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Packages published by verygoodsecurity

verygoodsecurity/vgs-collect-ios v0.0.1-beta
VGS Collect iOS SDK
⭐️ 21
🕓 21 hours ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Public release 1.16.1
6 days ago
## What’s new - Add privacy manifest [file](https://github.com/verygoodsecurity/vgs-collect-ios/blob/master/Sources/VGSCollectSDK/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy). - Upgrade BlinkCard scanner to v2.9.1 and expose scanner customization. - New tokenization alias formats. ## Changes & Updates - Update SSN validation regex.
Public release 1.16.0
12 weeks ago
## What’s new **SwiftUI SUPPORT** *New TextFields:* - `VGSTextFieldRepresentable` - `VGSCardTextFieldRepresentable` - `VGSExpDateTextFieldRepresentable` - `VGSCVCTextFieldRepresentable` - `VGSDateTextFieldRepresentable` ## Changes & Updates - Renamed: `CardState` - > `VGSCardState` - Renamed: `SSNState` - > `VGSSSNState`
Public release 1.15.3
12 weeks ago
## Changes & Updates - Add `routeId` to `async tokenizeData(:)` API call.
Public release 1.15.2
25 weeks ago
## Changes & Updates - Extend Maestro/Mastercard/JBC bin range
Public release 1.15.1
32 weeks ago
## What’s new - New `intrinsicContentSize` attribute in VGSTextFields.
Public release 1.15.0
39 weeks ago
## Changes & Updates Improved accessibility features ## Fixes Fix SwiftUI preview
Public release 1.14.0
44 weeks ago
## What’s new - New VGSDateTextField - New VGSValidationRuleDateRange rule
Public release 1.13.0
45 weeks ago
## What’s new - New Combine and Concurrency APIs for `State` object and API requests. ## Changes & Updates - Now support 8-digits bin for visa-electron. - Fix typo in `VGSExpDateTextField.yearPickerFormat`. - Removed Cartage support. - Changed min supported version to iOS12
Public release 1.12.0
1 year ago
What's new: --- - Added new `VGSCollectSDK/BlinkCard` card scanner module - Deprecated `VGSCollectSDK/CardScan` card scanner module
Public release 1.11.3
1 year ago
## What's new: - Rename `HTTPMethod` to `VGSCollectHTTPMethod`
verygoodsecurity/CardIOSDK-iOS 5.5.7
Wrapper around original card.io iOS library to bring easy integration into Swift projects
⭐️ 12
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Public release 5.5.7
2 years ago
## What's new: - Enforce light mode in `CardIOPaymentViewController`.
2 years ago
- Rebuild Card.io with XCFramework(M1 support via CocoaPods)
2 years ago
- Updated project structure for SwiftPM support.
3 years ago
Rebuild CardIO framework with Carthage/Xcode 12.0.1.
3 years ago
Exclude arm64 architecture.
4 years ago
verygoodsecurity/vgs-show-ios 1.2.1
Securely reveal data from VGS and display it via forms without having to have that data pass through your systems
⭐️ 6
🕓 6 days ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Public release 1.2.1
6 days ago
## What’s new - Add privacy manifest [file](https://github.com/verygoodsecurity/vgs-show-ios/blob/main/Sources/VGSShowSDK/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy).
Public release 1.2.0
5 weeks ago
## What’s new **SwiftUI SUPPORT** *New UI Elements:* - `VGSLabelRepresentable` - `VGSImageViewRepresentable` - `VGSPDFViewRepresentable` ## Changes & Updates - Bump min supported version to iOS13.
Public release 1.1.7
32 weeks ago
## Changes & Updates - New `intrinsicContentSize` attribute in VGSLabel.
Public release 1.1.6
39 weeks ago
## Changes & Updates Improved accessibility features
Public release 1.1.5
40 weeks ago
## What’s new New `VGSImageView` and reveal image support feature.
Public release 1.1.4
1 year ago
## What's new: - Add accessibility attributes for `VGSLabel`
Public release 1.1.3
2 years ago
## What's new: - Fix rare crash on `APIClient` deinit.
Public release 1.1.2
2 years ago
## What's new: - Fix retain cycle in `APIClient`.
Public release 1.1.1
2 years ago
## What's new: - Fix Xcode 13 Swift Package Manager warnings.
Public release 1.1.0
2 years ago
## What's new: - Add `VGSPDFView` to display revealed `.pdf` file.

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