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Packages published by trilemma-dev

trilemma-dev/SecureXPC 0.8.0
A simple and secure XPC framework for Swift
⭐️ 72
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
This is a big release! Continued thanks to @amomchilov for his contributions and code reviews. ## New functionality - Adds built-in support for macOS Ventura's new [`SMAppService`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/servicemanagement/smappservice)'s daemons & agents. - For simple configurations, just call `XPCServer.forMachService()` and an auto-configured server will be returned. - Experimental support for shared memory has been added. Shared memory is truly shared between processes, no encoding or decoding occurs like with typical XPC communication. - A friendly to use, although quite basic, data structure `SharedTrivial` demonstrates this functionality. - The building block pieces available through `SharedSemaphore`, `SharedMemory`, and `SharedRawMemory` should enable you to build your own custom multi-process data structures. - This support is experimental and while it remains experimental breaking changes to it will not be considered for SerVer purposes. - `XPCClient` now provides the unforgeable identity of the server it is connected to via its `serverIdentity` async property (or the equivalent callback function). - `XPCClient` now automatically verifies the identity of the server in common cases and this can be customized with `XPCClient.ServerRequirement`. - `XPCServer` instances now always have an `endpoint` property (previously only those also conforming to `XPCNonBlockingServer` had this property). - Send [`IOSurface`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/iosurface) instances over XPC connections using the `IOSurfaceForXPC` property wrapper. - `Data` instances and arrays of trivial types can optionally be more efficiently sent across XPC connections by using the `DataOptimizedForXPC` and `ArrayOptimizedForXPC` property wrappers. ## Breaking changes - `XPCServer` retrieval has been simplified. There are now just three main entry points: - `XPCServer.forThisXPCService()` - `XPCServer.forMachService()` - `XPCServer.makeAnonymous()` - `XPCServer` retrieval is now more customizable. - To customize a Mach service use `XPCServer.MachServiceCriteria` then call `XPCServer.forMachService(withCriteria:)` - To customize an anonymous server use `XPCServer.makeAnonymous(withClientRequirement:)` - `XPCServer`'s client requirements no longer require using [`SecRequirement`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/secrequirement) directly (although that's still supported). - Requirements are now created using `XPCServer.ClientRequirement` and declarative in nature: `XPCServer.makeAnonymous(withClientRequirement: try .sameTeamIdentifier || try .teamIdentifier("Q55ZG849VX"))` - `XPCClient`'s factory methods have been tweaked to now optionally take a `XPCClient.ServerRequirement` instance. - `XPCFileDescriptorContainer` has been replaced by the `FileHandleForXPC` and `FileDescriptorForXPC` property wrappers. - `XPCRequestContext` has been renamed to `XPCServer.ClientIdentity`. - Several `XPCError` cases have been removed and a few have been added. - The underlying interprocess communication protocol between the client and server has changed (to support the client's ability to verify the server's identity). This means if you update SecureXPC, you need to do so for both your client and server implementations at the same time.
1 year ago
This release adds numerous improvements that result in breaking changes. ## Breaking changes - `XPCServer`'s `targetQueue` property has been removed and replaced with a `handlerQueue` property with improved documentation. This queue is only used when running synchronous handlers. By default a concurrent queue is used to run synchronous handlers, but this can be set to a serial queue if desired. - `XPCClient` and `XPCServer`'s `serviceName` property has been replaced by a `connectionDescriptor` property. This property returns a type of `XPCConnectionDescriptor` which describes the connection and for non-anonymous connections includes the name. - `XPCServerEndpoint` now also has a `connectionDescriptor` property which returns a value matching that of the `XPCServer` from which it was created. - Most of `XPCError`'s cases now have named parameters for their associated values. For example `XPCError.routeMismatch(routeName:description:)`.
1 year ago
This release adds automatic support for login items. ## New functionality - Call `XPCServer.forThisLoginItem()` to be returned an auto-configured `XPCServer` for login items installed with [`SMLoginItemSetEnabled`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/servicemanagement/1501557-smloginitemsetenabled). This works for both sandboxed and non-sandboxed login items. ## Breaking changes - The underlying interprocess communication protocol between the client and server has changed (to support the above mentioned new functionality). This is true even if you are not using login items. This means if you update SecureXPC, you need to do so for both your client and server implementations at the same time.
2 years ago
This minor release introduces a new capability for file descriptors. ## New functionality - Adds `XPCFileDescriptorContainer` which can wrap a native file descriptor, a [`FileHandle`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/filehandle), or a [`FileDescriptor`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/system/filedescriptor) enabling sending of live file descriptors across an XPC connection.
2 years ago
This release contains minor internal improvements. In particular, servers that have a sequential result not yet finished should avoid termination by the system.
2 years ago
This release contains a major new capability - sending multiple replies from the server for the same request. ## New functionality - Routes can now use sequential replies. On the server, a handler registered for a route with a sequential reply is passed a `SequentialResultProvider` with which it can send arbitrarily many responses to the client. On the client side these are exposed as an `AsyncThrowingStream` (or for the closure-based version as a callback provided `SequentialResult`s). - The server side implementation can choose to finish a sequence or it can continue to provide values indefinitely. Amongst other use cases this is intended to replace any scenarios where the client is currently polling for new values - now the server can stream those to the client upon request. ## Breaking changes - The `NonBlockingServer` protocol has been renamed to `XPCNonBlockingServer`. - The underlying interprocess communication protocol between the client and server has changed (to support the above mentioned new functionality). This means if you update `SecureXPC`, you need to do so for *both* your client and server implementations at the same time.
2 years ago
This release adds a bit of new functionality and also contains some minor breaking changes. Continued thanks to @amomchilov for all of his contributions and code reviews. ## New functionality - Support for all custom errors so long as they're `Codable`. Simply define them as part of an `XPCRoute` (doing so is optional) and they'll be decoded by the client. This is highly convenient when using the `async` send messages as the error itself will be throw. When using the closure based variants the error will be encapsulated within a `HandlerError`. - An `async` closure/function can now be used as the error handler for an `XPCServer`. - Within a closure registered with and called by an `XPCServer` the newly added `XPCRequestContext` can be used to access information about the request's client process. Usage of this information is entirely optional and likely not needed by most daemons and applications. ## Breaking changes - All of the `route` named parameters for `XPCClient`'s `send` and `sendMessage` functions have been renamed to `to`. Otherwise functionality remains unchanged. - To add an error handler to an `XPCServer` instead of assigning a closure to `errorHandler`, it must now be added using the `setErrorHandler` function. There are two variants of this function with identical names: one for `async` and one for "standard" synchronous closures. - The `XPCError.other` case no longer exists.
2 years ago
- Fixes a bug where interrupted clients wouldn't reconnect properly when the service had terminated
2 years ago
This release adds significant new functionality and also contains many breaking changes. Big thanks to @amomchilov for all of the work he contributed to this release. ## New functionality - XPC services: create a server with `XPCServer.forThisXPCService()` and communicate with it using `XPCClient.forXPCService(named:)`. - Anonymous XPC: useful for testing and some advanced multiprocess communication scenarios. - Swift concurrency: `await` sends from the client and register `async` routes with the server side (available on macOS 10.15 and later). - A server's dispatch queue can now be set. - Endpoints can be retrieved for anonymous and XPC Mach servers, optionally sent over another XPC connection, and used to create clients. - Anonymous and XPC Mach servers can be started in a non-blocking manner. - Improved error types and messages. ## Changes - XPC Mach servers are now retrieved with `XPCServer.forThisBlessedHelperTool()` or `XPCServer.forThisMachService(named:clientRequirements:)`. - To start a server in a blocking manner, use `startAndBlock()`. `start()` now starts the server and then returns. - XPC Mach clients are now retrieved with `XPCClient.forMachService(named:)`. - The client's `send` and `sendMessage` functions which do not receive a reply must now either provide an `onCompletion` handler or explicitly pass in `nil` to indicate they do not want to be informed of completion or any errors. - The clients `send` and `sendMessage` functions which receive a reply have had their `withReply` parameter renamed to `withResponse`. - The client's `send` and `sendMessage` functions no longer `throw`; all errors are passed to either the `onCompletion` or `withResponse` handler. - Routes are now constructed with a builder pattern, for example: `XPCRoute.named("bedazzle").withMessageType(String.self).withReplyType(Bool.self)` ## Other additions - Over 100 tests have been added.
2 years ago
- Renames `XPCMachServer.forBlessedExecutable()` to `XPCMachServer.forBlessedHelperTool()` to better align with the naming convention used by Apple in [`SMJobBless` documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/servicemanagement/1431078-smjobbless) - Minor documentation improvements
trilemma-dev/Blessed 0.6.0
Swift friendly SMJobBless implementation with excellent error messages
⭐️ 32
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
With this release, the purpose of Blessed has narrowed to exclusively be about providing an excellent Swift wrapper around [`SMJobBless`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/servicemanagement/1431078-smjobbless). ## Breaking changes This is a significantly breaking release, if you do not want to update your app at this time consider using 0.5.0 instead. - All authorization related functionality has been removed from this package and now lives in the [Authorized](https://github.com/trilemma-dev/Authorized) package which has become a dependency of this package. All functionality has been fully preserved and no changes have been made to the public API. - Login item functionality ([`SMLoginItemSetEnabled`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/servicemanagement/1501557-smloginitemsetenabled)) has been removed. There was minimal benefit to using this package's Swift wrapper for it, so you're recommend to use Apple's API directly.
1 year ago
This release has significantly improved error generation for `bless(...)`. ## New functionality - When calling `bless(...)` or either of the `authorizeAndBless(...)` functions, if blessing fails then a new `BlessError` will be thrown. This error's `description` contains detailed explanations of exactly why the bless failed. This functionality is made possible by adding two new dependencies: - [EmbeddedPropertyList](https://github.com/trilemma-dev/EmbeddedPropertyList) to read the property lists embedded in the helper tool's binary file. - [Required](https://github.com/trilemma-dev/Required) to parse and evaluate the code signing requirements the app and helper tool have for each other. ## Breaking changes - Most of the cases in `LaunchdError` have been removed. This same functionality and more is now available via `BlessError`.
1 year ago
This release changes both the external sandbox check API as well as its internal implementation. ## Breaking changes - The function `NSApplication.shared.isSandboxed()` has been removed and replaced with the `ProcessInfo.processInfo.isSandboxed` property.
2 years ago
This release adds `async` variants for two potentially long running functions `requestRights` and `authorizeAndBless`. This functionality is available on macOS 10.15 and later. ## New functionality - There is now an `async` version of `requestRights(_:environment:options:)`. This function can take an indeterminate time to complete as depending on the rights requested it can require user input. This new function does not block while waiting on user input, instead it can be `await`ed. - There is also now an `async` version of `authorizeAndBless(message:icon:)`. Internally it uses the above mentioned `requestRights` function to asynchronously request rights without blocking on user input. ## Breaking changes - `requestRightsAsync(_:environment:options:callback:)` was renamed to `requestRights(_:environment:options:callback:)`. There is no change in functionality.
2 years ago
Fixes two compatibility issues with Xcode 13.3. This release contains no external API changes.
2 years ago
- Includes breaking changes - Removes unnecessary initializer in Authorization, same functionality available in a more comprehensible way via requestRights function - Improves documentation
2 years ago
Initial release
trilemma-dev/EmbeddedPropertyList 2.0.2
Read property lists embedded inside of Mach-O executables (commonly Command Line Tools)
⭐️ 13
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
- Fixes a bug where `BundleVersion` could be initialized with values ending in a period; this did not match `CFBundleVersion` semantics. Values such as `1.2.` now correctly fail to initialize.
2 years ago
- Fixes a minor documentation issue for `BundleVersion` - No code changes
2 years ago
This introduces several small breaking changes: - `Version` has been renamed to `BundleVersion` to more clearly reflect what it represents - The semantics for this struct should now fully conform to `CFBundleVersion` which means its properties are now `UInt`s - `EmbeddedPropertyListReader` when externally reading a universal binary will default to the slice which matches the Mac it is running on - It is also possible to explicitly specify the slice to read from a universal binary by using `UniversalBinarySliceType` - Several new `ReadError` cases have been added
2 years ago
- `Version` is now fully compliant with `CFBundleVersion`
2 years ago
- Fixed issue with reading external property lists for fat (universal) binaries
2 years ago
- Fixes documentation issue
2 years ago
Initial stable release
Initial preview release
2 years ago
trilemma-dev/Authorized 1.0.0
Swift implementation of the Authorization Services framework
⭐️ 7
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
Initial release of Authorized as its own Swift package. The contents of this package used to be part of [`Blessed`](https://github.com/trilemma-dev/Blessed).

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