Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by yandexmobile

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Packages published by yandexmobile

yandexmobile/metrica-sdk-ios 4.5.2
AppMetrica is a free real-time ad tracking and mobile app analytics solution.
⭐️ 73
πŸ•“ 47 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
40 weeks ago
Fixed `posix_spawn` crash on Xcode with enabled sanitizer.
1 year ago
* Fixed `locationServicesEnabled invoked on the main thread` warning on iOS 16.
1 year ago
* Added API `reportAdRevenue` to report Impression-Level Revenue Data.
2 years ago
* Added API to send crashes from arbitrary plugins: protocols `YMMYandexMetricaPlugins` (to receive the object implementing this protocol invoke method `YMMYandexMetrica.getPluginExtension`), `YMMYandexMetricaPluginReporting` (to receive the object implementing this protocol invoke method `YMMYandexMetricaReporting.getPluginExtension`), as well as classes `YMMPluginErrorDetails`, `YMMStackTraceElement`. * Added API for plugins that is required for full SDK functioning in terms of sessions auto-tracking when activated from plugins: `YMMYandexMetricaPlugins.handlePluginInitFinished`. * Added the capability to send errors from reporters without main API key activation. In this case, the errors will not contain meta-information retrieved from KSCrash (system info).
2 years ago
* Added `userProfileID` property to `YMMYandexMetricaConfiguration` for setting User Profile ID during activation. * Added `appOpenTrackingEnabled` property to `YMMYandexMetricaConfiguration` property for auto-tracking app openings via deeplink. Enabled by default. * Added `revenueAutoTrackingEnabled` property to `YMMYandexMetricaConfiguration` for auto-tracking in-app purchases. Enabled by default. * Added `userProfileID` property to `YMMReporterConfiguration` for setting User Profile ID during _repoter_ activation. * Now you can use `[YMMYandexMetrica setUserProfileID:]` method for setting User Profile ID before activation.
2 years ago
* Added support for iPhone and AppleTV simulators running on Apple Silicon Macs (M1). * Fixed potential problem with Main thread checker in WebKit. #### Notice > CocoaPods 1.10 or Carthage 0.38 now required for `.xcframework`. > `YandexMobileMetrica/Static-TV` and `YandexMobileMetrica/Dynamic-TV` subspecs are not available anymore. From now use the same subspec for tvOS as for iOS: `YandexMobileMetrica/Static` and `YandexMobileMetrica/Dynamic`.
2 years ago
* Added `+ initWebViewReporting:onFailure:` method to report events from `WKWebView`.
2 years ago
* Improved Apple Search Ads attribution with AdServices framework. Upgrade to this version to preserve Apple Search Ads tracking on iOS 14.5+.
3 years ago
* Added support for attributing installs on devices with iOS 14.5+ using SKAdNetwork. Conversion value transfer will be supported in upcoming updates. * Added obtaining data required to attribute installs from Apple Search Ads using AdServices Framework (relevant for devices with iOS 14.3+). Attribution will be implemented server-side and doesn’t require further updates. * Fixed UIDeviceFamily issue for tvOS
3 years ago
* Removed `user_target_xcconfig` attribute from Podspec. * Minor improvements.
iOS tvOS
yandexmobile/metrica-push-sdk-ios 1.3.0
Yandex AppMetrica Push SDK for iOS
⭐️ 7
πŸ•“ 1 year ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
* Added `+handleSceneWillConnectToSessionWithOptions:` method for Push notification handling with `UISceneDelegate` (iOS 13+).
2 years ago
* Update AppMetrica SDK dependency to 4.0
2 years ago
* Added support for iPhone and AppleTV simulators running on Apple Silicon Macs (M1). * Added Swift Package Manager distribution. * Stopped supporting iOS 8. #### Notice > CocoaPods 1.10 or Carthage 0.38 now required for `.xcframework`.
2 years ago
* Added the API for downloading attachments
4 years ago
* Added the API for manual push tracking with the custom UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate implementation
5 years ago
* Fixed dynamic framework
5 years ago
* Added the userNotificationCenter:openSettingsForNotification: proxy delegate * Fixed crash on setting a nil token * Moved push permissions obtainment to the main queue * Updated the YandexMobileMetrica dependency
5 years ago
* Added tracking of push notifications appearance/dismiss * Added tracking of notifications types user is subscribed to
5 years ago
* Updated YandexMobileMetrica dependency
6 years ago
* Fixed crash when opening URL from push notification * Fixed double URL opening from push notification

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