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Packages published by urbanairship

urbanairship/ios-library v2.0.0
Urban Airship iOS SDK
⭐️ 477
🕓 3 days ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 days ago
Minor release with several minor API additions. ### Changes - `MessageCenterInboxProtocol` changes: - Added new method `refreshMessages(timeout:)` that will throw if a timeout is reached. - Updated the method `refreshMessages()` to properly cancel if the task is cancelled. - Refreshing messages will no longer block on network connection availability. - Added property `identifierUpdates` on `AirshipChannelProtocol` that provides a stream of updates whenever the channel ID changes. - Added new `AirshipConfig` properties: - `resetEnabledFeatures` to reset the `PrivacyManager` enabled features to those specified in config on init. - `restoreMessageCenterOnReinstall` to control Message Center recovery on reinstall. - Added `quietTime` property on `AirshipPushProtocol` to be able to get/set quiet time start and end time. - Custom event properties will now accept any `Encodable` values and be automatically encoded to JSON. - Added support for attributing a custom event to an in-app message if the event was generated from the message. - Updated the LICENSE file to use the standard Apache 2.0 text to be properly detected by Github. The license did not change, only the text describing the license. - Fixed `Package.swift` to properly support `VisionOS` platform. - Fixed in-app messages that were interrupted during display that define a display interval not able to be triggered for display again until the next app init.
1 week ago
Patch release that adds a privacy manifest ### Changes - Adds privacy manifest.
2 weeks ago
Minor release with a new config option `resetEnabledFeatures` to reset the PrivacyManager enabled features to those specified in the Airship config on each launch and a bug fix for the delete button theming in the Message Center and back button theming in message views. ### Changes - Added `resetEnabledFeatures` config option - Fixes color theme assignment for the delete button in Message Center and back button in message views.
4 weeks ago
Patch release that fixes a few regressions with 18.0.0. ### Changes - Fixed issue with frequency checks being checked before the message is ready to display - Fixed an issue with InApp potentially being blocked when upgrading from the prerelease version of 18.0.0 to the final version of 18.0.0
4 weeks ago
Major SDK release with several breaking changes. see the [Migration Guide](https://github.com/urbanairship/ios-library/tree/main/Documentation/Migration/migration-guide-17-18.md) for more info. ### Changes - Xcode 15.2+ is now required - Added support for starting Live Activities from a push - Notification Service extension is now rewritten in Swift - New Swift Automation module - Objective-c support has been removed - Breaking API changes for any apps using custom display adapters - Added concurrent automation processing to reduce latency if more than one automation is triggered at the same time - Badge modification methods are now async and use the updated UserNotification methods - Consolidated NSNotificationNames and keys to AirshipNotifications class - Replaced access to AirshipPush, AirshipContact, AirshipChannel, AirshipAnalytics with protocols - Updated Airship accessors to all be class vars instead of a mix of class and instance vars - Preliminary VisionOS support when using XCFrameworks or SPM - Added window animations for Scene & Survey transitions - Fixed Core Data warnings with Xcode 15 - Fixed various sendable warnings when using targeted concurrency checking
4 weeks ago
Patch release with a bug fix for edit and refresh button theming in Message Center. ### Changes - Fixes color theme assignment for the edit and refresh button in Message Center.
5 weeks ago
Minor release with several bug fixes and stability improvements. ### **Changes** - Added message center predicate functionality - Fixed top-placed in-app message corner rounding - Added message center theming support for named colors and dark mode - Exposed additional preference center constructors to enable styling
6 weeks ago
RC release for 18.0.0. ### Changes - Fixed 18.0.0-beta regression where IAA would reset its internal state and display again after reaching the display limit - Fixed 18.0.0-beta regression with malformed IAA resolution events - Fixed 18.0.0-beta regression where contact operations where ignored - Notification Service extension is now rewritten in Swift - Badge modification methods are now async and use the updated UserNotification methods
6 weeks ago
Minor release with several bug fixes and stability improvements. Changes - Added new AirshipConfig value useUserPreferredLocale that if set to true, Airship will use the device preferred locale instead of the app's locale for as a device property. - Expose the addMessageCenterDismissAction view extension for Message Center UI. - Fixed regression where Preference Center title in the theme was ignored. - Fixed an issue with the key chain migrating old Airship values to kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly - Fixed modifying a coredata entity on the wrong context.
8 weeks ago
Second SDK 18.0.0 beta. ### Changes - Added support for push to start tokens in live activities. Start tokens will automatically be tracked for attribute types passed into the `restore` call. - Added migration guide for 17.x -> 18.x. - Updated Airship accessors to all be class vars instead of a mix of class and instance vars. - Replaced access to AirshipPush, AirshipContact, AirshipChannel, AirshipAnalytics with protocols. - Consolidated NSNotificationNames and keys to AirshipNotifications class. - Fixed sendable warnings in PreferenceCenter and MessageCenter module. - Fixed coredata warnings with Xcode 15.
iOS macOS tvOS
urbanairship/apptimize-qa-console-ios 1.0.3
Preview variants in different combinations from all of your active feature flags and experiments.
⭐️ 1
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago

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