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Packages published by OAuthSwift

OAuthSwift/OAuthSwift v0.5.2
Swift based OAuth library for iOS
⭐️ 3,220
🕓 2 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
## ✨ Features - Automatically refresh access tokens in OAuthSwiftClient (#596) @Timac - Add logging mechanism (#586) @svoip - Add Reddit service to OAuthSwift demo (#641) @nnbrandon ## 🐛 Bug Fixes - Fix Mac catalyst compilation (#658) @phimage - 🐛 Encode signature parameters when using PLAINTEXT format (#657) @phatblat - optionally change authorize url param names (#655) @daironmichel - 🐛 Add colon after scheme in error redirect URL (#654) @phatblat - Fixes #653 - 🚨 Fix warning (#650) @phatblat - Code verifier & code challenge generator for working with PKCE (#647) @MrWoWander - Restore lint-ability to OAuthSwift Podspec cocoapod (#643) @macbellingrath - Conditionally omit consumer secret when refreshing token (Issue #625) bug (#633) @paullalonde - Fix the signature format for PLAINTEXT (#623) @chrishannah - Calling Convenience initialiser when subclassing OAuth2Swift fails from xcode 11.4 onwards (#617) @jlynch1 - Fixes #613 - Fix for compiling Mac Framework (#612) @tevendale - Fix broken build when compiling for Mac Catalyst (#605) @Timac - Fix a warning due to a string interpolation with an optional value (#602) @Timac - handle SFAuthenticationSession/ASWebAuthenticationSession canceledLogin errors (#599) @eastsss - Remove redundant package snippet in README.md (#593) @MaxDesiatov - adding instructions on how to use with Swift Package Manager (#587) @thomasburguiere - Remove redundant URL initializer call from README (#583) @MaxDesiatov - Remove unnecessary parens in README.md (#582) @MaxDesiatov ## 🎲 Misc - 🔖 Release 2.2.0 (#659) @phatblat - Set OAuthSwift pod version to 2.1.3 (#620) @vgritsenko - Addresses #656 - Update travis osx_image (#651) @phimage
3 years ago
Some fix for tvOS compatibility
4 years ago
2.1.0 `Catalyst`
4 years ago
- Support of macCatalyst, add `ASWebAuthenticationURLHandler` @nrivard - Fix some deprecation warnings ## demo app - add twitch to demo app @coolioxlr - add `ASWebAuthenticationURLHandler` to demo app - demo app tested with macCatalyst - better with dark mode - use WKWebView instead of deprecated UIWebView
2.0.1 SwiftPM
4 years ago
- Fix swiftPM - Fix build extension @shadyoak - Change on lock mecanism @flangel
4 years ago
Big breaking change on callback closure! `Result` type is now used to merge the success and failure closure into one. ```swift oauthswift.authorize(..) { result in switch result { case .success(let (credential, response, parameters)): // do something case .failure(let error): // do something } } ``` ```swift oauthswift.client.get(...) { result in switch result { case .success(let response): // do something case .failure(let error): // do something } } ``` You can use the previous version 1.4.x if you do not want to upgrade your code
4 years ago
Revert change for #522 - no need to retain `authorizeURLHandler` - but to break memory cycle you can call `.weak()` on your `OAuthSwiftURLHandlerType`
4 years ago
swift 5 @alex-taffe Add Safari views for iOS 11+ @SMillerDev Fix #492 : option useRFC3986ToEncodeToken on OAutSwift1 Fix #509 : change on error domain, no more use of URLErrorDomain Fix #522 : now `authorizeURLHandler` attribute are "weak" to break cycle -> you must retain your object elsewhere to not be deallocated
6 years ago
## New - add `encodeCallbackURL` to oauth 2 to URL encore callback URL. Seems to be needed for some services issue #339, pr #325 - in SafariURLHandler `presentViewControllerAnimated` variable added by @felipeflorencio - Optionally add callback URL to authorize URL using `addCallbackURLToAuthorizeURL` field of OAuth1Swift , as requested by PR #373 - add NounProject and Digu to demo app ## Change - swift 3.1 warning @patricks @hiragram - restore OAuth1Swift `init` without URL parameters @josephquigley - Allow changing grand type of device token authorisation Fix #377 - Add `parameters` parameter to renewAccessToken @wesley-dynamicowl ## Fix - Do not send oauth_verifier query parameter if not necessary ie. if allowMissingOAuthVerifier=true, Fix #334 - Fix a crash when encoding credentials in a test target @eunikolsky
7 years ago
# Change - Now success Handler return a `OAuthSwiftResponse`, which contains the `Data`, the `HTTPURLResponse` and `URLRequest` - On this object you can get decoded json object, string value, ... - You can extends `OAuthSwiftResponse` to use some JSON decoded like `SwiftyJSON` or any object mapper - If there is some problem to encode URL with OAuth2, "handle" is not returned (request is cancelled) # New - `OAuthSwiftError` implement `CustomNSError` protocol - Ability to specify body data for POST request - Add wordpress in demo # Fix - Fix multipart request with some parameter #287 @ktakayama - Fix OAuthSwiftCredential.Version init(:) error @bzmario
OAuthSwift/OAuthSwiftAlamofire 1.0.0beta
Utility method to sign Alamofire request
⭐️ 104
🕓 3 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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