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Packages published by zenangst

zenangst/Hue 5.0.1
:art: Hue is the all-in-one coloring utility that you'll ever need.
โญ๏ธ 3,482
๐Ÿ•“ 30 weeks ago
๐Ÿ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4 years ago
- ๐Ÿฆ Support Swift package manager #70
4 years ago
- ๐ŸŽ Swift 5 #63 Special thanks to @rahimkhalid and @lukepistrol
5 years ago
- ๐Ÿ” Swift 4.2 #54 - ๐Ÿ” Adds `.alphaComponent`, `.hueComponent`, `.saturationComponent` and `.brightnessComponent` to `UIColor` #51 - ๐Ÿž Fixes crashes related to force-unwrapping. #58 - ๐Ÿž Fixes bug related to completion being called in the wrong queue. #60 - ๐Ÿงน Reduces deployment target to iOS 8.0. #56 - ๐Ÿงน Perform latest migrations on the Xcode project. #59 - ๐Ÿงน Restructures the project. #59 - ๐Ÿงน Fixes warnings about deprecated functions. #61 Thanks to @jiangpengyun, @andy1247008998, @boherna, @pushchris, @gmlwhdtjd and @Injazz for marking this the best version to date!
6 years ago
๐Ÿš€ **Merged pull requests** - fixed Swift 4 warnings regarding use of `characters` property https://github.com/hyperoslo/Hue/pull/49, by [frederik-jacques](https://github.com/frederik-jacques)
6 years ago
- Swift 4 ๐ŸŽ‰
7 years ago
- Fix crash because of force unwrapping in macOS #37
7 years ago
- Migrates source code to Swift 3 #34
7 years ago
Image pixel color: https://github.com/hyperoslo/Hue/pull/28
7 years ago
- Refactors the static `.hex()` method into a init method `init(hex:)` #26
7 years ago
- Fixes broken hex method on Mac #22 - Adds color blends #21 - Fix "linking against dylib not safe for use in application extensions" issue #19 - Add support for tvOS #18
iOS macOS tvOS
zenangst/Blueprints 0.13.2
:cyclone: Blueprints - A framework that is meant to make your life easier when working with collection view flow layouts.
โญ๏ธ 991
๐Ÿ•“ 46 weeks ago
๐Ÿ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
46 weeks ago
Swift Package Manager support
4 years ago
- ๐Ÿž Fixes bug with wrongly calculated item size on macOS #133
4 years ago
- ๐ŸŽ Improves performance of internal methods such as `resolveSizeForItem` and `createCache(with:)`. It measured to be about twice as fast than before #130 #129 - ๐Ÿ’ซ Performance optimizations to the built-in horizontal and vertical layouts #131
4 years ago
- โž– Fixes negative footer item index #128
4 years ago
- ๐Ÿญ Optimized the binary search algorithm #124 - ๐ŸŒธ Refactors the vertical layout to use a masonry inspired algorithm when using multiple items per row and dynamic heights #126 - ๐Ÿ’Adds delegate methods for providing different line and item spacing per section #123 - ๐Ÿž Fixes bugs related to the placement of header and footers when they use dynamic sizes #125 - ๐Ÿ’ซ Improves overall test coverage
4 years ago
- ๐Ÿž Fixes rare bug in the binary search algorithm #122 - ๐Ÿ“ฏ Add support for setting custom header and footer sizes using delegates #121
4 years ago
- ๐Ÿž Applys out-of-bounds fix to mosaic layout #118
4 years ago
- ๐Ÿž Fixes out-of-bounds issue when sections are empty #116
4 years ago
- ๐Ÿž Fix header & footer x origin when reaching the end #112
4 years ago
- ๐Ÿž Fixes bottom sections inset not being used properly when not using footers #111
iOS macOS tvOS
zenangst/Family 2.2.3
:children_crossing: A child view controller framework that makes setting up your parent controllers as easy as pie.
โญ๏ธ 250
๐Ÿ•“ 2 years ago
๐Ÿ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
- Improve support for using compositional layouts #210
3 years ago
- Improves the signpost implementation #209
3 years ago
- Improve performing batch updates #208
3 years ago
- Adds support for Swift Package Manager #207
3 years ago
- Fix rendering issue when using perform batch updates in sequence #205
3 years ago
- Fixes memory leak by not doing proper cleanup when removing view controllers #204
3 years ago
- Feature `os_signpost` #203
3 years ago
- Fixes memory leak with internal view controllers attributes #197
3 years ago
- ๐Ÿ“ Refactors the safe area setup making it more granular on iOS & tvOS #195 (@ThomasLeblond) - ๐Ÿงน Fixes view cleanup when removing child views on iOS & tvOS #195 (@ThomasLeblond) - ๐Ÿ› Fixes selection and `viewDidAppear` bugs when using `UICollectionViewController` #196 #191 #189 Thanks to @ThomasLeblond and @zocario for making this release the best one yet! ๐Ÿ†
3 years ago
- Fix issue with `UICollectionViewController` not getting view life cycle events #190 #189
iOS macOS tvOS

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