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Packages published by swifweb

swifweb/web 1.0.0-beta.3.3.2
๐Ÿงฑ Write your website in pure Swift with power of webassembly. DOM, CSS and all the WebAPIs are available out of the box.
โญ๏ธ 128
๐Ÿ•“ 45 weeks ago
๐Ÿ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
๐Ÿ–ฅ `DOM.print` method
1 year ago
Normally you can't use `print` inside of the `@DOM` since it is a function builder which takes DOM elements, it is not regular function ```swift @DOM override var body: DOM.Content { // you can't use print statements here, it is not regular function // if/else, if let, guard let statements are not like in regular functions } ``` But now it is possible to `print` inside of the `@DOM` this way ```swift let hello: String? = nil @DOM override var body: DOM.Content { if let hello = self.hello { DOM.print("hello is not null: \(hello)") } else { DOM.print("hello is null") } } ```
๐Ÿ›  FetchAPI: fix `RequestOptions` (bonus: GraphQL example)
1 year ago
```swift let options = RequestOptions() options.method(.post) options.header("Content-Type", "application/json") struct ExecutionArgs: Encodable { let query: String let variables: [String: String] } do { let jsonData = try JSONEncoder().encode(ExecutionArgs(query: """ query { ships { name model } } """, variables: ["name": "users"])) if let jsonString = String(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8) { options.body(jsonString) } else { print("๐Ÿ†˜ Unable to encode body") } } catch { print("๐Ÿ†˜ Something went wrong: \(error)") } Fetch("https://spacex-production.up.railway.app/", options) { result in switch result { case .failure: break case .success(let response): guard response.ok else { print("๐Ÿ†˜ Response status code is: \(response.status)") return } struct Response: Decodable { struct Data: Decodable { struct Ship: Decodable { let name: String let model: String? } let ships: [Ship] } let data: Data } response.json(as: Response.self) { result in switch result { case .failure(let error): print("๐Ÿ†˜ Unable to decode response: \(error)") case .success(let response): print("โœ… Ships: \(response.data.ships.map { $0.name }.joined(separator: ", "))") } } break } } ```
๐Ÿšฆ Improved nested routing
1 year ago
```swift import Web @main class App: WebApp { @AppBuilder override var app: Configuration { Routes { Page { IndexPage() } Page("space") { SpacePage() } Page("**") { NotFoundPage() } } } } class SpacePage: PageController { // here we pass all fragment routes into the root router class override var fragmentRoutes: [FragmentRoutes] { [fragment] } // here we declare fragment with its relative routes static var fragment = FragmentRoutes { Page("earth") { PageController { "earth" }.onDidLoad { print("๐ŸŒŽ earth loaded") } } Page("moon") { PageController { "moon" }.onDidLoad { print("๐ŸŒ™ moon loaded") } } } // you can declare multiple different fragment routes @DOM override var body: DOM.Content { H1("Space Page") Button("Load Earth").display(.block).onClick { self.changePath(to: "/space/earth") } Br() Button("Load Moon").display(.block).onClick { self.changePath(to: "/space/moon") } FragmentRouter(self, Self.fragment) // <== here we add fragment into the DOM } } ```
๐Ÿšฆ Nested routing, page controller lifecycle, and more
1 year ago
# FragmentRouter We may not want to replace the entire content on the page for the next route, but only certain blocks. This is where the new `FragmentRouter` comes in handy! Let's consider that we have tabs on the `/user` page. Each tab is a subroute, and we want to react to changes in the subroute using the `FragmentRouter` without reloading use page even though url changes. Declare the top-level route in the `App` class ```swift Page("user") { UserPage() } ``` And declare `FragmentRouter` in the `UserPage` class ```swift class UserPage: PageController { @DOM override var body: DOM.Content { // NavBar is from Materialize library :) Navbar() .item("Profile") { self.changePath(to: "/user/profile") } .item("Friends") { self.changePath(to: "/user/friends") } FragmentRouter(self) .routes { Page("profile") { UserProfilePage() } Page("friends") { UserFriendsPage() } } } } ``` In the example above `FragmentRouter` handles `/user/profile` and `/user/friends` subroutes and renders it under the `Navbar`, so page never reload the whole content but only specific fragments. There are also may be declared more than one fragment with the same or different subroutes and they all will just work together like a magic! Btw `FragmentRouter` is a `Div` and you may configure it by calling ```swift FragmentRouter(self) .configure { div in // do anything you want with the div } ``` # Breaking changes `ViewController` has been renamed into `PageController `, Xcode will propose to rename it automatically. # PageController `PageController` now have lifecycle methods: `willLoad`, `didLoad`, `willUnload`, `didUnload`. ```swift override func willLoad(with req: PageRequest) { super.willLoad(with: req) } override func didLoad(with req: PageRequest) { super.didLoad(with: req) // set page title and metaDescription // also parse query and hash } override func willUnload() { super.willUnload() } override func didUnload() { super.didUnload() } ``` Also you can declare same methods without overriding, e.g. when you declare little page without subclassing ```swift PageController { page in H1("Hello world") P("Text under title") Button("Click me") { page.alert("Click!") print("button clicked") } } .backgroundcolor(.lightGrey) .onWillLoad { page in } .onDidLoad { page in } .onWillUnload { page in } .onDidUnload { page in } ``` ### New convenience methods `alert(message: String)` - direct JS alert method `changePath(to: String)` - switching URL path # More `Id` and `Class` now can be initialized simply with string like this ```swift Class("myClass") Id("myId") ``` Tiny little change but may be very useful. `App.current.window.document.querySelectorAll("your_query") ` now works! # Tip ๐ŸšจPlease don't forget to update `Webber CLI` tool to version `1.6.1` or above!
๐Ÿซถ `ForEach` for `DOM` and `CSS`
1 year ago
# DOM ## Static example ```swift let names = ["Bob", "John", "Annie"] ForEach(names) { name in Div(name) } // or ForEach(names) { index, name in Div("\(index). \(name)") } ``` ## Dynamic example ```swift @State var names = ["Bob", "John", "Annie"] ForEach($names) { name in Div(name) } // or with index ForEach($names) { index, name in Div("\(index). \(name)") } Button("Change 1").onClick { self.names.append("George") // this will append new Div with name automatically } Button("Change 2").onClick { self.names = ["Bob", "Peppa", "George"] // this will replace and update Divs with names automatically } ``` It is also easy to use it with ranges ```swift ForEach(1...20) { index in Div() } ``` And even simpler to place X-times same element on the screen ```swift 20.times { Div().class(.shootingStar) } ``` # CSS Same as in examples above, but also `BuilderFunction ` is available ```swift Stylesheet { ForEach(1...20) { index in CSSRule(Div.pointer.nthChild("\(index)")) // set rule properties depending on index } 20.times { index in CSSRule(Div.pointer.nthChild("\(index)")) // set rule properties depending on index } } ``` # BuilderFunction You can use `BuilderFunction` in `ForEach` loops to calculate some value one time only like a `delay` value in the following example ```swift ForEach(1...20) { index in BuilderFunction(9999.asRandomMax()) { delay in CSSRule(Pointer(".shooting_star").nthChild("\(index)")) .custom("top", "calc(50% - (\(400.asRandomMax() - 200)px))") .custom("left", "calc(50% - (\(300.asRandomMax() + 300)px))") .animationDelay(delay.ms) CSSRule(Pointer(".shooting_star").nthChild("\(index)").before) .animationDelay(delay.ms) CSSRule(Pointer(".shooting_star").nthChild("\(index)").after) .animationDelay(delay.ms) } } ``` it can also take function as an argument ```swift BuilderFunction({ return 1 + 1 }) { calculatedValue in // CSS rule or DOM element } ```
LivePreview, DOM, and CSS improvements
1 year ago
## ๐Ÿ–ฅ Improve `LivePreview` declaration Old way ```swift class Index_Preview: WebPreview { override class var language: Language { .en } override class var title: String { "Index page" } override class var width: UInt { 600 } override class var height: UInt { 480 } @Preview override class var content: Preview.Content { AppStyles.all IndexPage() } } ``` New way ```swift class Index_Preview: WebPreview { @Preview override class var content: Preview.Content { Language.en Title("Index page") Size(600, 480) AppStyles.all IndexPage() } } ``` ## ๐Ÿชš DOM: make `attribute` method public Now you can set custom attributes or not-supported attributes simply by calling ```swift Div() .attribute("my-custom-attribute", "myCustomValue") ``` ## ๐ŸŽจ Fix CSS properties Stop color for gradients now can be set these ways ```swift // convenient way .red.stop(80) // red / 80% // short way .red/80 // red / 80% ``` `BackgroundClipType` got new `text` value Fixed properties with browser prefixes, now they all work as expected `BackgroundImageProperty` got dedicated initializer with `CSSFunction`
Fix uid generation, CSS `!important` modifier, multiple classes
1 year ago
## ๐Ÿ”‘ Fix uid generation Excluded digits from the uid cause css doesn't allow ids which starts with digit. ## ๐Ÿชš `Class` stores multiple names Now you can instantiate `Class` with multiple values like `.class("one", "two", "three")` ## ๐ŸŽจ CSS: implement `!important` modifier Yeah, that modifier is very important ๐Ÿ˜€ ```swift // simple values can just call `.important` in the end, e.g.: .backgroundColor(.white.important) .height(100.px.important) .width(100.percent.important) .display(.block.important) // all complex calls now have `important: Bool` parameter, e.g.: .border(width: .length(1.px), style: .solid, color: .white, important: true) .backgroundColor(r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 0.26, important: true) .transition(.property(.backgroundColor), duration: .seconds(0.3), timingFunction: .easeIn, important: true) ```
๐Ÿชš Allow to put `Style` into `@DOM` block
1 year ago
```swift @DOM override var body: DOM.Content { Stylesheet { Rule(Body.pointer) .margin(all: 0.px) .padding(all: 0.px) MediaRule(.all.maxWidth(800.px)) { Rule(Body.pointer) .backgroundColor(0x9bc4e2) } MediaRule(.all.maxWidth(1200.px)) { Rule(Body.pointer) .backgroundColor(0xffd700) } } // ...other elements... } ```
๐Ÿชš Improve `@media` rule syntax
1 year ago
```swift @main public class App: WebApp { @AppBuilder public override var body: AppBuilder.Content { /// ... MainStyle() } } class MainStyle: Stylesheet { @Rules override var rules: Rules.Content { MediaRule(.screen.maxWidth(800.px)) { Rule(Body.pointer) .backgroundColor(.red) } MediaRule(.screen.maxWidth(1200.px)) { Rule(Body.pointer) .backgroundColor(.green) } MediaRule(.screen.aspectRatio(4/3)) { Rule(Body.pointer) .backgroundColor(.purple) } MediaRule(!.screen.aspectRatio(4/3)) { Rule(Body.pointer) .backgroundColor(.black) } } } ``` which represents ```css @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) { background-color: red; } @media only screen and (max-width: 1200px) { background-color: green; } @media only screen and (aspect-ratio: 4/3) { background-color: purple; } @media not screen and (aspect-ratio: 4/3) { background-color: black; } ```
๐Ÿชš Implement simpler `@State` with `UnitValue`
1 year ago
Normal usage without `@State` ```swift Div().height(100.px) // static value ``` Usage with `@State` ```swift @State var height = 100.px // this way you even can change px to em on the fly Div().height($height) ``` New option ```swift @State var height: Double = 100 // this way you can change digit value only Div().height($height.px) ```
swifweb/autolayout 1.1.0
๐Ÿ“ Incredible autolayout on direct power of CSS3 for SwifWeb
โญ๏ธ 4
๐Ÿ•“ 1 year ago
๐Ÿ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
๐Ÿช„`LivePreview` support
1 year ago
# Live preview To make it work with live preview you need to specify either all styles or exact autolayout's one #### With all app styles included ```swift class Welcome_Preview: WebPreview { override class var title: String { "Initial page" } // optional override class var width: UInt { 440 } // optional override class var height: UInt { 480 } // optional @Preview override class var content: Preview.Content { // add styles if needed AppStyles.all // add here as many elements as needed WelcomeViewController() } } ``` #### With exact app styles including autoalyout's one ```swift class Welcome_Preview: WebPreview { override class var title: String { "Initial page" } // optional override class var width: UInt { 440 } // optional override class var height: UInt { 480 } // optional @Preview override class var content: Preview.Content { // add styles if needed AppStyles.id(.mainStyle) AppStyles.id(.autolayoutStyles) // add here as many elements as needed WelcomeViewController() } } ```
โšก๏ธThe full power of CSS3
1 year ago
I'm in love with iOS `autolayout` and building web without its power is painful job. I experimented with `autolayout` and built fully working version `0.0.1` using JavaScript and it works great until any page resize, then JS reflows UI too many times and UI become laggy during resize. You can try it if you want with tag `0.0.1`, it is full copy of iOS with the power of relative constraints. Maybe I will use it in the future when browsers will give batch CSS updates or something else. Current version `1.0.0` is built on pure CSS3 with the power of its `translate` and `variables`. So no lags at all. Pure power and maximum FPS. All the details are available in the [README](https://github.com/swifweb/autolayout). Enjoy! โšก๏ธ
๐Ÿš Taking off
1 year ago
swifweb/bootstrap 0.0.2
๐ŸŽจ Bootstrap wrapper for SwifWeb
โญ๏ธ 2
๐Ÿ•“ 1 year ago
๐Ÿ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
๐Ÿš Taking off
1 year ago
swifweb/sweetalert2 1.0.0
๐ŸŽจ SweetAlert2 wrapper for SwifWeb
โญ๏ธ 0
๐Ÿ•“ 1 year ago
๐Ÿ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
๐Ÿš€ First stable version
1 year ago
If you are new to SwifWeb please take a look how to create new projectย [in this article](https://hackernoon.com/how-to-use-swift-for-web-development?ref=hackernoon.com#h-creating-new-project). In the project openย `Package.swift`ย and edit the `dependencies`ย section to make it look like this: ```swift dependencies: [ // the rest of the other dependencies including swifweb/web .package( url: "https://github.com/swifweb/sweetalert2", from: "1.0.0" ), ] ``` Next edit `ย executableTarget`ย  to make it look like this: ```swift .executableTarget(name: "App", dependencies: [ .product(name: "Web", package: "web"), .product(name: "SweetAlert", package: "sweetalert2") ]), ``` Then open `App.swift`ย add `import SweetAlert` and configure itย in `didFinishLaunching` method like this: ```swift Lifecycle.didFinishLaunching { SweetAlert.configure() // it will use default theme } ``` > It will not work if you forget to configure it. #### Pre-Built Themes Choose one of the following ```swift SweetAlert.configure(.dark) SweetAlert.configure(.minimal) SweetAlert.configure(.borderless) SweetAlert.configure(.bootstrap4) SweetAlert.configure(.boolma) SweetAlert.configure(.materialUI) SweetAlert.configure(.wordpressAdmin) ``` The full list with pictures is on the [official site](https://sweetalert2.github.io/#themes)
swifweb/webber-tools 1.4.3
๐ŸดShared webber tools for other packages e.g. x-livepreview
โญ๏ธ 0
๐Ÿ•“ 19 weeks ago
๐Ÿ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
โšก๏ธImprove `DirectoryMonitor`
2 years ago
make it react to first file change
๐Ÿš€ Taking off
2 years ago
swifweb/animate 1.1.0
๐ŸŽจ Just-add-water CSS animations for SwifWeb
โญ๏ธ 0
๐Ÿ•“ 1 year ago
๐Ÿ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
๐Ÿš€ First stable version
1 year ago

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