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Packages published by youtube

youtube/youtube-ios-player-helper 1.0.4
Lightweight helper library that allows iOS developers to add inline playback of YouTube videos through a WebView
⭐️ 1,620
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1.0.4 - add support for Swift Package Manager (SPM)
2 years ago
- Add support for Swift Package Manager and associated file restructuring - Fix broken unit tests that were not migrated from UIWebView to WKWebView - Fix assorted warnings
1.0.3 - fix bug regarding tapping player UI elements
3 years ago
Fix a long-standing bug which prevented navigation to YouTube when tapping some player UI elements.
1.0.2 - fix bug regarding mapping of player state
3 years ago
Fix bug introduced by e9dbe9e regarding mapping of player state. The value returned from the player has a lower-bound of "-1", whereas YTPlayerState is a 0-based NSInteger enum.
1.0.1 - fix WebView scaling
3 years ago
Fix UI scaling in the WebView
1.0.0 - migrate to WKWebView
3 years ago
Migrate to WKWebView and other general clean-up and modernization.

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