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Packages published by traderepublic

traderepublic/SectionKit 2.0.1
♻️ Reusable sections for UICollectionView
⭐️ 62
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
- Fix compile error on Xcode 14.3 (#107)
1 year ago
- Add `MainActor` & `Sendable` annotation to relevant types (#101) - Fix snapshot testing dependency in example project (#102) - Fix Xcode 14 compiler warnings (#103) - Use `@inlinable` and remove redundant helper function (#105)
1 year ago
- Fix NSInternalInconsistencyException when reloadData occurs (#99)
1 year ago
- Fix that duplicate section ids were not filtered properly (#97)
1 year ago
- SingleModelSectionController: Reload entire section when model is changed (#95)
1 year ago
- Update gem dependencies of CI workflow (#90) - Upgrade project file with Xcode 13.3.1 (#91) - Improve performance of reusing SectionControllers by creating temporary dictionary (#92) - Fix type error in example project after upgrading Xcode version (#93)
2 years ago
- Add vanilla swift example that showcases updating the list of items (#86) - Fix ListCollectionViewAdapter init call in README (#87) - Add function to `CollectionViewContext` to retrieve the index of a given `SectionController` (#88)
2 years ago
- Fix version of SwiftPM integration in Readme (#82) - Convert the colors example to the MVC architecture (#83) - Add `Equatable` conformance to `Error` (#85)
2 years ago
This is the first major version of SectionKit 🎉
2 years ago
- Add convenience method for accessing items using a `SectionIndexPath` (#58)

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