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Packages published by umobi

umobi/UICreator 2.0
UICreator use declarative programming to create view interface using UIKit
⭐️ 6
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Struct Based App
3 years ago
The description is not available yet.
Version 1.1.0
3 years ago
## New features We are excited to announce some cool features added to the UICreator framework. ### Property This property wrapper is a dynamic variable that returns a Relay when accessed using the `$` symbol. It allows to track some values of the UIView and UIAccessibility so the app can behave different depending on the value of the object. To setup Property, it is needed to call in some view inside the body getter the function `dynamicProperty(_:)`. ### UICMenu Available for iOS 13, Apple added to UIKit the context menus for all apps. UICreator allows that implementation using the function `.contextMenu(_:)` for iOS only. ### UICApp Available for Swift 5.3, UICApp is a new way to build apps without the UIApplicationDelegate. ### Relay - Added a constant behavior for Relays by calling the static property `.constant(_:)`. - Implemented the flatMap operator. ### Presentations - Now you can present views dynamically inside the body hierarchy with the `.present(_:, content:)` method. - Push views dynamically using the UICNavigationLink(_:, destination:, content:). ### General Improvements - Fixed an error on RenderManager when the ViewCreator isn't assign to the UIView. - Fixed a fatal error when the Relay tries to set a value where the source Value isn't available anymore. - Some ViewCreators were acessing the UIView using force cast operator, in this release that problem was solved. - Added more operators in some views.
UICreator release
3 years ago
Now you can use UICreator in all our app and rewrite ViewControllers and UIViews
1.0.0 Alpha 10 - Minor Fixes
3 years ago
## Log - Removed dependency to UIContainer - Value only holds values and Relay transmits data in a reactive way. - Border color now updates when trait changes. - The `present(animated:, onCompletion:, content:)` doesn't need anymore the ViewCreator to be concrete type. - Now `ContainerController` is `UICHostingView`. - You can search for ViewCreators in the UIView hierarchy. Since ViewCreator works as a envelop, sometimes we only have the UIView instance or UIWindow and we want to find a specific view. - You can do more with UICTab like to change the tabItem content when the ViewCreator appears. # Bugs - UICList can throw layout errors. - UICCollection or UICFlow enter in a loop on layoutSubviews() method. ## Future Release - It is currently being studied on how to flatten the view hierarchy. In our case of study and with some implementations, the view hierarchy has too many items and some basics contents can be avoided. - We may remove UICHost and RootView. On UICHostingView, the idea is to set the view of the controller the same view of ViewCreator. - We did some tests with libraries that remove the AutoLayout but sometimes AutoLayout was faster than the solution in the libraries.
Big Changes of Alpha 9
4 years ago
## Update Log - A fill changes on how RenderManager execute the view handlers on ViewAdaptor - ReusableView is not fully developed, but after a lot of tests the better algorithm to reuse views was to not reuse at all. In the future, when this project be more mature, the idea is to develop a reusable algorithm without removing views, but changing the creator associated to it. - Moved a lot of view property setters that were in the init of the view creator to the onNotRendered callback. - Fixed bugs and errors on old versions of iOS. - Added more methods and renamed a lot of functions to be more equal to UIKit properties. - Added the TabItem to provide specific methods to personalize the UITabBarItem. - Added on Header the estimatedHeight to UICList void constraint layout bugs. - Adding constraints to other view was easy before when using reference, but, after a lot of changes on UICreator, the view reference was substitute by UICOutlet that provided a better management of the view. So, when add constraints, the property was changed to be a callback type so it can access the UICOutlet view with no error. - Removed dependency to EasyAnchor and added the ConstraintBuilder from Umobi repo. - UIViewWrapper helps when it is necessarily to make changes directly in the view and provides methods to mount the UIView declared using UICreator. This should only be used when it is totally necessarily. - Improved memory access that was causing errors on swift 5.2 after Xcode updates. Now, there are a lot of methods to UICreator store data in memory. Still there are some objc set but it was removed a lot of them and moved to class storage or struct to be immutable. - Constraints gives a lot of layout errors and in the UICreator was no different. In the first project, creator always was adding new constraints when the constraint methods were called. Now, with EasyAnchor, included in the ConstraintBuilder, creator will search for some similar constraint and update or create if needed. So, if there are a lot of .top(equalTo: 5), .top(equalTo: 10), the final result will be only one constraint with 10 as constant to the top of superview. - Gestures now implements the Delegate that can be access using the onTapMaker. - The same idea used in UIViewWrapper, there is now a NavigationModifier to permit directly access given some view creator. - Added support to Swift Package Manager. - Added onTrait to be notified when trait changes on some view. With this, when creator set borderColor, it will updates the CGColor when trait changes. - Render will now commit the handlers from the bottom to the top views and to the first handler to the last, following the declarated order. ## To alpha 9 If you are using alpha 8 or old versions, you may have to change some functions name. All functions associated to UITextView, UILabel and UITextField have some updated. It was renamed and removed the `.text(color:)` to `.textColor(_:)`. The functions `.background(color:)`, `.clips(toBounds:)`, `.shadow(ocupacity:)`, `.shadow(radius:)`, `.shadow(color:)`, `.shadow(offset:)`, `.border(color:)`, `.border(width:)`, now are `.backgroundColor(_:)`, `.clipsToBounds(_:)`, `.shadowOcupacity(_:)`, `.shadowRadius(_:)`, `.shadowColor(_:)`, `.shadowOffset(_:)`, `.borderColor(_:)`, `.borderWidth(_:)`.
iOS macOS tvOS
umobi/UIContainer 2.1.1
Containers for UIViewController, UIView, UITableViewCell and others
⭐️ 3
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Version 2.1.0
3 years ago
Version 1.2.0
4 years ago
Improved a lot of functions and classes. ## Added * AddSubview struct to manage the translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints automatically * Added more properties on helpers classes * UIContainer protocol was renamed to ContainerRepresentable. * tvOS support * Fixed bugs. # To next version This repo is being modified because of some implementations on UICreator. In the beginning, UICreator was totally dependent on UIContainer methods and classes. To split both repo, UIContainer will lose some features that will be transferred to UICreator. With these, UICreator will be able to implement more features for utility views. UIContainer was developed to holds views, view controllers and cells.
iOS macOS tvOS
umobi/AlertFactory 2.0.2
Declarative alert creator
⭐️ 2
🕓 3 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
umobi/Index 1.1.1
List items with index path and isSelected properties as part of item
⭐️ 1
🕓 3 years ago
iOS macOS
umobi/MenuFactory 1.0.1
Build menus with actions more easly and using declarative syntax
⭐️ 1
🕓 3 years ago
umobi/UMUtils 1.4.6
iOS Utility Library
⭐️ 1
🕓 3 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
umobi/Reminder 1.0.1
Store informations and run actions when needed
⭐️ 1
🕓 4 years ago
umobi/ConstraintBuilder 2.0.1
UIKit constraint builder with activate, deactivate and update methods
⭐️ 0
🕓 3 years ago
iOS macOS tvOS
umobi/ServiceProvider 2.0.0
Static services to store data and execute static code
⭐️ 0
🕓 3 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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