Swiftpack.co - youtube/youtube-ios-player-helper as Swift Package

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youtube/youtube-ios-player-helper 1.0.4
Lightweight helper library that allows iOS developers to add inline playback of YouTube videos through a WebView
⭐️ 1,620
🕓 2 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/youtube/youtube-ios-player-helper.git", from: "1.0.4")


Version Platform


To run the example project; clone the repo, and run pod install from the Project directory first. For a simple tutorial see this Google Developers article - Using the YouTube Helper Library to embed YouTube videos in your iOS application.



YouTube-Player-iOS-Helper is available through CocoaPods. To install the library, add the following line to your Podfile and replace "x.y.z" with the latest version.

pod "youtube-ios-player-helper", "~> x.y.z"

Swift Package Manager

Add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift:

.package("https://github.com/youtube/youtube-ios-player-helper.git", from: "x.y.z")

Add YouTubeiOSPlayerHelper to your target's dependencies.

.target(name: "TargetName",
        dependencies: [


After installing in your project, to use the library:

  1. Drag a UIView the desired size of your player onto your Storyboard.
  2. Change the UIView's class in the Identity Inspector tab to YTPlayerView
  3. Import "YTPlayerView.h" in your ViewController.
  4. Add the following property to your ViewController's header file:
    @property(nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet YTPlayerView *playerView;
  1. Load the video into the player in your controller's code with the following code:
    [self.playerView loadWithVideoId:@"M7lc1UVf-VE"];
  1. Run your code!

See the sample project for more advanced uses, including passing additional player parameters and working with callbacks via YTPlayerViewDelegate.

Original Authors

  • Ikai Lan
  • Ibrahim Ulukaya
  • Yoshifumi Yamaguchi


YouTube-Player-iOS-Helper is available under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Stars: 1620
Last commit: 29 weeks ago
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Release Notes

1.0.4 - add support for Swift Package Manager (SPM)
2 years ago
  • Add support for Swift Package Manager and associated file restructuring
  • Fix broken unit tests that were not migrated from UIWebView to WKWebView
  • Fix assorted warnings

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