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vale-cocoa/Graph 1.4.5
Graph swift implementation
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.package(url: "https://github.com/vale-cocoa/Graph.git", from: "1.4.5")


A Swift package including graph definitions and implementation, adopting positive Int values as vertices, in a range starting from 0 up to the count of vertices a graph instance must hold.

Graph Protocol

This protocol abstracts basic properties and functionalities for a concrete graph type with value semantics. Graph protocol is generic over an associated Edge type, which in turns should conform to GraphEdge protocol.

Graph types differentation rationale

A weighted graph would use as its Edge associated type a concrete type conforming to WeightedGraphEdge protocol, which inherits from GraphEdge and defines the additional properties and functionalities for a weighted edge over a generic Weight type.

On the other hand, a concrete graph type which uses unweighted edges, will have as its Edge associated type a concrete type conforming just to the GraphEdge protocol. GraphEdge and WeightedGraphEdge protocols don't differentiate explicitly between directed and undirected connections, therefore Graph protocol defines the getter kind which must return a GraphConnections value defining if a graph instance etiher has directed connections between its vertices —when such returned value is .directed—, or undirected connections —when such returned value is .undirected.

Graph vertices

A concrete type conforming to Graph protocol must also implement the getter vertexCount, which returns an Int value that is the number of vertices the graph instance contains. A graph has its vertices defined in the range 0..<vertexCount, therefore this getter must return a non negative Int value.

Graph edges

Type conforming to Graph protocol must also define the getter edgeCount, which must return a non negative Int value representing the total number of edges present in the graph instance, in respect to the kind value of such instance. As mentioned before, since the direction of connections between vertices in a graph is defined by its kind getter, the number of edges present in a graph instance via the getter edgeCount must take into account such kind value. That is for an undirected graph, the value returned by edgeCount must count an adjacency between a vertex v and w as one undirected edge and not as two directed edges. On the other hand, for directed graph instances, this value must count as two edges a strong connection between two vertices v and w: that is when v is adjacent to w and the other way around.

Creating a graph

The Graph protocol defines the initializer init(kind:edges:) for creating new graph instances. Conforming types must take into account the given kind value in regards on how to store the subsequent given array of edges that the new graph instance must hold, as well as dimension its vertexCount according to the vertices values those edges hold. Once a graph instance is created, it must hold all the edges in the given array passed to the initializer, thus having its edgeCount equal to the count value of such array. Duplicate edges in the array must be added as parallel edges to the graph instance; this also imply that when the given kind value is .undirected, the given edges array parameter should not hold two edges one as inversion of another one to specify a connection between two vertices, otherwise such edges should be treated as two parallel undirected edges.


Graph protocol requires conforming types to implement the method adjacencies(vertex:), this method should return as an array of edges all the connections from the given vertex parameter to other vertices in a graph instance. Edges returned by this method should be handled according to the GraphEdge protocol, thus obtaining the adjacent vertex via the GraphEdge method other(vertex:) by passing to it the same vertex value passed originally to the graph method adjacencies(vertex:) to obtain such edges. Note that this method should also return self loops in the array, if the given vertex has any set in the graph.

Reversing a graph

Graph protocol defines also the method reversed(), which should return the inversion of a graph instance. When a graph instance has its kind value equal to .directed, then this method should return another graph instance with its kind value equal to .directed, but with the edges of the calee in inverted direction. On the other hand for graph instances with kind value equal to .undirected, this method might as well just return the same graph instance; that is inverting an undirected graph will produce the same graph.

Graph equality and hashing

Graph protocol has its default implementation for equality comparison of two instances taking into account the order of edges in the arrays returned by the adjacencies(vertex:) method on every vertex; this very same beahvior is reflected by the default Hashable implementation.

Traversing a Graph

Graph protocol defines some methods with default implementations for traversing a graph. These methods have a Functional Programming approach, and take one or more non escaping closures that will be executed during the traversal of the graph, passing as parameters to them vertices and/or edges encountered during such traversal, and other data relevant to the traversal. Some of these methods also give the opportunity to the caller to specify the traversal strategy to adopt, by getting as parameter a GraphTraversal value.

Visit every vertex of a graph

Both methods visitEveryVertexAdjacency(adopting:_:) and visitAllVertices(adopting:_:) will visit every vertex in the graph instance, regardless if any of the vertex is disconnected in the graph. These methods will start at vertex 0 of the graph, proceeding on the adjacencies by adopting the given traversal strategy, and then keep visiting those vertices not discovered by the adjacencies found, until every vertex in the graph has been visited. Note that adjacencies leading to vertices already being visited during the traversal are not enumerated. Therefore the method executing a closure receiving the visited vertex and an edge from its adjacencies as parameter will only execute such closure for adjacencies leading to vertices not yet visited, and will not enumerate parallel edges or self-loop edges.

Visited vertices starting from a source vertex

The three methods with signature visitedVertices(adopting:reachableFrom:_:) will proceed from the given source vertex following adjacencies adopting the specified traversal methodology, by executing the given body closure and finally returning a set containig all the vertices visited during the traversal. Thus these methods will stop after every vertex discoverable from the given source one has been visited in the graph.

  • The first one takes a body closure with the signature: (Int, Edge) throws -> Void. That is the body closure will get as parameters the vertex actually being visited and an edge discovered that leads to an adjacent vertex not yet visited. Thus this method will not enumerate edges representing a parallel connection, nor edges representing a self-loop.
  • The second one takes a body closure with the signature: (Int) throws -> Void. This body closure recevies as its parameter the vertex being visited during the traversal. Note that it will execute only for vertices on their first discovery.
  • The third method takes a body closure with the signature: (inout Bool, Int, Edge, Bool) throws -> Void. The first parameter passed to such closure is a mutable boolean value which can be set to true in the body closure to make the traversal stop. The second parameter is the vertex being visited, the third is an edge leading to an adjacency of such vertex, and the fourth final parameter is a boolean value signaling if the edge leads to an adjacent vertex that was already discovered during the traversal or not. Thus this method will effectively enumerate every edge of the visited vertices during the traversal, no matter if they represent a parallel connection or a self-loop. Moreover it also gives the opportunity to stop the traversal by setting the stop mutable parameter to true in the body closure.

Depth Frist Search and Breadth First Search traversal utilities

The method depthFirstSearch(preOrderVertexVisit:visitingVertexAdjacency:postOrderVertexVisit:) is a graph traversal utility specifically suited to use Depth First Search strategy when traversing every vertex of the graph. This utility will execute three given closures:

  1. preorderVertexVisit is executed when a vertex is firstly visited by the traversal; such vertex passed as its parameter.
  2. visitingVertexAdjacency is executed while the traversal enumerates through the adjacencies of the vertex being visited; such vertex is passed as its first parameter, the edge being enumerated is passed as its second parameter, a boolean value signaling wheter the adjacent vertex of the enumerated edge had been already visitied by the traversal.
  3. postOrderVertexVisit is executed as every adjacency of the visited vertex have been enumerated and traversed; such vertex is passed as its parameter. Because this method uses a recursive depth first search strategy, every time a vertex not yet visited is discovered during the adjacencies enumeration of the vertex being visited a new traversal starts from such adjacency, and so on.

The method breadthFirstSearch(preOrderVertexVisit:visitingVertexAdjacency:postOrderVertexVisit:) shares the same closure parameters of depthFirstSearch, but it will use the Breadth First Search strategy to traverse every vertex of the graph. Therefore when a vertex is firstly visited all its adjacency edges are enumerated, and then it proceeds to visit the adjacencies leading to vertices not yet visited.

Note that both these methods will enumerate every edge in the graph, regardless if it leads to a vertex that has been already visited or not. This is a different behavior from the other traversal methods described in the previous sections, therefore parallel edges and self loop edges are enumerated with these traversal methods.

Moreover both methods will visit every vertex in the graph starting from 0, proceding following adjacencies with the traversal strategy until possible, then repeat on next vertex not yet visited and so on until every vertex in the graph has been visited.


A swift enum used to differentiate connections in a graph between directed and undirected.


A swift enum used to define graph adjacencies traversal methodologies, either Depth First Search or Breadth First Search.

MutableGraph Protocol

This protocol inherits from Graph protocol and abstracts functionalities for conforming types to add and remove edges as well as to reverse in place the graph, adopting value semantics.

Initializing a mutable graph

A mutable graph can be created either by using the Graph protocol initializer init(kind:edges) or by adopting the init(kind:vertexCount:). Conforming types must implement this initializer, which is supposed to initialize graph with no edges and with the specified number of vertices.

Adding edges

Conforming types must implement the method add(edge:), this method is used to add a new edge to the graph, and should take into account the kind value of the mutable graph instance, by treating accordingly the given edge. The edgeCount value must be updated accordingly on edge addition. Moreover the given edge should not be out of the actual vertices bounds of the graph.

Removing edges

Conforming types must also implement remove(edge:) and removeAllEdges() methods.

remove(edge:) method must return a boolean value, true when given edge was removed from the graph, otherwise false. This method should also take into account the kind value of the graph instance, by treating the given edge accordigly. For example when kind value is .undirected and the given edge represents an existing connection in the graph between vertex v and vertex w, the method should treat such vertex as an undirected edge. The edgeCount value must be updated accordingly on edge removal. Moreover the given edge should not be out of the actual vertices bounds of the graph.

removeAllEdges() method should effectively remove every edge in the graph, so that after the mutation has occurred the edgeCount value of the graph must be equal to 0 and every vertex in the graph must not have any adjacency.

In place reversing

Types conforming to MutableGraph protocol must also implement the reverse() mutating method, which reverses in place the graph intance, following the same principles of Graph protocol method reversed():

// Supposing graph is a mutable graph, then:
let revGraph = graph.reversed()

// graph == revGraph MUST BE TRUE

GraphEdge Protocol

This protocol abstracts basic properties and functionalities of a graph edge with value semantics. A type conforming to GraphEdge must implement the either value getter, which must return a non negative Int value representing one of the graph vertices it connects. To get the other connected vertex of an edge, the method other(_:) must be implemented. Such method must be implemented according to the following rules, supposing v and w are the two vertices connected by the edge and either == v:

  1. other(v) must return w.
  2. other(w) must return v.
  3. other(u) where u != v and u != w must not be allowed and should trigger a runtime error.

GraphEdge protocol is suited to treat a connection in a graph directionless. It is responsability of the graph implementation to treat such edge accordingly to ts connection type.

A conforming types must also implement the reversed() method, which must be implemented according to the following rules, supposing e is an edge instance, e.either == v and e.other(v) == w

  1. e.reversed().either must return w
  2. e.reversed().other(w) must return v
  3. e.reversed().other(v) must return w

Default implementations

GraphEdge protocol provides some default implementations helpers:

  • tail getter will return the same value of either.
  • head getter will return the same value of other(either)
  • isSelfLoop getter will return a boolean value, true when either == other(either), otherwise false.

It is highly recommended to not override these helpers.

GraphEdge equality and hashing

GraphEdge has its default implementations for both, comparison for equality and hashing. Such default implementations leverages on either getter value and other(either) returned value.

GraphEdge undirected comparison operator <~>

The <~> infix operator is implemented for GraphEdge to allow comparision between two edges as undirected. That is supposing e and d are two edges where e.either == v, d.either == w then:

let areUndirectedEqual = e <~> d
// areUndirectedEqual == true when e.other(v) == w and d.other(w) == v

// More in general:
let f = e.reversed()

e <~> f

// Moreover supposing e == g then:

e <~> g

WeightedGraphEdge Protocol

This protocol inherits from GraphEdge protocol, adding abstractions defining properties and functionality for weighted edges adopting value semantics. That is WeightedGraphEdge protocol associates to a generic Weight type which must conforms to AdditiveArithmetic, Comparable and Hashable protocols. Weight associated type is used to represent the weight of an edge in a graph adopting as its Edge associated type some WeightedGraphEdge concrete type. In this way Graph conforming types can be decoupled from specific implementations for weighted graphs.

Types conforming to WeightedGraphEdge must implement the weight getter, which must return a Weight value of the weighted edge instance. Moreover the method reversedWith(weight:) must be implemented. Such method must return an inverted edge in regards to its either and other(either) values as specified for GraphEdge protocol, but allowing to modify the weight value of the returned edge. That is a type conforming to WeightedGraphEdge protocol must implement reversed() method so that the returned edge will have the same weight value of the callee; in order to obtain a reversed edge with a different weight value than the callee, the reversedWith(weight:) method must be used.

WeightedGraphEdge equality, hashing and undirected comparison operator <~>

Default implementations of equality comparison and hashing consider also the weight value of instances. The undirected comparison operator <~>, on the other hand, will not take into account the weight value of instances, thus supposing e.either == v, e.weight == x , e.other(e.either) == w and d.either == w, d.other(w) == v, d.weoght == y then:

e <~> d

WeightedGraphEdge undirected weighted comparison operator <=~=>

To compare two weighted edges as undirected edges taking into account also the weight of the two edges, WeightedGraphEdge protocol provides the default implemented infix operator <=~=>. This operator will return true when the two compared weighted edges are undirected equivalent and have the same weight value:

let revE = e.reversed()

e <=~=> revE

// Assuming e.weight == x and y!= x, then:
let revEW = e.reversedWith(weight: y)

e <~> revEW

e <=~=> revEW

Type erasure

Type-erased wrappers for Graph, GraphEdge and WeightedGraph protocols are included in this package.

AnyGraph type-erased wrapper

An AnyGraph instance forwards its operations to a base graph having the same Edge type, hiding the specifics of the underlaying graph.

You can create an instance of AnyGraph using one of the two initializers it provides: the Graph protocol initializer init(kind:edges:), or by using the init(_:) initializer which takes a concrete graph instance to wrap.

AnyGraphEdge type-erased wrapper

An AnyGraphEdge instance forwards its operations to a base edge, hiding the specifics of the underalying edge.

You can create an instance of AnyGraphEdge by adopting one of the following initializers:

  • init(_:) which takes a concrete edge instance to wrap.
  • init(vertices:) which takes a tuple containing the two vertices the edge connects, as if the created edge would be an undirected connection in a graph.
  • init(tail:head:) which takes the two connected vertices in order as its parameters tail and head, as if the created edge would be a directed connection in a graph.

AnyWeightedGraphEdge type-erased wrapper

An AnyWeightedGraphEdge instance forwards its operations to a base weighted edge having the same Weight type, hiding the specifics of the underlaying weighted edge.

You can create an instance of AnyWeightedGraphEdge by adopting one of the following initializers:

  • init(_:) which takes a concrete weighted edge instance to wrap.
  • init(vertices:weight:) which takes as its parameters a tuple containing the two vertices the edge connects and the weight of the edge, as if the created edge would be an undirected connection in a graph.
  • init(tail:head:weight:) which takes the two connected vertices in order as its parameters tail and head plus the weight of the edge, as if the created edge would be a directed connection in a graph.

Concrete types

Concrete types conforming to MutableGraph, GraphEdge and WeightedGraphEdge are also included in this package.

AdjacencyList mutable graph value type

A mutable graph, generic over the Edge type and adopting as storage for its edges an adjacency list.

UnweightedEdge graph edge value type

An unweighted edge of a graph.

WeightedEdge weighted graph edge value type

A weighted edge of a graph, generic over the Weight type.

Graph Utilities

Since graphs can have a huge number of vertices and edges it's better to isolate utilities operating over a graph in seprate ad independent code units. Graph utilities in this package are swift classes operating on a graph given at initialization time and building lazily their results when queried. This imply that when a graph mutates, any of these utilities have to be bulit again with the new graph resulting from the mutation, thus having to recalcutale any queried result. The approach of having these utilities calculate lazily their queried results has the advantage of making failry inexpensive to create instances, postponing the heavy computations needed to calculate their data to the time a query is firstly made. Even though linear complexity algorithms are used in these utilities to calculate their data, these computations can be highly expensive: by isolating them in independent classes these computations can also be safely dispacthed to a different thread.


This utility is queried to check wheter a graph is two colors colorable or not. You create a new instance by utilizing its initializer init(graph:), passing the graph instace to query for being bipartite. Availbale graph queries:

  • isBipartite lazy getter, a boolean value either true if the graph is two colors colorable, or false otherwise.
  • countOfColoredVertex lazy getter, an Int value representing the count of vertices colored in the graph after the bipartite detection.
  • countOfNotColoredVertex lazy getter, an Int value representing the count of vertices not colored in graph after the bipartite detection.
  • isColored(_:) method, which takes a vertex of the graph and returns a boolean value according to the color state of such vertex after the bipartite detection.

Every query builds the data in the utility for all other ones too the first time is called.


Query a graph for checking if it contains a cycle or not. Create an instance of this utility by adopting the initializer init(graph:) which takes as its argument the graph instance to query for cycle detection. Available graph queries:

  • hasCycle getter (leverages on lazy getter cycle), returns a boolean value signaling the presence or not of a cycle in the queried graph.
  • cycle lazy getter, returns an array containing the vertices representing the detected cycle in the queried graph.
  • topologicalSort lazy getter, returns an optional array of vertices and is nil when the graph is directed graph with a cycle or an undirected graph (that is for undirected graphs the topological sort doesn't exist), or the vertices in topological sort order when the queried graph is a DAG.

Every query builds the data in the utility for all other ones too the first time is called.

Additionally when the queried graph has weighted edges, GraphCycle instance has the method shortestsPaths(from:) which given a source vertex, will optionally return a GraphAcyclicSP utility for quering shortest paths in a directed acyclic graph. That is in case the queried graph is a weighted edge directed acyclic graph, it is also possible to calculate shortests paths using its topological sort.


This utility is used to query a graph for degrees of its vertices and other statistic. A GraphDegrees instance can be obtained via its initializer init(graph:), which takes as its argument the graph intance to query. Available graph queries:

  • allEdges lazy getter, which returns an array containing all the edges of the queried graph in respect to its kind value. That is, when the queried graph is of kind .undirected, the returned array contains the edges in the graph representing the undirected connection between vertices. On the other hand, when the queried graph has a kind value of .directed, the retunred array contains the edges representing a directed connection between vertices in the queried graph.
  • maxOutdegree lazy getter. Returns an Int value representing the maximum outdegree value of a vertex in the queried graph.
  • averageOutdegree lazy getter. Returns a Double value representing the average outdegree for a vertex in the queried graph.
  • countOfSelfLoop lazy getter. Returns the number of edges in the graph representing a self-loop on a vertex.
  • outdegree(of:) method, which takes a vertex of the queried graph as its argument, and returns its outdegree value.
  • indegree(of:) method. Takes a vertex of the queried graph as its argument, and returns its indegree value.

Queries in this utility are independent to each other in regards of building the data for its results.


Query a graph for its Hamiltonian paths. An Hamiltonian path is a sequence of edges in a graph that visits each graph vertex exactly once. Create a new GraphHamiltonianPath instance by using the initializer init(graph:). This initializer takes the graph instance to query. Then query the utility by accessing its instance lazy property hamiltonianPaths, which is an array where each element is an Hamiltonian path in the graph represented as an array of edges. In case the queried graph doesn't contain any Hamiltonian path, then the hamiltonianPaths property will be an empty array.

This utility lazily builds its result the first time hamiltonianPaths property is queried.


Query a graph and a source vertex in it for paths to destination vertices in such graph, adopting a specified graph traversal methodology. Create a new GraphPaths instance by using the initializer init(graph:source:buildPathsAdopting). This initializer takes a graph instance to query, a source vertex of such graph and a GraphTrabversal value that would be the chosen strategy to traverse the queried graph from the given source vertex to find a path to a destination vertex. Available queries:

  • hasPath(to:) method: takes a vertex of the queried graph as its parameter, and returns a bool value signaling the presence in the queried graph of a path connecting the queried source vertex to such given destination vertex.
  • pathFromSource(to:) method. This method takes as parameter a vertex in the queried graph, and returns an array eventually containing the vertices to traverse in the queried graph from the queried source vertex to the given destination vertex if such path exists, otherwise an empty array if such path doesn't exists in the queried graph.


Query a graph from reachability from a set of its vertices to a given destination vertex. To create a new GraphReachbality instance use the initalizer init(graph:source:) which takes as its arguments the graph to query and a set containing the graph vertices sources. The sources parameter must contain at least one vertex of the queried graph, otherwise a run-time error occurs. This utility offers only one query: isReachableFromSources(_:) method, which takes a vertex in the queried graph and returns a boolean value: true when in the queried graph it is possible to reach such given destination vertex from the queried source vertices, otherwise false. The internal data of this utility is calculated lazily the first time a query is made; that is after the first query is made, any subsequent query will take O(1) complexity to complete.

Moreover Graph protocol provides two default implemented methods which serve the same purpose of the GraphReachablity utility:

  • isReachable(_:source:)
  • isReachable(_:sources:)

Note that these two methods take O(V + E) complexity for every query, even when the source/sources parameter is used subsequentially more times. Thus it's recommended to use GraphReachablity utility when is clear that the same graph and source/sources vertices are gonna be queried for reachability more times.


This utility provides functionalities for querying a graph's strongly connected components. It can be used with graph with both kind of vertices connections, directed or undirected. When an undirected graph is queried, this utility will build the connected componets adopting the classical deep-first-search approach, effectively creating connected components for the graph. When a directed graph is queried, it will use the Kosaraju-Sharir algorithm to instead build strongly connected components of such graph: that is all vertices inside such component can be reach from the other ones. Create a new GraphStronglyConnectedComponents instance by using the initializer init(graph:), which takes the graph instance to query for strongly connected components. Available queries:

  • count a lazy getter returning the number of strongly connected components of the queried graph.
  • areStronglyConnected(_:_:) method. Takes as argument two vertices oncluded in queried graph and return a boolean value: true when the two vertcies are strongly connected (that is there is a path in the queried graph going from the first vertex to the second vertex and vice-versa), false otherwise.
  • id(of:) method, which take as parameter a vertex incliuded in the queried graph, and returns an Int value in range 0..<count which represents the id of the strongly connected component where such vertex resides in the queried graph.
  • stronglyConnectedComponent(with:) method. Takes as its argument an Int value in range 0..<count which represent the id of the strongly connected component to obtain, and returns an array containing the vertices in the queried graph residing in the strongly connected component with such given id.
  • verticesStronglyConnected(to:) method. This query takes as its argument a vertex included in the queried graph, and returns an array containign all vertices of the queried graph strongly connected to. Such result will also include the given vertex itself, since every vertex in a graph is suppossed to be strongly connected to itself.

Every query listed above will trigger the utility to build its internal data used also by the other queries. That is, after a first query is done, every other query permformed will take O(1) complexity to complete, aside for the last two listed above, that return a strongly connected component contents and which are listed as O(V) complexity, where V is the count of vertices in the queried graph. Practically these two methods memoize the strongly connected components inside a cache, thus they may perform in amortized O(1) complexity when a result has been already constructed for an another query made earlier.


Create this utility by using the initializer init(graph:), which takes the graph to query as its parameter. Then query it for reachablity from a source vertex to another destination vertex (both must be in queried graph) via the instance method rachability(source:destination:) , which returns a boolean value as result. The transitive closure is usallly used for directed graphs, although this utility can be built with both directed or undirected graphs.

  • When the queried graph is undirected, then internally the utility will just adopt the connection components of the graph to determine vertices reachability: that is in an undirected graph all vertices in the same connected component are connected to each other. Such connected components for the queried graph are built the first time a query is made, and are valid for every vertex in the graph used as source parameter.
  • For queried directed graphs , the utility builds the reachability map from the given source vertex and check if it contains the given destination vertex. Such map for the given source vertex gets memoized after being built the first time, thus when querying again the same source vertex for reachability towards another destination vertex, it gets most likely reused avoiding the process of rebuilding it. Note that these reachability maps for every source vertex are individually and lazily built the first time such vertex is queried.


Create this utility by using its initializer init(graph:adopting:), which takes as its arguments the weighted graph to query of type G and an GraphMSF<G>.Algorithm value representing the algorithm to use for building the minimum spanning forest for such weighted graph.

The utility instance can then be queried via its lazy properties msf and weights:

  • msf lazy property returns an array of arrays of edges in the queried graph. Each element of such array corresponds to a minimum spanning tree of a connected component in the graph;
  • weights lazy property returns an array which contains the corresponding optional weight for each of those minimum spanning trees (such weight would be nil for empty minimum spanning trees ).

Note that if the queried graph is a directed weighted graph, then both msf and weights properties are gonna be empty arrays; that is the minimum spanning forest can be obtained only for undirected weighted graphs via this utility.

msf and weights arrays have the same lenght, and their indices are equivalent to a connected component id of the queried graph: that is given:

  • graph is a weighted graph of type G, which contains n connected components;
  • graphMSF is a GraphMSF<G> instance querying graph;
  • graphCC is a GraphStronglyConnectedComponents<G> instance querying graph than both msf and weights indices of graphMSF will be in the range 0..<n, where n corresponds graphCC.count value, and each component id of graphCC corresponds to the index of the mst and its optional for the component in graphMSF.mst and graphMSF.weights.

This utility lazily builds its results the first time either msf or weights lazy properties are queried.


This minimum spanning forest utility gives te opportunity to build its results via different kind of algorithms that can be chosen from at initialization time. For this purpose the nested type Algorithm enum provides cases matching such algorithm choices:

  • .primLazyAlgorithm: use this value when you want the Prim's algorithm lazy version to be adopted for building the minimum spanning forest. The complexity of this algorithm is estimated to be O(E log V) where E is the count of edges and V is the count of vertices of the queried graph for each connected component in the graph.

  • .primEagerAlgorithm: use this value when you want Prim's algorithm eager version to be adopted for building the minimum spanning forest. The complexity of this algorithm is estimated to be O(E log E) where E is the count of edges of the queried graph for each connected component in the graph.

  • .kruskalAlgorithm: use this value when you want Kruskal's algorithm to be adopted for building the minimum spanning forest. The complexity of this algorithm is estimated to be O(E log E) where E is the count of edges of the queried graph for each connected component in the graph.

Shortest paths utilities

In order to query a weighted graph for shortest path between two of its vertices, this package offers three different utilities, each one adopting a different algorithm for computing such task. All of them build source sinked shortests paths, that is they build shortests paths starting from a source vertex given at initialization time, towards all other vertices reachable form it in the queried graph.


This utility adopts the Dijkstra algorithm to build shortest paths in the queried graph from a given source vertex. Create a new instance of this utility by using its initializer init(graph:source:), specifying as its graph parameter the weighted graph to query and as its source parameter a vertex included in such graph. Such new instance will then accept the following queries:

  • weight(to:) which takes as its parameter a vertex in the queried graph and returns an optional weight value, representing the cost of reaching the specified destination vertex from the source vertex if a shortest path exists between the two in the queried graph; the returned value will be nil in case a shortest path doesn't exists between the two vertices (they are disconnected). This function throws an error in case an edge with a negative weight was found while attempting to build the shortest paths for the queried graph.
  • hasPath(to:) which takes as its parameter a vertex in the queried graph and returns a boolean value: true in case there is a shortest path in the queried graph between the source vertex and the specified destination vertex. This function throws an error in case an edge with a negative weight was found while attempting to build the shortest paths for the queried graph.
  • path(to:) also takes as its parameter a vertex in the queried graph and returns a sequence of edges from the queried graph representing the shortest path from the source vertex to the specified destination vertex. Such sequence result will be empty in case there is no shortest path between the vertices in the queried graph. This function throws an error in case an edge with a negative weight was found while attempting to build the shortest paths for the queried graph.

This utility builds lazily the shortest paths, thus the first time one from the available queries is done, it will compute its result with a O(E logV) complexity, where E is the count of edges and V is the count of vertices in the queried graph. Subsequent queries will take O(1) complexity.


This utility adopts the Bellman-Ford algorithm to build shortest paths in the queried graph from a given source vertex. Create a new instance of this utility by using its initializer init(graph:source:), specifying as its graph parameter the weighted graph to query and as its source parameter a vertex included in such graph. Such new instance will then accept the following queries:

  • weight(to:) which takes as its parameter a vertex in the queried graph and returns an optional weight value, representing the cost of reaching the specified destination vertex from the source vertex if a shortest path exists between the two in the queried graph; the returned value will be nil in case a shortest path doesn't exists between the two vertices (they are disconnected or a negative cycle was found in the queried graph).
  • hasPath(to:) which takes as its parameter a vertex in the queried graph and returns a boolean value: true in case there is a shortest path in the queried graph between the source vertex and the specified destination vertex.
  • path(to:) also takes as its parameter a vertex in the queried graph and returns a sequence of edges from the queried graph representing the shortest path from the source vertex to the specified destination vertex. Such sequence result will be empty in case there is no shortest path between the vertices in the queried graph.
  • negativeCycle a lazy property that is an array containing vertices connected between each other in the queried graph and forming a negative cycle. That is this utility is able to compute shortest paths when it founds edges with negative weight values in the queried graph, it won't be able to proceed in case those edges with negative weight values form a negative cycle.

This utility builds lazily the shortest paths, thus the first time one from the available queries is done, it will compute its result with a O(E V) complexity, where E is the count of edges and V is the count of vertices in the queried graph. Subsequent queries will take O(1) complexity.


This utility adopts the topological sort of an edge weighted directed acyclic graph to build shortest paths from a given source vertex. You can optionally obtain a new instance of this utility from an instance of GraphCycle utility by using its instance method shortestsPaths(from:), which takes as its parameter a vertex included in the queried graph to be used as source for the shortest paths. If the GraphCycle utility instance has as queried weighted graph that is also directed and acyclic, then such method will return a new instance of GraphCycleSP for querying such graph for shortest paths from the specified source vertex. Otherwise it will return nil. Such new instance will then accept the following queries:

  • weight(to:) which takes as its parameter a vertex in the queried graph and returns an optional weight value, representing the cost of reaching the specified destination vertex from the source vertex if a shortest path exists between the two in the queried graph; the returned value will be nil in case a shortest path doesn't exists between the two vertices (they are disconnected).
  • hasPath(to:) which takes as its parameter a vertex in the queried graph and returns a boolean value: true in case there is a shortest path in the queried graph between the source vertex and the specified destination vertex.
  • path(to:) also takes as its parameter a vertex in the queried graph and returns a sequence of edges from the queried graph representing the shortest path from the source vertex to the specified destination vertex. Such sequence result will be empty in case there is no shortest path between the vertices in the queried graph.

This utility builds lazily the shortest paths, thus the first time one from the available queries is done, it will compute its result with a O(E + V) complexity, where E is the count of edges and V is the count of vertices in the queried graph. Subsequent queries will take O(1) complexity.


This utility builds a flow network starting from a given weighted graph and two of its vertices s (source) and t (target a.k.a. sink). It then can be queried for the max-flow and min-cut of such flow network. You obtain a new instance of this utility by using the initializer init(graph:s:t) which takes as its parameters:

  • graph: a weighted graph to adopt as flow network base, where each of its edges' weight will represent the capacity of a flow edge in the resulting flow network;
  • s: a vertex in the given weighted graph, representing the source of the resulting flow-network
  • t: a vertex in the given weighted graph, representing the target (a.k.a. sink) of the resulting flow-network Note that initializing a new flow network instance has a complexity of O(V + E), where V is the count of vertices and E is the count of edges in the given weighted graph. That is cause each adjacency in the given graph has to be mapped to a flow edge instance in the resulting flow network. It will also take additional memory in the order of O(E) —where E is the count of edges in the given weighted graph— that is cause a new adjacency list to store the flow edges is needed. When given a weighted graph of kind .undirected it will be treated as an edge weighted directed graph: that is each one of its undirected edges is considered as if it were 2 directed edges. The initializer will throw an error in case an edge with a negative weight value were found in the given weighted graph. That is a flow-network cannot contain flow edges with negative capacity.

The resulting FlowNetwork instance can then be queried with the following requests:

  • maxFlow: lazy instance variable that is an optional weight value representing the max-flow in the queried flow network between vertices s and t. This value is nil when s and t are the same vertex in the flow network. It is .zero when s and t aren't connected in the flow network.
  • inCut(_:): an instance method which takes a vertex in the flow network as its parameter and returns a boolean value, true when such vertex is in the cut built while calculating its max-flow and min-cut.
  • min-cut: lazy instance variable that is an array of FlowEdge instances representing the min-cut in the flow network between sand t.
  • flowAdjaciencies(for:): an instance method which takes as its parameter a vertex in the flow network and returns an array of FlowEdge representing the adjacencies to such vertex. Note that such array will also contain the inverse connection to another vertex in the flow network. That is calculating max-flow and min-cut for a flow-network requires expressing original directed conenctions in the queried graph as undirected connections.

A FlowNetwork instance also provides these other public read-only properties:

  • graph: the given weighted graph used to build the flow network instance;
  • s: the vertex used as source in the flow network;
  • t: the vertex used as target (a.k.a. sink) in the flow network;
  • vertexCount: the number of vertices in the flow network;
  • flowEdgeCount: the number of flow edges in the flow network.

This utility adopts the Ford-Fulkerman's algorithm for building the max-flow and min-cut results. Such algorithm's compexity is estimated to be at worst O(E^2 U), where E is the count of edges and U is the count of augmented paths in the flow network.


This reference nested type is used to represent a flow edge in a flow network: that is a connection between two vertices which has a weight value expressing the capacity of such connection, and another weight value expressing the flow of such connection set in the flow network. You cannot create instances of this type, since they'll be derived from a weighted edge of a graph adopted to build a flow network. Moreover you cannot mutate its properties.

A FlowEdge instance vends the following getters:

  • flow: a weight value which represents the flow value between the two vertices it conencts in the flow network.
  • from: the vertex from which the connection starts. to: the vertex to which the connection ends. capacity: a weight value, representing the maximum flow this connection can sustain in the flow network. other(_:) : given one of the two vertices of this connection, returns the other one. Warning: A runtime error will occur if the given vertex is not one of the two vertices in the flow edge. residualCapacity(to:): given one of the two vertices of this connection, returns the amount of weight residual that can be added to the flow to the given vertex. Warning: A runtime error will occur if the given vertex is not one of the two vertices in the flow edge.

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