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Packages published by ReactiveCocoa

ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa v4.2.2
Cocoa framework and Obj-C dynamism bindings for ReactiveSwift.
⭐️ 19,943
🕓 12 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
This is the first release of ReactiveCocoa 12.0. ## Change 1. This is a matching release for ReactiveSwift 7.0, which contained minor ABI and source breaking changes.
2 years ago
This is a patch release of ReactiveCocoa 11.2. ## Changes 1. Building from Xcode project no longer warns about use of deprecated class keyword usage. (#3726, kudos to @michalsrutek) 2. Updated Carthage xcconfig dependency to 1.1 for proper building arm64 macOS variants. (#3728, kudos to @iby)
3 years ago
This is a patch release of ReactiveCocoa 11.2. ## Change 1. Fixed missing Foundation import when building with SPM in Xcode 12.5. (#3725, kudos to @TimPapler)
3 years ago
This is the second minor release of ReactiveCocoa 11. ## Changes 1. Requires ReactiveSwift 6.6.0 or later. 2. The minimum deployment target for iOS has been raised consistently to 9.0 across all integration mediums.
3 years ago
This is the first minor release of ReactiveCocoa 11. # Changes 1. Bumped minimum deployment target to iOS 9.0. (#3712)
3 years ago
This is a breaking major release of ReactiveCocoa. ## Removal 1. Binding for `WKInterfaceActivityRing` has been removed, since it causes watchOS builds to be linked with HealthKit, leading to potential App Store rejections for apps who do not use HealthKit. (#3706) Users who depend on the `WKInterfaceActivityRing` binding [should consider replicating them in their projects instead](https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa/blob/10.3.0/ReactiveCocoa/WatchKit/WKInterfaceActivityRing.swift).
3 years ago
## Changes 1. Don't include code which uses unavailable classes (like `NSSlider`) when targeting macOS Catalyst. (#3698, kudos to @nkristek) 1. Fixed watchOS build issues. (#3703, kudos to @JaviSoto)
4 years ago
## Changes 1. Update ReactiveSwift to 6.2. 1. Support for Swift Package Manager (#3692, #3676 & #3693, kudos to @fabio-cerdeiral-ck, @sharplet and @simba909)
4 years ago
This is the first minor release of ReactiveCocoa 10. It supports Swift 5.0 (Xcode 10.2/Xcode 10.3) and Swift 5.1 (Xcode 11). ## Changes - Update dependencies so ReactiveCocoa can be used with Xcode 11 (#3677, kudos to @olejnjak) ## Bugfixes - Fix crashes of `NSObject.signal(for:)` and `NSObject.producer(for:)` with Objective-C enums (#3667, kudos to @gfontenot) ## Additions - Add a binding target for the `barTintColor` of `UINavigationBar` (#3675, kudos to @rehatkathuria) - Add reactive extensions for standard WatchKit interface objects. (#3670, kudos to @tdimeco)
5 years ago
This is the first release of ReactiveCocoa 10.0. It supports Xcode 10.2 and Swift 5.0. ## Changes 1. Update ReactiveSwift to 6.0. 1. Remove dependency on antitypical/Result. ### Migration notes * If you have used `Result` only as dependency of `ReactiveSwift`, remove all instances of `import Result`, `import enum Result.NoError` or `import struct Result.AnyError` and remove the `Result` Framework from your project. * Replace all cases where `NoError` was used in a `Signal` or `SignalProducer` with `Never` * Replace all cases where `AnyError` was used in a `Signal` or `SignalProducer` with `Swift.Error`
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveSwift 7.1.1
Streams of values over time
⭐️ 2,958
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
This the second minor release of ReactiveSwift 7. The minimum deployment targets for Apple OSes have been increased to iOS 11, macOS 10.13, tvOS 11 and watchOS 4. If you need to support older OS versions, please continue to use 7.0.0 or 7.1.0. 1. Bumped deployment target to iOS 11, tvOS 11, watchOS 4, macOS 10.13, per Xcode 14 warnings (#865, kudos to @lickel) 1. Explicitly declare `APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY` for CocoaPods (#866, kudos to @lickel)
1 year ago
This the first minor release of ReactiveSwift 7. The minimum deployment targets for Apple OSes have been increased to iOS 10, macOS 10.12, tvOS 10 and watchOS 3. If you need to support older OS versions, please continue to use 7.0.0. # Changes 1. Add CI Release jobs on tag push (#862, kudos to @p4checo) 1. Fix some issues related to locking, bumped min OS versions to iOS 10, macOS 10.12, tvOS 10, watchOS 3 (#859, kudos to @mluisbrown) 1. Add `async` helpers to Schedulers (#857, kudos to @p4checo) 1. Add primary associated types to SignalProducerConvertible & SignalProducerProtocol (#855, kudos to @braker1nine) 2. Refactor Github Actions to cover more swift versions (#858, kudos to @braker1nine) 1. Use `OSAllocatedUnfairLock` instead of `os_unfair_lock` on supported Apple platforms (#856, kudos to @mluisbrown)
2 years ago
This is the first release of ReactiveSwift 7.0. It has a couple of minor breaking changes in both ABI and source over ReactiveSwift 6.0. ## Changes 1. The UnidirectionalBinding operator `<~` returns non optional values. (#834, kudos to @NicholasTD07) 1. Fixed issue where `SingalProducer.try(upTo:interval:count:)` shares state between invocation of `start` on the same producer. (#829, kudos to @sebastiangrail) 1. `Signal.Event` is now marked as frozen enum. (#841, kudos to @NachoSoto)
2 years ago
This is the seventh minor release of ReactiveSwift 6. ## Additions 1. `Signal` offers two special variants for advanced users: unserialized and reentrant-unserialized. (#797) The input observer of these variants assume that mutual exclusion has been enforced by its callers. You can create these variants through four `Signal` static methods: `unserialized(_:)`, `unserializedPipe(_:)`, `reentrantUnserialized(_:)` and `reentrantUnserializedPipe(_:)`. These would be adopted by ReactiveCocoa UIKit bindings to improve interoperability with Loop, to tackle some legitimate recursive delivery scenarios (e.g. around first responder management), and also to reduce fine-grained locking in ReactiveCocoa. Note that the default behavior of `Signal` has not been changed — event serialization remains the default behavior. 1. `SignalProducer` offers an unserialized variant via `SignalProducer.unserialized(_:)`. (#797) 1. `TestScheduler` can now advanced its clock by `TimeInterval`. (#828, kudos to @carsten-wenderdel) ## Changes 1. `Signal` and Properties now use fewer locks, which should translate into minor performance improvements. (#797) 1. Fixed spelling error in `Lifetime.Token` class documentation. (#835, kudos to @ansonj) 1. As a continued refactoring effort since ReactiveSwift 6.6.0, all unary `Signal` and `SignalProducer` operators have been migrated to a new internal representation. When debugging your application, the call stacks involving ReactiveSwift may now look cleaner, without the clutter of compiler-generated reabstraction thunks. See #799 for an example.
6.7.0 Release Candidate 1
2 years ago
Release Candidate 1 of ReactiveSwift 6.7.0 has been promoted to be the stable release. Check [the 6.7.0 release note](https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveSwift/releases/tag/6.7.0) for more details.
2 years ago
## Changes 1. Updated Carthage xcconfig dependency to 1.1 for proper building arm64 macOS variants. (#826, kudos to @MikeChugunov) 1. Fixed issue with `SignalProducer.Type.interval()` making Swift 5.3 a requirement. (#823 kudos to @mluisbrown)
3 years ago
This is the sixth minor release of ReactiveSwift 6.0. ## Addition 1. Added the `SignalProducer.Type.interval()` operator for emitting values on a regular schedule. (#810, kudos to @mluisbrown) ## Changes 1. When debugging your application, the call stacks involving ReactiveSwift may start to look cleaner and less cryptic. This is an on-going refactoring effort to improve the developer experience. See #799 for an example. 1. Bumped deployment target to iOS 9.0, per Xcode 12 warnings. (#818, kudos to @harleyjcooper) 1. Fixed a few deprecation warning when the project is being built. (#819, kudos to @apps4everyone)
3 years ago
This is the fifth minor release of ReactiveSwift 6.0. ⚠️ ReactiveSwift 6.5.0 is a **strongly recommended update**, especially for users routinely lifting custom `Signal` operators to work with `SignalProducer`. ## Changes 1. Fixed a `SignalProducer.lift` issue which may leak intermediate signals. (#808) 1. Add ExpressibleByNilLiteral constraint to OptionalProtocol (#805, kudos to @nkristek) 1. Add variadic sugar for boolean static methods such as `Property.any(boolProperty1, boolProperty2, boolProperty3)` (#801, kudos to @fortmarek)
3 years ago
This is the forth minor release of ReactiveSwift 6. ## Changes 1. Minimum deployment target is now iOS 9.0+ when using Swift Package Manager, so as to silence Xcode 12 warnings. (#802) 1. Fix a debug assertion in `Lock.try()` that could be raised in earlier OS versions (< iOS 10.0, < macOS 10.12). (#747, #788) Specifically, ReactiveSwift now recognizes `EDEADLK` as expected error code from `pthread_mutex_trylock` alongside `0`, `EBUSY` and `EAGAIN`.
3 years ago
This is the third minor release of ReactiveSwift 6. ## Additions 1. `Property` and `MutableProperty` can now be used as property wrapper. Note that they remain a reference type container, so it may not be appropriate to use them in types requiring value semantics. (#781) ```swift class ViewModel { @MutableProperty var count: Int = 0 func subscribe() { self.$count.producer.startWithValues { print("`count` has changed to \(count)") } } func increment() { print("count prior to increment: \(count)") self.$count.modify { $0 += 1 } } } ``` 1. When `combineLatest` or `zip` over a sequence of `SignalProducer`s or `Property`s, you can now specify an optional `emptySentinel` parameter, which would be used when the sequence is empty. This becomes relevant, when the sequence of producers is calculated from some other Signal and the signal resulting from the joined producers is observed. If no value is sent when the sequence is empty, the observer gets terminated silently, and, e.g., the UI would not be updated. (#774, kudos to @rocketnik) ## Miscellaneous 1. Test dependencies should no longer be built for SwiftPM users, as a result of ReactiveSwift moving to `swft-tools-version: 5.2`. (#784)
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
ReactiveCocoa/reactiveswift-composable-architecture 0.50.0
A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
⭐️ 160
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
## Brings the fork up to date with the upstream TCA release [0.50.0](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.50.0) Please refer to the TCA release notes for [0.46.0](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.50.0).
1 year ago
## Brings the fork up to date with the upstream TCA release [0.49.2](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.49.2) Please refer to the TCA release notes for [0.49.0](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.49.0), [0.49.1](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.49.1) and [0.49.2](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.49.2). ### ⚠️ ReactiveSwift TCA specific changes As discussed in https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-dependencies/discussions/16, the best long term solution was to simply rename the `mainQueue` dependency keyPath to be `\.mainQueueScheduler`, avoiding ambiguity with the `\.mainQueue` defined in `Dependencies` (which relies on CombineSchedulers). As such, RAS-TCA users should use the `\.mainQueueScheduler` hey path when declaring `DateScheduler` dependencies: ```swift @Dependency(\.mainQueueScheduler) var mainQueue ``` As a consequence, updating a dependency (e.g. in unit tests) should be done using the `mainQueueScheduler` property: ```swift let mainQueue = TestScheduler() // ... store.dependencies.mainQueueScheduler = mainQueue // ... ```
1 year ago
Previous 0.48.1 version cherry pick somehow wasn't properly done and some changes were missing, possibly due to some poorly done git rebases. This release contains all upstream changes from 0.47.2 ... 0.48.1 which were then reapplied on top of `master`. This should hopefully now include all changes. Apologies for any inconvenience 🙏🏼
1 year ago
## Brings the fork up to date with the upstream TCA release [0.48.1](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.48.1) Please refer to the TCA release notes for [0.48.0](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.48.0) and [0.48.1](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.48.1).
1 year ago
## Brings the fork up to date with the upstream TCA release [0.47.2](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.47.2) Please refer to the TCA release notes for [0.47.0](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.47.0), [0.47.1](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.47.1) and [0.47.2](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.47.2).
1 year ago
## Brings the fork up to date with the upstream TCA release [0.46.0](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.46.0) Please refer to the TCA release notes for [0.46.0](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.46.0).
1 year ago
## Brings the fork up to date with the upstream TCA release [0.45.0](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.45.0) Please refer to the TCA release notes for [0.45.0](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.45.0).
1 year ago
## Brings the fork up to date with the upstream TCA release [0.44.1](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.44.1) Please refer to the TCA release notes for [0.44.1](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.44.1) and [0.44.0](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.44.0).
1 year ago
## Brings the fork up to date with the upstream TCA release [0.43.0](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.43.0) Please refer to the TCA release notes for [0.43.0](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture/releases/tag/0.43.0).
1 year ago
## Fixes ReactiveSwift dependency in Package.swift ReactiveSwift's dependency was incorrectly defined as `branch: "7.1.0"` instead of `from "7.1.0"` in `Package.swift`. Apologies for any inconvenience 🙏🏼
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
ReactiveCocoa/Loop 3.0.0
Composable unidirectional data flow with ReactiveSwift.
⭐️ 74
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
This is the first stable release of Loop 2.0. It requires Swift 5.2, and supports CocoaPods, Carthage and Swift Package Manager (tools version 5.2). ## API consolidation Introduce `Loop`, a thread-safe implementation as the source of truth for your unidirectional data flows. It is renamed from the v1.0 `FeedbackLoop`, and merged with features from the experimental compositional `Store`. Note that `Loop` now starts as it is initialised — `start()` and `stop()` previously provided by `FeedbackLoop` are now no-op and are officially deprecated. ## API changes #### New feedback variants `Loop` now provides two new feedback variants: * `whenBecomesTrue(_:effects:)` Given a predicate over the loop state, it spawns an effect with a snapshot of the state, when a positive edge is observed from the the predicate output. It automatically cancels any outstanding effect if a negative edge is observed. * `firstValueAfterNil(_:effects:)` Given a transform over the loop state, it spawns an effect with the first non-nil value from the transform output. It automatically cancels any outstanding effect if any `nil` is observed. #### Deprecated feedback variants The aforementioned feedback variants are intended to replace `predicate:` as a standard offering in Loop. We believe that the new variants provide more specialised semantics for the purpose of application development. Most importantly, from the production experience of Loop observed, we are confident that these are more flexible defaults to adapt to the variety in state modelling complexity (e.g., from sum type FSM, to product of sums). #### Scoped loops You can now create **scoped loops** through `Loop.scoped` to create lens of your root loop for injecting into different areas of your application. #### Note on the scheduler-bound loop API The scheduler-bound loop API — instantiated via `Property.init` or `SignalProducer.system` — has been deprecated since Loop 1.0. They may be removed in the next major release.
2.0 beta 3
3 years ago
This is the third beta release of Loop 2.0. It requires Swift 5.2, and supports CocoaPods, Carthage and Swift Package Manager (tools version 5.2). ## Changes See [the release note for Loop 2.0 beta 1](https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/Loop/releases/tag/2.0.0-beta1) for important changes in 2.0. * Fixed an issue of `firstValueAfterNil` not starting the effect, when the the supplied `(State) -> U?` transform does yield non-nil value for the initial state. (#22) * Fixed an issue of `whenBecomesTrue` not starting the effect, when the the supplied `(State) -> Bool` predicate does pass with the initial state. (#22) * Fix a scenario where reentrant calls to `Loop.send(_:)` should work but deadlock instead. (#23)
2.0 beta 2
3 years ago
This is the second beta release of Loop 2.0. It requires Swift 5.2, and supports CocoaPods, Carthage and Swift Package Manager (tools version 5.2). ## Changes See [the release note for Loop 2.0 beta 1](https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/Loop/releases/tag/2.0.0-beta1) for important changes in 2.0. * Fixed a rare scenario in which enqueued events might be left unprocessed . (#21) * Fixed the pod spec for not requiring ReactiveSwift 6.2 or above. (#20)
2.0 beta 1
3 years ago
This is the first beta release of Loop 2.0. It requires Swift 5.2, and supports CocoaPods, Carthage and Swift Package Manager (tools version 5.2). ## API consolidation Introduce `Loop`, a thread-safe implementation as the source of truth for your unidirectional data flows. It is renamed from the v1.0 `FeedbackLoop`, and merged with features from the experimental compositional `Store`. Note that `Loop` now starts as it is initialised — `start()` and `stop()` previously provided by `FeedbackLoop` are now no-op and are officially deprecated. ## API changes #### New feedback variants `Loop` now provides two new feedback variants: * `whenBecomesTrue(_:effects:)` Given a predicate over the loop state, it spawns an effect with a snapshot of the state, when a positive edge is observed from the the predicate output. It automatically cancels any outstanding effect if a negative edge is observed. * `firstValueAfterNil(_:effects:)` Given a transform over the loop state, it spawns an effect with the first non-nil value from the transform output. It automatically cancels any outstanding effect if any `nil` is observed. #### Deprecated feedback variants The aforementioned feedback variants are intended to replace `predicate:` as a standard offering in Loop. We believe that the new variants provide more specialised semantics for the purpose of application development. Most importantly, from the production experience of Loop observed, we are confident that these are more flexible defaults to adapt to the variety in state modelling complexity (e.g., from sum type FSM, to product of sums). #### Scoped loops You can now create **scoped loops** through `Loop.scoped` to create lens of your root loop for injecting into different areas of your application. #### Note on the scheduler-bound loop API The scheduler-bound loop API — instantiated via `Property.init` or `SignalProducer.system` — has been deprecated since Loop 1.0. They may be removed in the next major release.
3 years ago
The community fork of [ReactiveFeedback](https://github.com/babylonpartners/ReactiveFeedback) has been renamed to ReactiveCocoa **Loop**. Snippets for updating your dependency declarations: ``` // Package.swift .package(url: "https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/Loop", from: "1.0.0") // Cartfile github "ReactiveCocoa/Loop" ~> 1.0 // Podfile pod "Loop", "~> 1.0"
3 years ago
1. Fixed a race condition in the new synchronous `FeedbackLoop`. https://github.com/babylonhealth/ReactiveFeedback/pull/58 2. Fixed a bug in the async `Property` feedback loop API, causing the reducer not runnig the specified `Scheduler`. https://github.com/babylonhealth/ReactiveFeedback/pull/57/ 3. Experimental support for feedback & reducer composition. https://github.com/babylonhealth/ReactiveFeedback/pull/49
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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