging settings to a more appropriate `URLSession.rx.shouldLogRequest` configurable closure. - README, CI, and additional house cleaning.
6.0.0 RC1
3 years ago
# RxSwift 6.0.0 RC1 **This is the first Release Candidate of RxSwift 6.** > **Note**: RxSwift 6 supports Xcode 12 and Swift 5.3 and has a minimum deployment target of iOS 9. - All `ReactiveCompatible` objects (`.rx` namespace) get `Binder`s for all properties for free using `@dynamicMemberLookup`. - New `Infallible` object which is identical to `Observable` with the guarantee of never failing. - Add variadic `drive()` and `emit()` to multiple observers and relays. - New `decode(type:decoder:)` operator for `ObsrvableType`s of `Data`. - `SingleEvent` is now simply `Result<Element, Swift.Error>` and methods changed accordingly (e.g. `subscribe(onSuccess:onFailure:)`). - Add `ReplayRelay`. - Add `distinctUntilChanged(at keyPath:)`. - Add `UIApplication` Reactive extensions . - Rename `catchError(_:)` to `catch(_:)`. - Rename `catchErrorJustReturn(_:)` to `catchAndReturn(_:)`. - Rename `elementAt(_:)` to `element(at:)`. - Rename `retryWhen(_:)` to `retry(when:)`. - Rename `takeUntil(_:)` to `take(until:)` and `takeUntil(behavior:_:)` to `take(until:behavior:)`. - Rename `takeWhile(_:)` to `take(while:)` and `takeWhile(behavior:_:)` to `take(while:behavior:)`. - Rename `take(_:)` duration overload to `take(for:)` (e.g. `take(for: .seconds(3))`). - Rename `skipWhile(_:)` to `skip(while:)`. - Rename `takeUntil(_:)` to `take(until:)`. - Rename `observeOn` and `subscribeOn` to `observe(on:)` and `subscribe(on:)`. - `ignoreElements()` now returns `Observable<Never>`. - Make `SharedSequence` conform to `ObservableConvertibleType`. - Add `onDisposed` to `Maybe`, `Completable` and `Single`. - Unify and optimize swizzling extensions into a single one. - Add `DisposeBag` function builder to allow easy comma-less initialization of a `DisposeBag`. - Advance support of `xcframework`s by enabling `BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION` and cleaning up. - Many, many, **many** quality of life bugs and fixes.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS linux macOS iOS

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