Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by vadymmarkov

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Packages published by vadymmarkov

vadymmarkov/Fakery 5.1.0
:alien: Swift fake data generator
⭐️ 1,778
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
- Update Quick and Nimble #146 - Fix: update dependencies to fix building on XCode 12.4 and 12.5 #144 - Fix: build warnings related to the compile sources phase including json files. #142
5.0.0 - Proper SPM support
3 years ago
- Bump to Xcode 11.6 and replace Carthage with SPM in Xcode project #140 - Add support for SPM module resources #141
4 years ago
Fix warnings https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/124
4 years ago
- Move all generators into namespace Faker https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/121 - House generator https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/122 - Zelda generator https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/119 - Hobbit generator https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/117 - Cat generator https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/116 - Car brands generator https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/115 - Gender generator https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/114 - Vehicle generator https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/113 - Hams generator https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/112 - Programming language generator https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/111
4.0.0 - Swift 5
4 years ago
5 years ago
- Create pt-BR.json https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/89 - Update the project to recommended settings https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/93 - Add NL postcode https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/96 - Fix ipV6Address() bug https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/100
6 years ago
New address method for generating coordinate by @emrahgunduz https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/88
6 years ago
Fix swift 4 deprecations warnings https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/87 by @hemangshah
6 years ago
- Add SwiftPackageManager support https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/84 - Look for the key in "en.json" if it's not found in the selected locale https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/83 - Use https for output links https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/82
6 years ago
Expose `Bank` class, add more specs by @dunyakirkali https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery/pull/79
iOS macOS tvOS
vadymmarkov/When 5.0.0
:alarm_clock: A lightweight implementation of Promises in Swift
⭐️ 264
🕓 4 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4 years ago
Swift PM support updated. #41
4.0.0 - Swift 4.2
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
Remove RxSwift as dependency https://github.com/vadymmarkov/When/pull/38
5 years ago
- Added 'When' dependency to RxWhen-tvOS target #36 - Aligned iOS deployment target with targets #34
5 years ago
Rename bundle identifiers for RxWhen targets https://github.com/vadymmarkov/When/pull/33
6 years ago
Make barrierQueue serial by @MontakOleg https://github.com/vadymmarkov/When/pull/28
6 years ago
Swift 4 support.
6 years ago
Fix race condition trying to read/write observer https://github.com/vadymmarkov/When/pull/22
6 years ago
Make cancel an open function #21
iOS macOS tvOS
vadymmarkov/MARKRangeSlider 1.1.1
A custom reusable slider control with 2 thumbs (range slider).
⭐️ 184
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1.1.1 - Thumb image size fixes
7 years ago
Thanks @vvit and @jegumhon
1.1.0 - Images from a custom bundle on iOS 7
7 years ago
Load images from custom bundle on iOS 7 https://github.com/vadymmarkov/MARKRangeSlider/pull/28 Thanks @ikovalisko
1.0.1 - Left/right thumb views
8 years ago
- Exposes read-only properties of left/right thumb views https://github.com/vadymmarkov/MARKRangeSlider/pull/22, thanks @ashfurrow
1.0.0 - Range Slider
8 years ago
- Fix double initialisation. - Use image height as track height. - Drop hardcoded image insets. - Calculate intrinsicContentSize. - New way of setting minimum/maximum and left/right values. - Load images from a bundle.
Pushable controls
8 years ago
1. Possibility to have pushable controls. 2. Disabling overlapping of the thumb controls. Big thanks to @Arrnas for contribution.
vadymmarkov/Fashion 4.2.0
:nail_care: Fashion accessories and beauty tools to share and reuse UI styles in a Swifty way
⭐️ 132
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
3 years ago
4.0.0 - Swift 4
6 years ago
Swift 4 migration 🎉
3.0.0 - Improve style creation and registration
6 years ago
1) `Style` and `Stylist`: rename `applyTo` to `apply(to`. 2) Make swizzler internal because there is no reason to keep as a part of public API. 3) Expose generic `Style` struct to create reusable, composable styles without registering them. https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fashion/pull/14 4) Allow you to register multiple styles for the same strings https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fashion/pull/12 by @yonaskolb
2.0.1 - Fix Swift 3.1 warnings
7 years ago
Use custom method instead of initialize: https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fashion/pull/11
2.0.0 - Swift 3
7 years ago
Swift 3 migration https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fashion/pull/4
1.1.0 - String convertible
7 years ago
`Fashion` uses new protocol `StringConvertible`, so you can register/unregister your styles with something else than just magic strings. https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fashion/pull/3
1.0.0 - Fashion accessories and beauty tools to share and reuse UI styles in a Swifty way
8 years ago
iOS macOS tvOS
vadymmarkov/Rexy 1.0.1
:dragon_face: POSIX Regular Expressions in Swift
⭐️ 16
🕓 4 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4 years ago
Update to Swift 5.1 #15
4 years ago
Update Swift version for SPM & fix tests #14
0.7.0 - Swift 3.0.2
7 years ago
Fix build with latest swift 3.0.2 be @sportlabsMike https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Rexy/pull/11
0.6.1 - Fix linting and tests
7 years ago
0.6.0 - More matching methods
7 years ago
Introduce 3 matching methods: - `isMatch` - `match` - `matches`
0.5.0 - Custom operators
7 years ago
Introduce custom matching operators: https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Rexy/pull/6
0.4.0 - Rexy
7 years ago
- Pattern matching - Capturing groups - Replace method - Representation of a regular expression error - Option sets with default constants for compilation flags (cflag) and regex matching flags (eflag)

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