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Packages published by web3swift-team

web3swift-team/web3swift 3.2.1
Elegant Web3js functionality in Swift. Native ABI parsing and smart contract interactions.
⭐️ 791
🕓 2 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 weeks ago
## What's Changed * feat: implement eth_getLogs by @zhangliugang in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/830 * Mnemonic data by @pharms-eth in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/791 * feat: improve decode error by @zhangliugang in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/831 * feat(EIP712): parsing of TypedData payload; encoding + hashing; by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/833 * fix: BIP39 use given language to generate mnemonics; by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/852 * Fixes for PR 849 by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/853 * support Portuguese by @zmgl in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/849 ## New Contributors * @zmgl made their first contribution in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/849 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/compare/3.2.0...3.2.1
36 weeks ago
## What's Changed * fix: EIP4361/SIWE - new regular expressions to cover all requirements by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/793 * chore: fixed typo in a comment in ENSBaseRegistrar.swift by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/796 * chore(typos): fix typos by @stavares843 in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/795 * feat: transaction polling task by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/797 * Add transaction awaiting task remote test by @janndriessen in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/798 * return a new instance of Data in decodeSingleType by @zhangliugang in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/803 * - ABIDecoding getting data slice in followTheData changed to using start data index by @6od9i in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/802 * Add Support For The Mnemonic Phrase To Be An Array by @pharms-eth in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/792 * fix: ABI decoder - crashing during the attempt to use data slices by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/808 * Expose Data Models For Public use by @pharms-eth in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/790 * chore: readme update by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/817 * Addresses generator (#1) by @6od9i in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/825 * feat: sign without hash by @JuyeonYu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/824 ## New Contributors * @stavares843 made their first contribution in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/795 * @6od9i made their first contribution in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/802 * @JuyeonYu made their first contribution in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/824 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/compare/3.1.2...3.2.0
1 year ago
## What's Changed * feat: git hooks implementation by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/755 * fix: swiftlint configuration file by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/760 * chore: swiftlint auto fixes by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/761 * fix: web3 wallet example by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/764 * chore: swift lint cleanup -- whitespace-only changes from #756 by @cclauss in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/773 * chore: swift lint cleanup by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/756 * fix: swiftlint issues in Utilities.swift by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/779 * chore: docs fix after swiftlint by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/775 * chore: hashECRecover and personalECRecover are identical except 1 line by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/776 * chore: BIP32HDNode - SwiftLint clean up by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/759 * fix: web3 infura and http provider alternative throwing initalizers by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/774 * pre-commit: SwiftLint: Disable failing tests by @cclauss in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/781 * SwiftLint recommends a double run when fixing by @cclauss in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/784 * Minor: description of transaction doesn't return from by @albertopeam in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/783 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/compare/3.1.1...3.1.2
1 year ago
## What's Changed * ci: enabling tests for PRs targeting v4 by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/739 * Feature BIP44(2/2) by @albertopeam in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/734 * Upgrade GitHub Action checkout by @cclauss in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/742 * Fix typos discovered by codespell by @cclauss in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/743 * Let's spell parameters correctly by @cclauss in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/745 * Let's spell beginning correctly by @cclauss in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/746 * Let's spell tuple correctly by @cclauss in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/748 * Let's spell stripped correctly by @cclauss in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/747 * fix: replaced AnyObject with Any by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/725 * chore: remove obsolete core module by @janndriessen in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/741 * GitHub Actions: Add codespell to find typos by @cclauss in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/753 * fix: attempt to encode uint with a negative value results in a crash by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/752 * Let’s spell parameters correctly by @cclauss in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/757 * feat: convertToData handles Bool by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/750 * test: added test cases for `func publicToAddress` by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/751 * Update readme by @VaishaliDesai in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/762 * Fix: Web3Core.podspec by @zhangliugang in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/749 * Fix Cocoapods support by @yaroslavyaroslav in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/765 ## New Contributors * @cclauss made their first contribution in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/742 * @VaishaliDesai made their first contribution in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/762 * @zhangliugang made their first contribution in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/749 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/compare/3.1.0...3.1.1
1 year ago
# DISCLAIMER > **Warning** > This minor update contains necessary **BREAKING CHANGES** in public API, so please consider performing an **UPDATE IN A SEPARATE BRANCH**. > We're really sorry about this, and we'll do our best to avoid it in future minor updates. ## What's Changed * Add support for multiple contract methods with same name by @rinat-enikeev in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/661 * Further Resolver enhancement by @yaroslavyaroslav in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/658 * fix!: web3 error output fix by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/664 * Fix validation in SPI package list by @finestructure in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/665 * Infinite recursion warning #667 by @albertopeam in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/668 * General cleanup by @pharms-eth in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/679 * ENS interface cleanup by @pharms-eth in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/681 * ERC20 read properties issue by @janndriessen in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/677 * fix contract bugs by @pharms-eth in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/682 * Create PR template by @janndriessen in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/697 * fix: set public access modifier to FeeHistory struct members by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/696 * feat: remote tests mocking by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/701 * fix: contract operations by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/685 * chore: remove   from PR template by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/706 * fix: deprecated SecurityToken investors function actually expects a uint256 - an index argument by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/704 * chore: tokens code clean up by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/705 * chore: ABIEncoder - docs, tests, cleanup by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/707 * chore: updated /skywinder to /web3swift-team by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/708 * fix: module name by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/694 * Crop all `print` from Tests and Sources. by @yaroslavyaroslav in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/673 * Add convenience init for Web3HttpProvider by @rinat-enikeev in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/717 * ENSTests added assertions by @albertopeam in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/722 * EthereumContractTest removed swiftLint errors and warnings by @albertopeam in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/688 * ENS properties mutability by @albertopeam in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/723 * Fix remaining no tx assigns by @janndriessen in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/715 * `ERC20.transaction` doesn't assigns to `WriteOperation.transaction` property fix by @yaroslavyaroslav in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/713 * removed project warnings by @albertopeam in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/683 * feat: introduced effectiveGasPrice by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/724 * Rename default options by @janndriessen in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/730 * Example project remove pod install warnings by @albertopeam in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/733 * Feature/BIP44 by @albertopeam in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/719 ## New Contributors * @rinat-enikeev made their first contribution in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/661 * @finestructure made their first contribution in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/665 * @albertopeam made their first contribution in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/668 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/compare/3.0.6...3.1.0
1 year ago
## What's Changed * feat: Add Issues template forms by @Vinitvh in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/652 * feat: add policy resolver by @janndriessen in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/645 * Dynamic array fix. by @yaroslavyaroslav in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/655 * fix: Fix syntax error in bug_report template by @Vinitvh in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/656 * Update actions Xcode version and Swift toolchain to latest by @yaroslavyaroslav in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/657 * fix: data field in CodableTransaction must be passed into the envelope by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/624 * Update README. Add development section by @janndriessen in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/662 * Fix: typos by @omahs in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/663 ## New Contributors * @Vinitvh made their first contribution in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/652 * @omahs made their first contribution in https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/pull/663 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/web3swift-team/web3swift/compare/3.0.5...3.0.6
1 year ago
## DISCLAIMER This patch fixes some critical issues in one of our core features. It's highly recommended to everyone to update to that one. ## What's Changed * Add tests for EIP1559 transactions on Mainnet and Goerli by @janndriessen in https://github.com/skywinder/web3swift/pull/644 * fix: Data to HEX string by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/skywinder/web3swift/pull/632 * fix: ran swiflint --fix to fix some warnings by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/skywinder/web3swift/pull/648 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/skywinder/web3swift/compare/3.0.4...3.0.5
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Cocoapods support by @yaroslavyaroslav in https://github.com/skywinder/web3swift/pull/638 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/skywinder/web3swift/compare/3.0.3...3.0.4 ## DISCLAIMER So now 3.0.4 are available on Cocoapods repo. But nothing to say that i'd hurting while releasing this bit. So i'd state this explicitly: all additional Cocoapods support beside the simple version bumping are totally on the community side.
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Fix range of JsonRpcErrorCode by @janndriessen in https://github.com/skywinder/web3swift/pull/636 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/skywinder/web3swift/compare/3.0.2...3.0.3
1 year ago
## What's Changed * feat: added support for JSON RPC Error object by @JeneaVranceanu in https://github.com/skywinder/web3swift/pull/635 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/skywinder/web3swift/compare/3.0.1...3.0.2
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