Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by wulkano

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Packages published by wulkano

wulkano/Aperture v2.0.1
Record the screen on macOS
⭐️ 1,221
πŸ•“ 2 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
- Fix screen names on Apple silicon Macs https://github.com/wulkano/Aperture/compare/v2.0.0...v2.0.1
2 years ago
### Breaking - Include warning message in `onFinish` https://github.com/wulkano/Aperture/commit/7dea99c3af279e15045aa8aa9bc7d91cb8cf0430 - The method signature changed. - Drop support for CocoaPods and Carthage https://github.com/wulkano/Aperture/commit/1f0b2ecebf825e5236d044518bca4c865f562be9 ### Fixes - Fix error when not setting video codec https://github.com/wulkano/Aperture/commit/0e642f682ccae5d3088401d948cc66321c6a57d5 https://github.com/wulkano/Aperture/compare/v1.0.0...v2.0.0
3 years ago
- Add `scaleFactor` parameter (#73) It's 1.0.0 as this package is now considered stable.
3 years ago
### Breaking - Require macOS 10.13 or later https://github.com/wulkano/Aperture/commit/46743b514ecd3b6da37194423400324ff5fd4edf
4 years ago
- Add support for recording iOS screens https://github.com/wulkano/Aperture/commit/98cbc1dbef291b65fad0d2eb5e7e29906f57e039 - Namespace errors under the `Aperture` name https://github.com/wulkano/Aperture/commit/5f80b523c12b40f559816e390dfa25f80eee4920 - Namespace `Devices` under `Aperture` https://github.com/wulkano/Aperture/commit/5e4c311540e21df0b4a9152453e9e0dcd6cd0ef8 - Make `Aperture.Devices` strongly-typed https://github.com/wulkano/Aperture/commit/29509e37519169bc6e06e7b809ad2c1e36122bb5 - Drop `.onError()` https://github.com/wulkano/Aperture/commit/ef9d1b003001b69556f9bb7b4c18e583a37907a7 - Give some parameters default values https://github.com/wulkano/Aperture/commit/3505d6eb19e063ab86f968fde103efde4199fec5 https://github.com/wulkano/Aperture/compare/v0.2.0...v0.3.0
5 years ago
The Node.js code was moved into a different repo: https://github.com/wulkano/aperture-node
wulkano/aperture-node v7.0.0
Record the screen on macOS from Node.js
⭐️ 316
πŸ•“ 3 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 weeks ago
### Breaking - Require Node.js 18 (#31) 558b1b3 - This package is now pure ESM. **Please [read this](https://gist.github.com/sindresorhus/a39789f98801d908bbc7ff3ecc99d99c).** - Move to named exports (#31) 558b1b3 https://github.com/wulkano/aperture-node/compare/v6.1.3...v7.0.0
2 years ago
- Fix screen names on Apple silicon Macs 0c6d7b7 https://github.com/wulkano/aperture-node/compare/v6.1.2...v6.1.3
2 years ago
- Don’t fail on recording warnings 2470395 https://github.com/wulkano/aperture-node/compare/v6.1.1...v6.1.2
2 years ago
- Fix timeout error in some cases (#24) 75e0ec9 https://github.com/wulkano/aperture-node/compare/v6.1.0...v6.1.1
2 years ago
- Add ARM64 slice to binary (#23) 19b54f0 https://github.com/wulkano/aperture-node/compare/v6.0.1...v6.1.0
3 years ago
- Fix missing dependency (#17) 7b3125a https://github.com/wulkano/aperture-node/compare/v6.0.0...v6.0.1
3 years ago
### Breaking - Require Node.js 10 84a25c7 - Require macOS 10.13 and later (#14) 5320ff1 ### Improvements - Add support for pause/resume (#14) 5320ff1 - Remove delay before recording starts (#12) 10d447c - Add TypeScript types (#16) 7aa419e ### Fixes - Fix HEVC detection for Apple silicon and newer Intel processors 42afcd2 https://github.com/wulkano/aperture-node/compare/v5.2.0...v6.0.0
5 years ago
- Prevent the computer from sleeping while recording 43b4762 https://github.com/wulkano/aperture-node/compare/v5.1.0...v5.2.0

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