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Packages published by techprimate

techprimate/TPPDF 2.4.1
TPPDF is a simple-to-use PDF builder for iOS
⭐️ 693
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
- Fixed crash due to force-unwrapping if not possible to instatiate URL from string (#325 by @neobeppe) - Added conditional scaling of images in table only if larger than cell width (#299 by @brendand)
1 year ago
- Added paper background colors (#244 by @audungk) - Added name property to `PDFPageFormat` (#299 by @ptrkstr)
3 years ago
**Fixed bugs:** - Fixed `PDFList` not calculating available content height correctly (#267) - Removed `PDFTable` initializer size defaults (#269) **Closed issues:** - Issue #267 - Issue #269 **Merged pull requests:** - PR #268 (by philprime)
3 years ago
**Fixed bugs:** - Fixed table header position when activating `showHeaderOnEveryPage` (#222) **Closed issues:** - Issue #222 **Merged pull requests:** - PR #264 (by Sgkhour)
3 years ago
**Fixed bugs:** - Fixed empty pages between external documents (#247) - Fixed total page count calculations (#248) **Closed issues:** - Issue #247 - Issue #248 **Merged pull requests:** - Issue #258
3 years ago
**Implemented enhancements:** - Added optional table cell splicing disabling (#205) **Fixed bugs:** - Fixed carthage version missing (#236) **Closed issues:** - Issue #205 - Issue #222 - Issue #236 - Issue #243 - Issue #249 - Issue #233 **Merged pull requests:** - PR #223 - PR #252 [by lpeancovschi] - PR #255
3 years ago
**Fixed bugs:** - Fixed invalid US page formats (#225) **Closed issues:** - Issue #225 **Merged pull requests:** - PR #226
3 years ago
**Implemented enhancements:** - Removed deprecated functions - Added `CaseIterable` to `PDFPageFormat`
3 years ago
**Implemented enhancements:** - macOS Support! **Closed issues:** - Issue #193 **Merged pull requests:** - PR #217
3 years ago
**Fixed bugs:** - Height of image captions are now calcuated correctly (Issue #208) **Closed issues:** - Issue #208 **Merged pull requests:** - PR #214 [by chrisgonzgonz]
iOS macOS
techprimate/TPPDFAsync 0.1.0
Asynchronous functionality for TPPDF
⭐️ 4
🕓 47 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
47 weeks ago
## Bug Fixes - typo in Package.swift ([Philip Niedertscheider](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/commit/4f12970643735b27e4ebca11639b76748993f112)) ## Documentation - added Jazzy configuration ([Philip Niedertscheider](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/commit/42c728e07977cb902279694b2db3f52aaab0a90b)) - fixed copyright year and owner ([Philip Niedertscheider](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/commit/ddef59ee9e371f7af2a494e816b82dccc32b8662)) - updated README ([Philip Niedertscheider](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/commit/b49a843c8701556b725ee640334e8e36860b9c5a)) - fixed README ([Philip Niedertscheider](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/commit/f45d4f4924ec069e5c700302ec91e654de76eaf6)) ## Styles - fixed Swiftlint setup ([Philip Niedertscheider](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/commit/4c70238bba70490a38c7fa988ab9f4038cfc4d4a)) - applied Swift Format ([Philip Niedertscheider](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/commit/c67ec930623b6872a66ca58f6b8757838e461ae9)) ## Code Refactoring - moved source code files into SPM structure ([Philip Niedertscheider](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/commit/9215cf938bddc1228e572ff1770257c909336d14)) - removed legacy Xcode project ([Philip Niedertscheider](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/commit/5110c9d385b32d89cb12fd44a7e3e3b8a05e84d4)) ## Chores - **deps**: added Ruby setup ([Philip Niedertscheider](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/commit/9ae7c2ea96c54b528c2a274835736db15e7b41e0)) - **ci**: added GitHub Actions ([Philip Niedertscheider](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/commit/43d3a49fafd72cc11b47566882f8f35d253f0402)) - **ci**: added Kodiak configuration ([Philip Niedertscheider](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/commit/5125fbf15637edb98b91e5ff2fc51fd05bf40c35)) - **deps**: fixed dependencies ([Philip Niedertscheider](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/commit/d0f77908d866e683d2938c6396bbb5a0dde1fa98)) ## Commits - e5dd717: Added funding (Philip Niedertscheider) - 78e2819: Add renovate.json (#3) (renovate[bot]) [#3](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/pull/3) - 5b57a90: Update dependency Quick/Nimble to v12 (#8) (renovate[bot]) [#8](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/pull/8) - 14e1f99: Update dependency techprimate/TPPDF to from: "2.4.1" (#7) (renovate[bot]) [#7](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/pull/7) - 7a6ca64: Update dependency Quick/Quick to from: "v2.2.1" (#4) (renovate[bot]) [#4](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/pull/4) - a0427e2: Update dependency Quick/Quick to v7 (#9) (renovate[bot]) [#9](https://github.com/techprimate/TPPDFAsync/pull/9)
iOS macOS
techprimate/ObscuriServer 0.0.4
⭐️ 0
🕓 3 years ago
iOS macOS

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