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vetrek/SmartString 1.1.5
Powerful Attributed String Framework in Swift
⭐️ 15
🕓 41 weeks ago
iOS macOS
.package(url: "https://github.com/vetrek/SmartString.git", from: "1.1.5")


Swift 5.1 iOS 10.0

Powerful and small library written in Swift that will allow you to create complex attributed strings. Easily chain Strings + SmartStrings to create the perfect style, and register substrings Tap Getures handlers.


  • ☑ Powerful and intuitive APIs
  • ☑ Easily chain SmartString + Strings
  • ☑ XML Tagged string styles
  • ☑ Tap Gestures handlers directly on substrings
  • ☑ Create and store predefined & reusable Styles
  • ☑ Ideal for anyone who builds UI from code

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pod 'SmartString'


  • Usage

let smartString = "Hello world!"
    .font(.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 30))
    .onTap { string in
        print(string) // This will print "Hello world!"

label.smartString = smartString

// Using Closures

let smartString = "Hello world!"
    .font { .boldSystemFont(ofSize: 30) }
    .color { .blue }
    .shadow { .default }

label.smartString = smartString


  • Predefined Style

let style = SmartStringStyle { style in
    style.font = .systemFont(ofSize: 21)
    style.color = .red
    style.underlined = true
    style.shadow = .default
    style.onTap = { string in

label.smartString = "Hello world!".style(style)


  • String + SmartString interpolation

label.smartString = "Hello" + " world!".font(.systemFont(ofSize: 24)).color(.purple)


  • String + SmartString interpolation using predefined Styles

let style1 = SmartStringStyle { style in
    style.color = .green
    style.font = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: 30)
    style.shadow = .default
label.smartString = "Hello" + " world!".style(style1)


  • Label substring Tap Handlers

let smartString = "Hello "
    .font { .systemFont(ofSize: 18) }
    .onTap { string in
        print(string) // This will print "Hello " when tapping the substring "Hello " within the label
+ "world"
    .onTap { string in
        print(string) // This will print "world" when tapping the substring "world" within the label
+ "!"
label.smartString = smartString


  • Define style using XML Tags


//  XMLStringStyles.swift 
enum XMLStringStyles: String, CaseIterable, SmartStringStylable {
    case primary
    case secondary

    var style: SmartStringStyle {
        switch self {
        case .primary:
            return SmartStringStyle { style in
                style.font = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: 24)
                style.color = .blue
                style.link = URL(string: "https://google.com")
        case .secondary:
            return SmartStringStyle { style in
                style.font = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: 24)
                style.color = .black
                style.backgroundColor = .systemPink
    /// Associate tags with styles. You should call this function when the app starts running
    static func setXmlSmartStringStyles() {
        XMLStringStyles.allCases.forEach {
            SmartStringXMLStyles.styles[$0.rawValue] = $0.style


Associate styles to tags after application launch

//  AppDelegate.swift File
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    // Override point for customization after application launch.
    // Register styles
    return true


// ViewController.Swift File

// Option 1
label.smartString = "<primary>Hello </primary><secondary>world!</secondary>".smartStringXML

// Option 2, which uses a **tag** method to apply tags
let xmlString = "Hello ".tag(XMLStringStyles.primary) + "world!".tag(XMLStringStyles.secondary)
label.smartString = xmlString.smartStringXML

// Option 3, wrap **tag** method in a string extension to have an even cleaner coder
extension String {
    func tag(with style: XMLStringStyles) -> String {

let xmlString = "Hello ".tag(with: .primary) + "world!".tag(with: .secondary)
label.smartString = xmlString.smartStringXML



SmartString is maintained by Valerio Sebastianelli: [email protected]


Stars: 15
Last commit: 32 weeks ago
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