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Packages published by uploadcare

uploadcare/uploadcare-swift 0.13.1
Swift API client for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS, and Linux handles uploads and further operations with files by wrapping Uploadcare Upload and REST APIs.
⭐️ 12
🕓 8 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
8 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Resolved Xcode 15 network runtime warning (#129 by @AlexPerathoner)
21 weeks ago
- Added a new method for AWS Rekognition Moderation Add-on. - Added new methods for Add-ons that wait for execution results: `performAWSRekognition`, `performAWSRekognitionModeration`, `performClamav`, and `performRemoveBG`. - Added a new `defaultEffects` property to `File` and `UploadedFile` models, containing a set of processing operations applied to the file when the group is created. - Deprecated the `datetimeStored` property of `Group` and `UploadedFilesGroup` models; it will be removed in future releases. - Renamed the `executeAWSRecognition` method to `executeAWSRekognition`. - Updated the demo app.
29 weeks ago
* Added support for new [webhook event types](https://uploadcare.com/docs/webhooks/#event-types). * Added support for the new [multipage conversion feature](https://uploadcare.com/docs/transformations/document-conversion/#multipage-conversion). * Fixed a bug related to authorization in external [upload sources](https://uploadcare.com/docs/upload-sources/#upload-source-list). * Made small improvements in the [Demo app](https://github.com/uploadcare/uploadcare-swift/tree/master/Demo). * Removed old deprecated methods. * Updated the documentation.
33 weeks ago
- Added support for Linux, making all async/await methods available for Linux applications and server-side Swift projects. - Updated the minimum required Swift version to 5.6.
36 weeks ago
- Now all methods support Swift Concurrency (async-await) (https://github.com/uploadcare/uploadcare-swift/issues/83). - Added a new method to upload a file from a URL that waits until the upload finishes and returns an `UploadedFile` object (https://github.com/uploadcare/uploadcare-swift/issues/107). - All methods have examples of usage in the source code documentation. You can find them by **OPTION+click** on a method in Xcode or by using "Build Documentation" feature. - Demo app now uses new async methods.
1 year ago
- Fix for a callback returning an error after uploading a video file using multipart uploading. (https://github.com/uploadcare/uploadcare-swift/issues/105)
1 year ago
This release is a result of REST API update to a new version. Read more about it [here](https://uploadcare.com/docs/changelog/#2022-33). **New**: - Using REST API version 0.7. - Minimum required Swift version is now 5.5. - Metadata dictionary can be provided for direct, multipart and primary upload methods. - Metadata dictionary can be provided for Upload from URL method. - ```fileInfo``` method of REST API accepts query string or ```FileInfoQuery``` struct that allows to include additional fields in the response data. - ```fileMetadata``` method added to get file's metadata dictionary. - ```fileMetadataValue``` method added to get metadata key's value. - ```updateFileMetadata``` method added to update/create metadata key's value. - ```deleteFileMetadata``` method added to delete metadata key. - - ```deleteGroup``` method to delete a file group by its ID. - REST API: new methods ```executeAWSRecognition```, ```checkAWSRecognitionStatus```, ```executeClamav```, ```checkClamAVStatus```, ```executeRemoveBG``` and ```checkRemoveBGStatus``` for Add-Ons feature (check Add-Ons docs for more details). - ```File``` model: - New property: ```metadata``` dictionary. - New property: ```appData``` (Application names and data associated with these applications. Check Add-Ons section of REST API). - New property: ```contentInfo``` that contains image/video metadata and MIME type. - ```UploadedFile``` model: - New property: ```done``` (Same as ``size`` according API docs). - New property: ```contentInfo``` that contains image/video metadata and MIME type. - New property: ```metadata``` dictionary. **Changed**: - Fixed: type of ```channels``` property of ```AudioMetadata``` model is now Int. - ```File``` model: - Updated: ```VideoInfo``` model's properties ```audio``` and ```video``` are arrays now that contains metadata of audio and video tracks of the file. **Removed**: - ```storeGroup``` method is unavailable (removed on API side). To store or remove files from a group, query the list of files in it, split the list into chunks of 100 files per chunk and then perform batch file storing or batch file removal for all the chunks. - Removed sorting by size from pagination query for getting list of files (removed on API side). - ```File``` model: - Removed: ```imageInfo``` and ```videoInfo``` (replaced with new ```contentInfo``` property). - Removed: ```rekognitionInfo```.
1 year ago
What's fixed: - Crash when detecting mime type of a small file (https://github.com/uploadcare/uploadcare-swift/issues/102)
1 year ago
What's fixed: - File storing behavior was missing for direct upload requests
1 year ago
What's new: - All methods were updated to use Result type in completion blocks - Allow setting signature from the external source for the direct upload method (https://github.com/uploadcare/uploadcare-swift/pull/93) - Allow setting signature from the external source for other methods: - Upload file from url - Multipart file uploading - Create files group from a set of files - Create files group from a set of files UUIDs - Files group info - main uploadFile method that decides which upload method to use internally - upload method of UploadedFile object - Clarified how to use background upload - Documentation update
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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