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Packages published by themobilitybox

themobilitybox/mobilitybox-ticketing-ios v3.0.1
A SwiftUI Package for including public transport tickets in your iOS Apps.
⭐️ 3
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4.0.0 (2023-10-27)
24 weeks ago
### ⚠️ Breaking changes (General Changes) * updates default API version to Mobilitybox Ticketing API v4 * add Tariff Settings and Tariff Settings Schema functionality * for a migration guide check out our [wiki](https://github.com/themobilitybox/mobilitybox-ticketing-ios/wiki/Migrate-to-v4) * new data model attributes ### ✨ Features and Changes * **MobilityboxTariffSettings** * **TariffSettingsSchema** * **MobilityboxIdentificationView** also renders tariff settings forms if product requires it * **MobilityboxCoupon.activate()** add optional parameter MobilityboxTariffSettings * Attributes additions: * attributes added by API v4 * MobilityboxCoupon added `tariff_settings` * MobilityboxCoupon added `tariff_settings_valid` * MobilityboxSubscription added `original_subscription_id` * MobilityboxSubscription added `restored_subscription_id ` * MobilityboxSubscription added `subscription_reorderable ` * MobilityboxSubscription added `subscription_cycles` * MobilityboxProduct added `tariff_settings_schema ` ### 🐞 Bug fixes and improvements * fix some wordings to German where there were still in English
3.2.0 (2023-04-06)
1 year ago
### ✨ Features and Changes - make `IdentificationFormWebView` public and rename it to `MobilityboxIdentificationFormWebView` to use the MobilityboxIdentificationFormWebView now directly and add custom loading spinner and alerts
3.1.1 (2023-03-15)
1 year ago
### 🐞 Bug fixes and improvements * fix ticket reactivate also sends failure callback on invalid checks * fix update all coupon attributes on update method
3.1.0 (2023-03-10)
1 year ago
### 🐞 Bug fixes and improvements * **MobilityboxCoupon** add failure callback on activation and reactivation function * **MobilityboxTicket** add failure callback on reactivation function * **MobilityboxIdentificationView** show alert when coupon activation failed and hide spinner * fix - displaying fake barcode behind card action button * fix - not send activation start time when the activated coupon is result of restore
3.0.1 (2023-02-08)
1 year ago
✨ Features and Changes add Mobilitybox Ticketing iOS Library to CocoaPods
3.0.0 (2023-02-06)
1 year ago
### ⚠️ Breaking changes (General Changes) * for a migration guide check out our [wiki](https://github.com/themobilitybox/mobilitybox-ticketing-ios/wiki/Migrate-to-v3) * requires Mobilitybox Ticketing API v3 * add MobilityboxSubscriptions * reactivate Subscription Tickets * refactor ticket validity function * new data model attributes ### ✨ Features and Changes * **MobilityboxSubscription** * **MobilityboxTicket** remove `isValid()` * **MobilityboxTicket** add `validity()` which returns (valid, expired or future) * **MobilityboxCoupon** add optional `activationStartDateTime` to activate function * Attributes Changed: * attributes added by API v3 * MobilityboxTicket `couponId` renamed to `coupon_id` * MobilityboxTicket added `coupon_reactivation_key` * MobilityboxTicket added `sold_at` * MobilityboxProduct added `recommended_successor_is` and `recommended_successor_of` * MobilityboxProduct added `duration_definition` and renamed `validity_in_minutes` to `duration_in_minutes` * MobilityboxProduct `validity_in_minutes` is deprecated and will be removed with the next major version ### 🐞 Bug fixes and improvements * rename "entwerten" to "aktivieren" * add loading spinner after clicking activate button in `MobilityboxIdentificationView`
1.4.0 (2023-02-06)
1 year ago
### ✨ Features and improvements * MobilityboxCoupon update function * add Time Interval (`"hinzugefügt vor: X min"`) to Card Views ### 🐞 Bug fixes * several bug fixes and stability improvements
1.3.0 (2022-09-01)
1 year ago
- create `Mobilitybox` Singleton containing static `api`, `renderingEngine` and `identificationViewEngine` classes - add `MobilityboxIdentificationViewEngine` - remove Identification View (coupon activation) HTML Template - fetch Identification View Engine (Html String) from mobilitybox api - add success and failure callbacks to coupon and ticket code fetch methods - refactor coupon and couponcode - update ticketarea and ticket product attributes
1.2.0 (2022-07-01)
1 year ago
New Card design renamed MobilityboxPassenger to MobilityboxIdentificationMedium
1.1.0 (2022-06-27)
1 year ago
First Release!

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