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Packages published by swift-server-community

swift-server-community/APNSwift 5.0.3
📱HTTP/2 Apple Push Notification Service built with swift - send push notifications to iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS, watchOS, visionOS, and Safari!
⭐️ 644
🕓 1 week ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 week ago
## What's Changed * Fixed broken links in README.md by @ladiesman218 in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/190 * Fix manifest versions by @0xTim in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/197 * Make APNSClient Sendable if coders are Sendable by @ffried in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/195 ## New Contributors * @ladiesman218 made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/190 * @ffried made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/195 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/compare/5.0.2...5.0.3
20 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Fix a broken link by @Ryu0118 in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/188 * Fix EventLoop warnings by @0xTim in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/189 ## New Contributors * @Ryu0118 made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/188 * @0xTim made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/189 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/compare/5.0.1...5.0.2
22 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Fix link to Program.swift by @jverkoey in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/180 * Typo in readme by @Diggory in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/182 * Update APNSClient+Location.swift by @DominatorVbN in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/187 ## New Contributors * @jverkoey made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/180 * @Diggory made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/182 * @DominatorVbN made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/187 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/compare/5.0.0...5.0.1
39 weeks ago
A full list of breaking changes is listed [here](https://forums.swift.org/t/apnswift-5-0-0-beta-release/60075/3) in a blog post. ## What's Changed * Add complication push type by @LukasCZ in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/128 * Convert to Async Await, Add configurable environments, remove deprecated code by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/130 * Cleanup logger usage, rename APNSwiftClient and use custom httpclient by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/132 * Update swift.yml by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/134 * Add proxy config, cleanup enums by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/137 * Add scheme to fix iOS build by @finestructure in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/139 * Change AuthenticationManager to class with lock by @FranzBusch in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/142 * Refactor configuration and client by @FranzBusch in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/143 * Add semantic safe API for alert notifications by @FranzBusch in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/144 * Add semantic safe API for background notifications by @FranzBusch in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/146 * Add semantic safe API for VoIP notifications by @FranzBusch in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/148 * Add semantic safe API for location notifications by @FranzBusch in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/147 * Add semantic safe API for FileProvider notifications by @FranzBusch in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/149 * Add semantic safe API for Complication notifications by @FranzBusch in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/150 * Update the readme and provide example Project by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/151 * Use our lock to make token manager thread safe by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/154 * Hide Base64 by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/159 * Add's docc document by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/160 * Fixed typo in filename by @TimAEllis in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/163 * iOS 16.1 Live Activity support added by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/164 * Add support for dismissal-date to live activity notification by @mark-urbanthings in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/167 * Change dismissalDate to use new type by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/168 * Remove unneeded metadata additions by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/169 * Breakout APNSwift into packages by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/170 * Fix sendable conformance by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/171 * Update .spi.yml by @finestructure in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/172 * Make APNSError.reason public again by @vojtarylko in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/174 * Prep for 5.0 by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/177 ## New Contributors * @LukasCZ made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/128 * @finestructure made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/139 * @FranzBusch made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/142 * @mark-urbanthings made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/167 * @vojtarylko made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/174 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/compare/4.0.0...5.0.0
Adds compilation to 4.0 branch
50 weeks ago
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/compare/4.0.0...4.0.1
42 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Make APNSError.reason public again by @vojtarylko in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/174 ## New Contributors * @vojtarylko made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/174 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/compare/5.0.0-beta.4...5.0.0-rc.1
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Remove unneeded metadata additions by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/169 * Breakout APNSwift into packages by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/170 * Fix sendable conformance by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/171 * Update .spi.yml by @finestructure in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/172 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/compare/5.0.0-beta.3...5.0.0-beta.4
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Add support for dismissal-date to live activity notification by @mark-urbanthings in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/167 * Change dismissalDate to use new type by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/168 ## New Contributors * @mark-urbanthings made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/167 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/compare/5.0.0-beta.2...5.0.0-beta.3
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Use our lock to make token manager thread safe by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/154 * Hide Base64 by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/159 * Add's docc document by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/160 * Fixed typo in filename by @TimAEllis in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/163 * iOS 16.1 Live Activity support added by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/164 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/compare/5.0.0-alpha.5...5.0.0-beta.2
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Add complication push type by @LukasCZ in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/128 * Convert to Async Await, Add configurable environments, remove deprecated code by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/130 * Cleanup logger usage, rename APNSwiftClient and use custom httpclient by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/132 * Update swift.yml by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/134 * Add proxy config, cleanup enums by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/137 * Add scheme to fix iOS build by @finestructure in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/139 * Change AuthenticationManager to class with lock by @FranzBusch in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/142 * Refactor configuration and client by @FranzBusch in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/143 * Add semantic safe API for alert notifications by @FranzBusch in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/144 * Add semantic safe API for background notifications by @FranzBusch in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/146 * Add semantic safe API for VoIP notifications by @FranzBusch in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/148 * Add semantic safe API for location notifications by @FranzBusch in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/147 * Add semantic safe API for FileProvider notifications by @FranzBusch in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/149 * Add semantic safe API for Complication notifications by @FranzBusch in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/150 * Update the readme and provide example Project by @kylebrowning in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/151 ## New Contributors * @LukasCZ made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/128 * @finestructure made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/139 * @FranzBusch made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/pull/142 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift/compare/4.0.0...5.0.0-beta.1
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
swift-server-community/mqtt-nio 2.11.0
A Swift NIO MQTT v3.1.1 and v5.0 Client
⭐️ 165
🕓 21 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
21 weeks ago
## Minor release changes - Support Unix Domain Socket connections. PR #146 from @jpgrayson ## Patch release changes - Repair MQTTClient.v5.unsubscribe to use properties argument. PR #149 from @jpgrayson ## Other changes - Use eclipse-mosquitto image in CI. PR #147, #150 from @jpgrayson - mosquitto.sh script uses native mosquitto executable. PR #148 from @jpgrayson - Update swiftformat to use v0.52.10. PR #151 from @jpgrayson
25 weeks ago
## Minor release changes - Added new versions of `connect` that can override configuration settings setup at initialisation
26 weeks ago
## Minor release changes - Minimum support version of Swift is 5.7 - Add new initialiser for `MQTTClient` that includes a `WebSocketConfiguration` parameter. `WebSocketConfiguration` includes support for additional initial request headers, WebSocket URL and max frame size ## Other changes - Add CONTRIBUTORS.txt
1 year ago
## Minor release changes - Update minimum required Swift version to 5.6. - Remove all `#if compiler` checks for Swift concurrency and Sendable conformance ## Patch release changes - Fix passing along of the retain flag in the async/await version of `MQTTClient.publish`. ## Other changes - Clean up some of the async tests to use task groups instead on unstructured tasks.
1 year ago
## Patch Release Changes - Fix reference cycles in listeners that reference the `MQTTClient` by clearing listeners in the shutdown call. - Fix re-entrancy issue with listeners locking access to listeners when running notify. - Make `MQTTListeners` a final class.
1 year ago
## Minor Change - Swift 5.3 is no longer supported ## Patch Changes - Replace `NIOAtomic` with `ManagedAtomic` from swift-atomics - Replace `Lock` with `NIOLock` - Add Package.swift for Swift 5.4 and Swift 5.5 to exclude MQTTNIO.docc ## Other Changes - Use docc to generate documentation
1 year ago
## Minor version changes - Add `Sendable` conformance to all relevant public symbols. PR #104 ## Patch version changes - When adding Task, don't call `EventLoop.submit` if already running on the event loop. PR #107 ## Other changes - Add API breaking change GH Action to run on all Pull Requests. PR #103 - Use async tests to test async versions of interface, instead of wrapping them in a `Task`. - Add devcontainer.json to run inside docker-compose image on VSCode, with mosquitto already setup. PR #109
2 years ago
- Replace `canImport(NIOSSL)` with `os(macOS) || os(Linux)` as SwiftUI Previews fail when using `canImport`
2 years ago
- Deprecated `MQTTClient.Configuration.maxRetryAttempts` as it is no longer used - Activate pingeq hander on channel handler activation not addition
2 years ago
- Fixed issue where automatic PINGREQ messages were never sent
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS linux

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