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Packages published by tink-ab

tink-ab/tink-link-ios 2.7.0
Optimise open banking experiences for mobile apps with Tink Link iOS SDK.
⭐️ 13
πŸ•“ 14 hours ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Tink Link iOS 2.7.0
15 hours ago
* `UINavigationBar` replaced with `Tink Link` navigation bar.
Tink Link iOS 2.6.0
1 week ago
* `Payments` product extended with support of `Variable Recurring Payments` flow. [SDK reference](https://tink-ab.github.io/tink-link-ios/documentation/tinklink/tink/payments/authorizevariablerecurringpaymentsmandate(configuration:consentid:authorizationcode:locale:market:completion:)) [Tink Docs](https://docs.tink.com/resources/payments#variable-recurring-payments)
Tink Link iOS 2.5.0
5 weeks ago
* Added optional `locale` parameter into [Tink.AccountAggregation.refreshCredentials](https://tink-ab.github.io/tink-link-ios/documentation/tinklink/tink/accountaggregation/refreshcredentials(configuration:authorizationcode:credentialsid:authenticate:locale:completion:)) flow. * Updated README. * Updated documentation.
Tink Link iOS 2.4.0
17 weeks ago
- Added support for Bulk Payments with using new API-call `Tink.Payments.initiateBulkPayment`. - Added `external_reference` and `refreshable_items` parameters for Account Check. - Improved UX of the success screen.
Tink Link iOS 2.3.0
33 weeks ago
* Added `BaseDomain` type. This type is used to specify the Tink Link API base domain for both the production and custom environments. There are two distinct available options:   1. European Base Domain (`BaseDomain.eu`): This corresponds to the European production environment.   2. Custom Base Domain (`BaseDomain.custom("your_custom_base_domain")`). This allows configuration for a custom base domain, which can be useful for sandbox environments or other specific requirements. * Added new initializer for `Configuration` type which requires `BaseDomain` case as required parameter. * Deprecated existing `Configuration` type initializer which does not require `BaseDomain` case. This initializer falls back to the `.eu` case.
Tink Link iOS 2.2.0
45 weeks ago
* Added support for Account Aggregation product.
Tink Link iOS 2.1.0
49 weeks ago
* Added [Business Account Check](https://docs.tink.com/resources/business-account-check) product support. * Added [Business Transactions](https://docs.tink.com/resources/business-transactions) product support. * Bumped minimum required Xcode version up to 14.0.
Tink Link iOS 2.0.1
1 year ago
- Updated minimum supported version of Swift. - Fixed an issue where double completion handler invocation would occur. - Minor improvements.
Tink Link iOS 2.0.0
1 year ago
* Removed support for the Account Aggregation product * Users of this product are encouraged to migrate to the Transactions product instead, or contact their account manager for more information about products suitable for their needs. * Added full product coverage of Tink’s products: * Account Check * Expense Check * Income Check * Payments * Reports * Risk Insights * Transactions * Improved error handling and error details in responses * Updated theming and customisation options, now available through Tink Console * Minimum required version is iOS 13
Tink Link iOS 2.0 Release Candidate 2
1 year ago
This is a release candidate of Tink Link 2.0. It is a major version update which includes breaking changes to the SDK.
tink-ab/tink-money-manager-ios 1.3.0
Give your customers tools and personalised insights to better control their financial lives with Tink Money Manager iOS SDK.
⭐️ 3
πŸ•“ Yesterday
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Tink Money Manager iOS 1.3.0
- Various visual improvements of the Create Budget Screen and Transactions Details Screen. - Added Privacy Manifest file.
Tink Money Manager iOS 1.2.1
4 weeks ago
- Fixed an issue in Statistics when sometimes Left to Spend shows "No statistics available" if there are no Expenses for the current period of time. - Improved handling of the keyboard on the Create Budget screen.
Tink Money Manager iOS 1.2.0
7 weeks ago
- Deprecated the Improve the categorization level feature. - Improved handling of the keyboard on the Create Budget screen. ### API changes - `FinanceOverviewViewController.Feature.improveCategorizationLevel` enum case is marked as deprecated. - `ScreenEvent.improveCategorizationLevel` enum case is marked as deprecated. - public protocol `ImproveCategorizationLevelViewControllerDelegate` is marked as deprecated. - public class `ImproveCategorizationLevelViewController` is marked as deprecated. - static constant `MaterialIconsProvider.improveCategorization` is marked as deprecated. Deprecated APIs will be removed in the next major release of the Money Manager SDK.
Tink Money Manager iOS 1.1.1
12 weeks ago
- Improved support of budgets created directly from the API. - Various visual improvements of Recommended Budgets.
Tink Money Manager iOS 1.1.0
18 weeks ago
* Added support for [Recommended Budgets](https://docs.tink.com/resources/money-manager/money-manager-ios/recommended-budgets-for-ios-pfm-sdk) feature. * Extended `FinanceOverviewViewController`. Feature type with new case: `recommendedBudgets`. Enabling this feature will present list of recommended budgets within FinanceOverviewViewController layout. * Extended `CreateBudgetViewController` initializer with new optional attribute: `showBudgetCreateSuccessScreen`. Passed value will toggle appearance of success screen after budget creation. * Updated the code reference documentation.
Tink Money Manager iOS 1.0.0
29 weeks ago
- Set minimum supported version to iOS 13. - Improved Left to Spend layout behavior. - Changed some keys for localized strings. Refer to the [guide](https://github.com/tink-ab/tink-money-manager-ios/blob/master/MIGRATION_GUIDE.md#updates-and-removals-of-keys-for-localized-strings) for migration. - Removed keys for unused localized strings. - Removed the customizing of empty state for Actionable Insights. - Removed the APIs deprecated in prior versions. - Updated the code reference documentation. For upgrade instructions, refer to the [migration guide](https://github.com/tink-ab/tink-money-manager-ios/blob/master/MIGRATION_GUIDE.md).
Tink Money Manager iOS 0.28.1
45 weeks ago
- Fixed a bug which prevents archiving `SINGLE_UNCATEGORIZED_TRANSACTION` Actionable Insight after successful categorization.
Tink Money Manager iOS 0.28.0
49 weeks ago
- Updated minimum supported version of Xcode to 14.1. - Fixed an issue in actionable insights where `WeeklySummaryExpensesByDay` would sometimes not present the data correctly. - Fixed wrong financial institution logos on the Accounts screen. - Added ability to specify the default icon used as placeholder for the financial institution logos on the Accounts screen by: ```swift Appearance.provider.icons.defaultAccount = UIImage(named: "bank-icon-placeholder") ```
Tink Money Manager iOS 0.27.2
1 year ago
- Improved and simplified logic of displaying information in Budgets. - Fixed empty state for Accounts Carousel with custom appearance.
Tink Money Manager iOS 0.27.1
1 year ago
* Improved user experience and accessibility for the Left To Spend feature. * Added new localized strings `Budget.Detail.Progress.StartsAtDate` and `Budget.Detail.Progress.StartsTomorrow` for describing the date intervals before the budget starts. * Added a new localized string `Overview.Accounts.Title` used as a title for accounts cards sections if the option is chosen to show all accounts: .accounts(.all, .kind). * Improved handling of pending transactions in Budgets. * Fixed a bug where the budget target views size wouldn't update after editing the amount. * Removed the possibility to create budget target amounts with decimals.
tink-ab/tink-core-ios 2.3.0
Tink SDK Core iOS
⭐️ 2
πŸ•“ Yesterday
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Tink Core iOS 2.3.0
- added Privacy Manifest file.
Tink Core iOS 2.2.0
7 weeks ago
## API Changes Deprecated the `suggestTransactions(numberOfClusters:evaluateEverything:completion:)` method of `TransactionService` and the following entities: - struct `SuggestTransactionsResponse` and extensions to it - struct `TransactionCluster` and extensions to it - struct `RESTSuggestTransactionsResponse` - struct `RESTTransactionCluster` Deprecated methods and structs will be removed in the next major release of the Tink Core.
Tink Core iOS 2.1.0
21 weeks ago
## API Changes - Added new API method to retrieve the list of [`RecommendedBudget`](https://docs.tink.com/resources/money-manager/money-manager-api/recommend-budgets): ``` BudgetService.recommendedBudgets(completion: Result<[RecommendedBudget], Error>) ```
Tink Core iOS 2.0.0
43 weeks ago
## What's new - Minimum supported iOS version is set to iOS 13. - Minimum supported macOS version is set to macOS Big Sur (version 11). - Removed previously deprecated APIs. ## API Changes - Renamed `Statistic.resoultion` property to `Statistic.resolution`. - Removed `Credentials.providerID` property. Use `Credentials.providerName` instead. - Removed `Provider.FieldSpecification` type. Use `Field` instead. - Removed `Provider.authenticationUserType` property and `Provider.AuthenticationUserType` type. Use `Provider.financialServices` instead. - Removed `Provider.Field.fieldDescription` property. Use `Provider.Field.description` instead. - Removed `RESTCredentialsService.refresh(id:authenticate:refreshableItems:optIn:completion:)` method. Use `refresh(id:authenticate:refreshableItems:appURI:callbackURI:optIn:completion:)` method instead. - Removed `RESTCredentialsService.authenticate(id:completion:)` method. Use `authenticate(id:appURI:callbackURI:completion:)` method instead. - Removed `ActionableInsight.init(id:kind:state:title:description:created:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.AccountBalanceLowData.init(accountID:balance:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.BudgetSummary.init(budgetID:budgetPeriod:)` public initializer. - Renamed `ActionableInsight.BudgetSummary.budgetId` property to `ActionableInsight.BudgetSummary.budgetID`. - Removed `ActionableInsight.BudgetPeriod.init(dateInterval:spentAmount:budgetAmount:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.BudgetPeriodUnit.init(achievedBudgets:overspentBudgets:periodUnit:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.BudgetPeriodUnit.period` property. Use `ActionableInsight.BudgetPeriodUnit.periodUnit` instead. - Removed `ActionableInsight.LargeExpense.init(transactionID:amount:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.WeeklyTranscations` type. Use `ActionableInsight.WeeklyTransactions` instead. - Removed `ActionableInsight.WeeklyTransactions.init(transactionIDs:week:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.CategorySpending.init(categoryCode:spentAmount:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.TransactionSummary.TransactionsOverview.init(totalCount:mostCommonDescription:mostCommonCount:)` public initiazlier. - Removed `ActionableInsight.TransactionSummary.LargestExpense.init(id:date:amount:description:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.TransactionSummary.init(totalExpenses:commonTransactionsOverview:largestExpense:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.WeeklyExpensesByDay.ExpenseStatisticsByDay.init(day:expenseStatistics:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.WeeklyExpensesByDay.ExpenseStatisticsByDay.date` property. Use `ActionableInsight.WeeklyExpensesByDay.ExpenseStatisticsByDay.day` property instead. - Removed `ActionableInsight.WeeklyExpensesByDay.ExpenseStatistics.init(totalAmount:averageAmount:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.WeeklyExpensesByDay.init(week:expenseStatisticsByDay:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.WeeklyTransactionsSummary.init(week:summary:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.MonthlyExpensesByCategory.init(month:expensesByCategory:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.NewIncomeTransaction.init(transactionID:accountID:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.MonthlyTransactionsSummary.init(month:summary:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.Month.init(year:month:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.Week.init(year:week:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.Day.init(year:month:day:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.AccountInfo.init(id:name:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.SuggestSetUpSavingsAccount.init(balance:savingsAccount:currentAccount:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.SuggestSetUpSavingsAccount.AccountInfo` type. Use `ActionableInsight.AccountInfo` instead. - Removed `ActionableInsight.CreditCardLimit.init(account:availableCredit:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.LeftToSpendStatistics.init(createdAt:currentLeftToSpend:averageLeftToSpend:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.LeftToSpendMidMonth.init(month:amountDifference:leftToSpendStatistics:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.LeftToSpendNegativeSummary.init(month:leftToSpend:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.BudgetSuggestCreateTopCategory.init(categorySpending:suggestedBudgetAmount:suggestedBudgetCategoryDisplayName:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.LeftToSpendBeginningMonth.init(month:amountDifference:totalExpense:leftToSpendStatistics:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.LeftToSpendNegative.init(month:createdAt:leftToSpend:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.CategoryInfo.init(id:code:name:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.SpendingByCategoryIncreased.init(category:lastMonth:lastMonthSpending:twoMonthsAgoSpending:percentage:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.LeftToSpendPositiveSummarySavingsAccount.init(month:leftAmount:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.LeftToSpendPositiveFinalWeek.init(month:amountDifference:leftToSpendStatistics:leftToSpendPerDay:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.ProviderInfo.init(id:displayName:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.AggregationRefreshPSD2Credentials.init(credentialsID:provider:sessionExpiryDate:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.InsightActionData.ViewBudget.init(budgetID:budgetPeriodStartTime:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.InsightActionData.CreateTransfer.init(sourceAccount:destinationAccount:amount:sourceAccountNumber:destinationAccountNumber)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.ViewTransaction.init(transactionID:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.CategorizeSingleExpense.init(transactionID:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.ViewTransactions.init(transactionIDs:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.CategorizeTransactions.init(transactionIDs:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.ViewTransactionsByCategory.init(transactionIdsByCategory:)` public initializer. - Removed `ActionableInsight.BudgetSuggestion.init(filters:amount:periodicity:)` public initializer. - Removed `refresh(id:authenticate:refreshableItems:optIn:completion:)` and `authenticate(id:completion:)` methods from `CredentialsService` protocol. - Removed `Budget.init(id:name:amount:filter:periodicity:)` public initializer. - Removed `Budget.Transaction.init(id:amount:dispensableAmount:date:description:categoryCode:accountID:)` public initializer. - Removed `BudgetDetails.init(budgetSpecification:budgetPeriods:dateInterval:totalSpentAmount:averageSpentAmount:)` public initializer. - Removed `Budget.Period.init(dateInterval:spentAmount:)` public initializer. - Removed `BudgetSummary.init(budget:budgetPeriod:)` public initializer. - Removed `Category.init(id:code:name:sortOrder:parent:)` public initializer. - Removed `Period.init(dateInterval:name:resolution:)` public initializer. - Removed `Statistic.init(description:payload:period:resoultion:kind:value:userID:)` public initializer. - Removed `SuggestTransactionsResponse.init(categorizationImprovement:categorizationLevel:clusters:)` public initializer. - Removed `Transaction.init(id:accountID:amount:categoryID:description:date:inserted:isUpcomingOrInFuture:)` public initializer. - Removed `TransactionCluster.init(categorizationImprovement:description:transactions:)` public initializer. - Removed `User.init(created:id:username:nationalID:profile:)` public initializer. - Removed `UserProfile.init(currency:locale:market:periodAdjustedDay:periodMode:timeZone:)` public initializer. - Removed `RESTActionableInsightService.selectAction(insightAction:insightID:completion:)` method. Use `select(_:forInsightWithID:completion:)` method instead. - Removed `RESTActionableInsightService.archive(id:completion:)` method. Use `select(_:forInsightWithID:completion:)` method instead. - Removed `selectAction(insightAction:insightID:completion:)` method from `ActionableInsightService` protocol. - Removed `archive(id:completion:)` method from `ActionableInsightService` protocol. - Removed `TinkCore.Environment` type. Use `Tink.Environment` instead.
Tink Core iOS 1.11.1
45 weeks ago
- Fixed the URL to `TinkCore.xcframework.zip` in Package.swift for SPM.
Tink Core iOS 1.11.0
49 weeks ago
- Updated minimum supported version of Xcode to 14.1.
Tink Core iOS 1.10.0
1 year ago
* `Category.Code` type extended with `income:uncategorized` and `income.uncategorized.other` to recognize uncategorized income.
Tink Core iOS 1.9.0
1 year ago
* Added `TinkLogger` to Tink Core. * `Budget.Transaction` type extended with `isPending` constant to check if transaction instance is in pending state.
Tink Core iOS 1.8.1
1 year ago
- Updated model for the `AGGREGATION_REFRESH_PSD2_CREDENTIAL` actionable insight.
Tink Core iOS 1.8.0
1 year ago
- Added missing properties to the `Transaction` model.
iOS macOS

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