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Packages published by unstoppabledomains

unstoppabledomains/resolution-swift newzil_address
Swift library for resolving unstoppable domains
⭐️ 25
πŸ•“ 28 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
## Add UD partner key support * Remove default RPC urls * Allow initialized with UD partner key
1 year ago
## 5.0.0 ### Changes - Ability to resolve `.zil` domains from Polygon and Ethereum networks - Reverse resolution support via `Resolution#reverse` and `Resolution#reverseTokenId` methods - Change default blockchain provider from Infura to Alchemy ### Breaking changes - ZNS support moved under UNS nameserice - Remove separate ZNS config
2 years ago
## 4.0.0 ### Breaking changes - ENS support has been removed. - Library configurations has been changed and all ens mentions have been removed.
v 3.0.0 - 🚨🚨🚨Layer 2 is live!
2 years ago
## 3.0.0 ### Breaking changes - Library initialization has been changed. - Uns configurations now require setup for ETH network for L1 and poligon network for L2 - `Resolution#getNetwork` has been removed. It is redundant since anyone who is using the library will have the configurations built-in - `Resolution#batchOwners` has changed signature. It now returns a map [String: String?] of domain to owner addresses. - `Resolution#tokensOwnedBy` has been removed - ENS considered deprecated and will be removed in the future ### New methods and features - πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ Add Polygon Layer 2 support! - Introducing `Resolution#allRecords` method. It resolves a domain and returns all records the domain has been configured on the chain as a map [String: String] record to value - Introducing `Resolution#locations` method which will help to determine domains location (blockhain, networkId) and useful metadata like owner, resolver, registry addresses, provider url if possible. `public struct Location: Equatable { var registryAddress: String? var resolverAddress: String? var networkId: String? var blockchain: String? var owner: String? var providerURL: String? }`
v 2.0.1
2 years ago
* Fix Resolution#tokensOwnedBy issue with lowercased addresses.
v 2.0.0
2 years ago
## 2.0.0 ### Breaking changes - `Resolution#isSupported` is now making an async call. Method signature was changed. - `Configurations` class accepts `uns` configs instead of `cns`. - For example: `let resolution = try Resolution(configs: Configurations(uns: NamingServiceConfig(...uns config)));` ### New methods and features - Support new TLD's ( .888, .nft, .coin, .blockchain, .wallet, .x, .bitcoin, .dao ) - Introduce Resolution#tokenURI - Retrieves the tokenURI from the registry smart contract - Introduce Resolution#tokenURIMetadata - Retrieves the data from the endpoint provided by tokenURI from the registry smart contract. - Introduce Resolution#unhash - Retrieves the domain name from token metadata that is provided by tokenURI from the registry smart contract - Return `ENS` support - Allowed custom networks for each of the naming services. If custom network has been set, it is required to set the proxyReader contract address for UNS and registryAddress for ENS && ZNS (see `./Sources/UnstoppableDomainsResolution/Resources/UNS/uns-config.json`)
v 1.0.0
2 years ago
1.0.0 Remove Ens support (#41) via @JohnnyJumper
v 0.3.7
2 years ago
### 0.3.7 * Zns fix (#40) via @merenkoff * Warning in project due to incorrect podspec #38 via @merenkoff
v 0.3.6
2 years ago
### 0.3.6 - Zilliqa testnet support. ([#37](https://github.com/unstoppabledomains/resolution-swift/pull/37)) via [@merenkoff](https://github.com/merenkoff) - UnregisteredDomain instead of UnspecifiedResolver ([#36](https://github.com/unstoppabledomains/resolution-swift/pull/36)) via [@JohnnyJumper](https://github.com/JohnnyJumper)
v 0.3.5
3 years ago
### 0.3.5 * Introduce DomainResolution#getMultiChainAddress general method to fetch a ticker address from specific chain * Deprecate DomainResolution#getUsdt method in favor of DomainResolution#getMultiChainAddress - General multichain support ([#33](https://github.com/unstoppabledomains/resolution-swift/pull/33)) via [@JohnnyJumper](https://github.com/JohnnyJumper) - Auto network ([#32](https://github.com/unstoppabledomains/resolution-swift/pull/32)) via [@JohnnyJumper](https://github.com/JohnnyJumper) - Move Base58 lib from dependencies to internal sources.
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