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tirannosario/PositioningLibrary 0.2.0
AR based indoor positioning library for iOS - Project for MobiDev course 2021/2022 (UniMi)
⭐️ 7
🕓 1 year ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/tirannosario/PositioningLibrary.git", from: "0.2.0")


The library allows the developer to access the position and orientation of the device in an indoor space, through a few lines of code. The library uses Augmented Reality-based Indoor Positioning techniques, in particular focused on the recognition of graphic Markers in the surrounding space.

Watch the Demo

The library provides location updates through an instance of the LocationProvider class, which is provided with a set of user-defined objects:

  • Building: identifies a structure
  • Floor: identifies a single floor of a structure (Building)
  • Marker: identifies a marker, has a Location that locates it in a Floor
  • Location: identifies a pose (position and orientation) with respect to the origin of the axes of the Floor it belongs to

:round_pushpin: Positioning of Markers

The Markers will be positioned in the floor to be traced, and subsequently the relative poses will be defined.

  • The pose of a Marker is defined by:
    • x, y starting from the origin, expressed in meters
    • heading (orientation) with respect to the origin, expressed in radians

    Example of Floor (in this case a small room) with relative Markers

  • :large_orange_diamond: M1 = <x:1.95, y:0>, heading: 0
  • :large_orange_diamond: M2 = <x:0.33, y:0.88>, heading: -0.785
  • :large_orange_diamond: M3 = <x:3.82, y:1.87>, heading: 3.14
  • :large_orange_diamond: M4 = <x:5.10, y:0.85>, heading: 1.57

:open_file_folder: Installation

To add a package dependency to your Xcode project, select File > Add Packages and enter the repository URL. You can also navigate to your target’s General pane, and in the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section, click the + button, select Add Other, and choose Add Package Dependency (more info here). Now that you have the Package, you can import PositioningLibrary into your classes.

:hammer: How To Use

  1. To receive location updates, you need to make your class conform to the LocationObserver protocol by implementing its methods. A class that conforms to LocationObserver receives updates regarding the change of location, through objects:

    • ApproxLocation, i.e. coordinates, orientation, radius and angle of approximation (via onLocationUpdate)
    • Floor (via onFloorChanged)
    • Building (via onBuildingChanged)
  2. You need to define the data that will be used by the library for the position calculation. Two ways are possible:

    :warning: The Building, Floor and Marker IDs must be different from each other.

    • Dynamic Creation
      • The user dynamically defines the data, defining the various Buildings, Floors and obviously Markers. Each Marker will have a reference to an image that must be inserted in the Assets of the project. Furthermore, for each Marker it will be necessary to define its own Location, with coordinates and orientation referring to the origin of the axes of the relative Floor (for example, upper left corner of the plane). Once the data is defined, we can instantiate an object of the LocationProvider class by passing it the ARView of our app (necessary since we use AR techniques) and the list of newly created Markers. Then on the LocationProvider object it will be possible to register our class as LocationObserver and then call the start() method to start the position calculation.

      • Example:

              let b1 = Building(id: "b1", name: "MoMA", coord: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.76141278416226, longitude: -73.97759781909012))
              let f_1 = Floor(id: "f1_1", name: "ground floor", number: 0, building: b1, maxWidth: 5.10, maxHeight: 2.43)
              let l1 = Location(coordinates: CGPoint(x: 1.95, y: 0), heading: 0, floor: f_1)
              let l2 = Location(coordinates: CGPoint(x: 0.33, y: 0.88), heading: -0.785, floor: f_1)
              let m1 = Marker(id: "S1", image: UIImage(named: "S1")!, physicalWidth: 0.12, location: l1)
              let m2 = Marker(id: "S2", image: UIImage(named: "S2")!, physicalWidth: 0.12, location: l2)
              self.locationProvider = LocationProvider(arView: arView, markers: [m1, m2])
              self.locationProvider.addLocationObserver(locationObserver: self)

    • Static Creation
      • The user can define his own JSON document following a certain pattern (example of JSON doc). (The images must in any case be loaded on the Assets of the project, the JSON will contain the reference to their name). Then it will be possible to instantiate an object of the LocationProvider class by passing it the ARView and the name of the JSON document. Then on the LocationProvider object it will be possible to register our class as LocationObserver and then call the start() method to start the position calculation.

      • Example:

          self.locationProvider = LocationProvider(arView: arView, jsonName: "mydata")
          self.locationProvider.addLocationObserver(locationObserver: self)

:door: Display the Indoor Map

The library also allows the developer to show the user's position within the map of the floor he is in, updating his position in real-time.

  1. To be able to show the position of the device on the map, it is first of all necessary to provide the image of the floor plan. You can put it in the Assets of the project and place its reference in the optional parameter floorMap in the Floor constructor.
let floor0 = Floor(id: "f1_1", name: "ground floor", number: 0, building: b1, maxWidth: 8.16, maxHeight: 5.3, floorMap: UIImage(named: "piano0")!)
  • In the case of using static data creation, insert the reference to the image name in the floorMap field in the JSON document.

:warning: It is necessary that the loaded image has no background (for example .png) and is without any padding (no spaces between the start of the image and the start of the map). Furthermore, the upper left corner of the map must coincide with the origin of the Floor chosen when loading the Markers. So for example for the floor of the previous example, the image will be this:

  1. It is possible to show the indoor map through the FloorMapView component, which can be displayed in different ways:
    • From code: The LocationProvider object provides the showFloorMap method which takes care of displaying the map on the screen. When invoking showFloorMap it is necessary to pass the CGRect object which indicates the position and size of the FloorMapView to be displayed.
    self.locationProvider.showFloorMap(CGRect(x: 20, y: 40, width: 247, height: 323))

    • Using the component in the Storyboard: Simply drag a View component from the Object Library into the View Controller and set its class to FloorMapView.

    Next you will have to create an Outlet for the FloorMapView, add it as a subView of the main View and register the component as an Observer of the LocationProvider.
    self.locationProvider.addLocationObserver(locationObserver: floorMapView)

:eyes: Demo

In the following repo there is a simple iOS app that uses the library, showing both the user's pose data and the map with the location on the screen.


Stars: 7
Last commit: 1 year ago
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