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Packages published by uber

uber/RIBs v0.16.2
Uber's cross-platform mobile architecture framework.
⭐️ 7,667
πŸ•“ 18 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


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19 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Make suspend functions callable inside `test(worker) { }` by @psteiger in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/624 * [RibCoroutineWorker] In `asWorker()`, keep scope alive until lifecycl… by @psteiger in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/625 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/uber/RIBs/compare/v0.16.1...v0.16.2
22 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Remove duplicate method by @jbarr21 in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/621 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/uber/RIBs/compare/v0.16.0...v0.16.1
25 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Get rid of suppressions for "invisible_reference" and "invisible_member" by @psteiger in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/618 * Introduce `TestScope.test(RibCoroutineWorker)` test helper utility. by @psteiger in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/620 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/uber/RIBs/compare/v0.15.4...v0.16.0
29 weeks ago
## What's Changed * IntelliJ plugin 0.1.5 by @idanakav in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/613 * Set view tree owners in parent class by @jbarr21 in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/615 * Revert JVM version to 1.8 by @jbarr21 in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/616 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/uber/RIBs/compare/v0.15.3...v0.15.4
33 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Add RibCoroutineWorker.bind that receives multiple workers by @FranAguilera in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/607 * Change default CoroutineContext from empty to default for the RibCoroutineWorker<>Worker conversion by @FranAguilera in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/608 * Add `RibCoroutineWorker` factory method with `CoroutineScope` as receiver by @psteiger in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/610 * Update coroutines 1.7.3 by @tyvsmith in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/609 * Bump kotlinx.coroutines.test to 1.7.3 by @psteiger in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/611 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/uber/RIBs/compare/v0.15.2...v0.15.3
36 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Add `WorkerBinder.bind` overloads that take in an `Iterable`. by @psteiger in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/604 * Set view tree owners by @jbarr21 in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/606 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/uber/RIBs/compare/v0.15.1...v0.15.2
38 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Migrate from deprecated `@JvmDefault` to compiler option `-Xjvm-default=all` by @psteiger in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/576 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/uber/RIBs/compare/v0.15.0...v0.15.1
42 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Only complete the worker's scope after calling `Worker.onStop` by @psteiger in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/585 * Improve KDoc on `ActivityLifecycleEvent` by explaining ordering semantics. by @psteiger in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/586 * Make use of `jvmToolchain` for building the project. by @psteiger in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/583 * Revamp Gradle scripts by @psteiger in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/588 * Deprecate old worker by @FranAguilera in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/597 * Allow overriding default CoroutineDispatcher for WorkerBinder calls by @FranAguilera in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/596 * Update README.md by @FranAguilera in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/600 * Deprecate WorkerUnbinder by @FranAguilera in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/601 * Expose ribActionEvents stream by @FranAguilera in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/599 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/uber/RIBs/compare/v0.14.2...v0.15.0
48 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Fix potential for deadlocks in `Worker` binding. by @psteiger in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/582 * Add Rib Worker demo app by @FranAguilera in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/575 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/uber/RIBs/compare/v0.14.1...v0.14.2
49 weeks ago
## What's Changed ### Breaking changes - `Presenter`, `Interactor` lifecycle are only available on `didLoad`, `didBecomeActive`. Attempting to use it before (e.g. constructor) results in a crash. - `Interactor`, `RibActivity`, `Presenter`, etc, now expose a `lifecycleFlow` as API, supporting mocking. `LifecycleScopeProvider` interface methods are a function of the `lifecycleFlow` and are now finalized. ### PRs * [WorkerBinder] Guard against potential Worker.coroutineContext being null while using Mockito by @FranAguilera in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/573 * Open `lifecycleFlow`, thus enabling it for mocking by @psteiger in https://github.com/uber/RIBs/pull/572 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/uber/RIBs/compare/v0.14.0...v0.14.1
uber/ios-snapshot-test-case 8.0.0
Snapshot view unit tests for iOS
⭐️ 1,765
πŸ•“ 2 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
- We fixed all the file path issues and renamed the targets from FBSnapshotTestCase to iOSSnapshotTestCase. There were a lot of confusing old legacy decisions lingering in the repo and it didn't make sense to keep using confusing naming or directory structures. If you use SPM you will have to use 'import iOSSnapshotTestCase'. Cocoapods and Carthage will continue to use 'import FBSnapshotTestCase'. - Xcode 13 and iOS 15 support. - Bazel support.
2 years ago
- Support for Swift Package Manager. - Updated for Xcode 12.5 and Swift 5.4.
4 years ago
- Fixed issue where images without the screen scale in the file name were failing. ([#100](https://github.com/uber/ios-snapshot-test-case/pull/100)) - Add convenience FBSnapshotVerifyViewController() function for Swift users ([#101](https://github.com/uber/ios-snapshot-test-case/pull/101)) - Updated for Xcode 11.1 and Swift 5.1.
4 years ago
- Added support for Xcode 9 attachments. ([#86](https://github.com/uber/ios-snapshot-test-case/pull/86)) - Updated the default suffixes to only contain the currently targetted architecture. ([#87](https://github.com/uber/ios-snapshot-test-case/pull/87)) - Use [UIGraphicsImageRenderer](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uigraphicsimagerenderer) to generate the image for a UIView instead of a custom graphics context ([#95](https://github.com/uber/ios-snapshot-test-case/pull/95)) - Use the main screen instead of the key window to calculate the correct size in tests that do not have a host application. ([#79](https://github.com/uber/ios-snapshot-test-case/pull/79)) - Display the correct error message when tests are run in record mode. ([#65](https://github.com/uber/ios-snapshot-test-case/pull/65)) - Updated for Xcode 10.2.1 and Swift 5.0.1.
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
iOS tvOS
uber/needle v0.24.0
Compile-time safe Swift dependency injection framework
⭐️ 1,743
πŸ•“ 34 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
34 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Ignore internal properties in components by @rudro in https://github.com/uber/needle/pull/459
50 weeks ago
Bug fix for how needle scans for vars in Component subclasses.
1 year ago
- Better memory management for the new dynamic generated code - One Uber specific change for pluginized components
1 year ago
- Moving to a newer version of SwiftSyntax so that we no longer need to ship the `lib_InternalSwiftSyntaxParser.dylib` separately.
1 year ago
- Just to get a bug that fixes a serious compiler performance bottleneck for Release builds (was stopping developers from using Instruments in Release) that have cropped up with the larger apps at Uber.
1 year ago
- New codepath that allows for dependencies to be looked up at runtime - All code is guarded by a #IF, which, if not set means this is all just a no-op
1 year ago
- Fix the reference to the `Scope` class in the parameters of `registerProviderFactory()` to be fully qualified, for compatibility with codebases containing a class named `Scope`
2 years ago
- Significantly improved performance of compiling generated code on large codebases - Bundled Generator is now a universal 2 binary (x86_64 and arm64) - Updated bundled Generator to Swift 5.6 - Added support for compiling with Swift 5.2 - 5.6
Minor updates
3 years ago
- Mostly fixes to how the project files are setup - Optimization to not write destination file if it remains unchanged.
Xcode 12 upgrade and latest SwiftSyntax
3 years ago
Needle code generator is now built with Xcode 12.2 and supports the latest version of SwiftSyntax
uber/mockolo 2.0.1
Efficient Mock Generator for Swift
⭐️ 771
πŸ•“ 42 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
42 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Use safeName for history variable name by @sidepelican in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/239 * Drop legacy sequence extensions by @sidepelican in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/240 * [Bugfix] Fix functions with same signature and different generic constraints not getting generated by @ryanaveo in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/241 * Only consider relevant files when collecting import statements. by @rudro in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/243 ## New Contributors * @ryanaveo made their first contribution in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/241 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/uber/mockolo/compare/2.0.0...2.0.1
47 weeks ago
# 2.0.0 Major Update mockolo uses SwiftSyntax508.0.0 from this version. This will solve many installation issues. Along with this, build support for mockolo itself in lower Xcode versions will be terminated. Since mockolo built with the latest Xcode will still work for older Swift code, many users will not need to worry about this. ## What's Changed * Use SwiftSyntax 508.0.0 by @sidepelican in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/230 * Avoid to generate duplicated variable name by @fummicc1 in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/231 * Fix typos by @woxtu in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/232 * Add support to build on macOS 12 by @sidepelican in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/233 * Wrap underlyingType if the type has existential any by @sidepelican in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/235 * Update version number to 2.0.0 by @sidepelican in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/236 ## New Contributors * @woxtu made their first contribution in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/232 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/uber/mockolo/compare/1.8.2...2.0.0
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Add ability to override generated mock name by @ileitch in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/214 * Support type composition (`&` keyword) by @fummicc1 in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/217 * Use lib_InternalSwiftSyntaxParser resolved by SPM by @fummicc1 in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/223 ## New Contributors * @ileitch made their first contribution in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/214 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/uber/mockolo/compare/1.8.1...1.8.2
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Use SwiftSyntax.TokenKind to determine a String is SwiftKeyword or not. by @sidepelican in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/208 * Add customImports command shorthand back by @tinder-matthewmourlam in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/196 * Disable Start/done logs when log level is 3 by @maxwellE in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/209 * Support `some` parameter's handler by @fummicc1 in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/213 * Prepare for update to version 1.8.1 by @fummicc1 in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/215 ## New Contributors * @tinder-matthewmourlam made their first contribution in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/196 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/uber/mockolo/compare/1.8.0...1.8.1
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Bump swift-syntax for Swift 5.7 by @uhooi in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/205 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/uber/mockolo/compare/1.7.1...1.8.0
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Remove LICENSE.txt and README.md in MockoloFramework by @uhooi in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/181 * Handle varying names for SyntaxParser by @tinder-maxwellelliott in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/183 * Disable combine parameter overloading via a flag by @maxwellE in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/186 * Update CI by @uhooi in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/187 * Use `@main` in Mockolo target by @yutailang0119 in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/190 * Report error when fails to write mock file by @maiyama18 in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/193 * Automatic generation of binaries at release time by @uhooi in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/192 * Updated swift-tools-support-core version from 0.2.3 to 0.2.7 by @fummicc1 in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/198 * Tried to use mockolo via Mint by @fummicc1 in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/199 * Make universal binary by @ikesyo in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/200 * Update swift-argument-parser dependency by @pablocornejo in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/197 ## New Contributors * @maiyama18 made their first contribution in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/193 * @fummicc1 made their first contribution in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/198 * @pablocornejo made their first contribution in https://github.com/uber/mockolo/pull/197 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/uber/mockolo/compare/1.7.0...1.7.1
2 years ago
- Support Swift 5.6 (@yutailang0119, @aroshipup) - Support multiple values for options (@ffittschen) - Fix warnings of unhandled files (@yutailang0119)
2 years ago
Add async function support @sidepelican
2 years ago
Increase the range of Argument Parser versions (@uhooi)
2 years ago
Argument parser version bump (@nk-5)
uber/swift-concurrency v0.7.1
Concurrency utilities for Swift
⭐️ 323
πŸ•“ 1 year ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


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Auto releasing execution threads when executor is released
5 years ago
Please see https://github.com/uber/swift-concurrency/issues/32 and https://github.com/uber/swift-concurrency/issues/29
Allow task execution to throw errors
5 years ago
Fix deprecated atomic API usages
5 years ago
Fix concurrency limit deadlock
5 years ago
Rename serial executor
5 years ago
Allow limiting concurrency when using concurrent executor
5 years ago
Fix typo in task ID tracking parameter
5 years ago
Allow tracking task ID to support reporting timeout error details
5 years ago
When a timeout occurs while waiting for a sequence of tasks to finish execution, it is useful to understand which task was executing when the timeout occurred.
Fix SequenceExecutionHandle accessibility
5 years ago
Fix SerialSequenceExecutor accessibility
5 years ago
uber/cyborg v0.7.0
Display Android Vectordrawables on iOS.
⭐️ 300
πŸ•“ 3 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


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0.7 - SPM, MacOS, tvOS, and SwiftUI Support
3 years ago
This release adds basic support for MacOS, tvOS, and SwiftUI. It also adds support for Swift Package Manager. Thanks to @ashare80 for implementing support for MacOS and tvOS, and @dreampiggy for pointing out that libxml2 support had been added to SPM. This release also fixes a few bugs: - An SVG path element wasn't supported. All elements should now be supported - Automirrored wasn't implemented correctly. This issue has now been corrected.
0.6 - withSize, withTint, and Swift 5.1
4 years ago
This release adds several features: - You can now set a new tint or intrinsic size on a VectorDrawable. These features can be useful if you want to reuse Drawables as Icons, or need to pass the Drawable to a more complex view, which sizes content according to intrinsic content size. - `UIView.contentMode` is now supported Also, the minimum Swift and Xcode versions have been bumped, which will allow us to take advantage of new Swift features and performance optimizations that may have shipped in that compiler version.
0.5 -- Static VectorDrawables
4 years ago
This release supports most of the most common features desired by VectorDrawable users: - paths - groups - theme colors (through your own theme object) - resource colors (through your own resource system) - clip-paths - transforms Important **Omissions**: - no animated VectorDrawables - no support for non-colors provided by a theme or resources - no support for certain gradient types
iOS macOS tvOS
uber/swift-abstract-class v0.3.0
Compile-time abstract class validation for Swift
⭐️ 83
πŸ•“ 4 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


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Support generic base abstract classes
4 years ago
Support generic in base abstract classes
4 years ago
Initial release
5 years ago
uber/swift-common v0.5.0
Common code used by various Uber open source projects
⭐️ 65
πŸ•“ 3 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Sourcekitten dependency removal
3 years ago
As we've moved to `SwiftSyntax`, @tianskylan has removed the dependency on SourceKitten
Statically link SwiftToolsSupport
3 years ago
Statically link `SwiftToolsSupport` so that dependent packages can distribute easily.
SHA fix
3 years ago
Unfortunately depending on the core swift tools means that we do get breakage sometimes due to the current version being 0.x.
Latest Changes
3 years ago
uber/RxCBCentral v0.1.0
A reactive, interface-driven central role Bluetooth LE library for iOS
⭐️ 34
πŸ•“ 29 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Initial Release
4 years ago
iOS macOS

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