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Packages published by swift-server

swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime 1.0.0-alpha.2
Swift implementation of AWS Lambda Runtime
⭐️ 1,105
🕓 13 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
13 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Add note about naming the file main.swift to README by @camdenfullmer in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/283 * README.MD SimpleLambdaHandler example with events. by @fitomad in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/286 * Archive plugin documentation by @fitomad in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/287 * Issue template v2 by @fitomad in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/290 * improve examples by @tomerd in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/292 * Fix a dead tutorial link by @Joannis in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/301 * remove swift-backtrace in swift >= 5.9 by @tomerd in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/305 * [doc] Getting Started documentation and tutorial by @sebsto in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/300 * Add `--disable-docker-image-update` plugin flag by @florentmorin in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/311 * Don't log work fetching failure at error. by @tachyonics in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/313 * remove redundant pre-concurrency flag by @tomerd in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/314 * Include the docc tutorial into 1.0.0 by @sebsto in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/316 * allow custom initialization of the HandlerType of the LambdaRuntime by @tomerd in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/310 ## New Contributors * @camdenfullmer made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/283 * @fitomad made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/286 * @Joannis made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/301 * @sebsto made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/307 * @florentmorin made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/311 * @tachyonics made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/313 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/compare/1.0.0-alpha.1...1.0.0-alpha.2
1 year ago
First alpha for 1.0 release ## What's Changed * Change Lambda.Context from class to struct by @jareyesda in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/217 * Clean up dependency graph and imports by @Lukasa in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/218 * Renamed completeWithAsync to completeWithTask by @saltzmanjoelh in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/221 * split events into spearate package by @tomerd in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/216 * Use explicit NIO imports by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/220 * InitializationContext should be a value not reference type by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/219 * Update examples for Swift 5.5 by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/223 * Drop sync and closure APIs by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/222 * Reorder Event and Context. by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/224 * [RFC] Drop event label from handle methods in LambdaHandlers by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/225 * Remove dependency on _NIOConcurrency by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/229 * update and add examples to new APIs by @tomerd in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/228 * Rename `Lambda.Lifecycle` to `LambdaRuntime` by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/232 * Rename Lambda.Context to LambdaContext by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/233 * Modernize app example by @stevapple in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/231 * Adopt concurrency adoption guidelines by @stevapple in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/230 * Add ControlPlaneRequest, ControlPlaneResponse by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/238 * Add LambdaRequestID by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/243 * Add ControlPlaneRequestEncoder by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/239 * Lambda factory as a protocol requirement. by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/244 * Add default value for traceID header by @StefanNienhuis in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/246 * terminator handler by @tomerd in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/251 * adoption of sendable by @tomerd in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/252 * remove extension for JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder by @tomerd in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/257 * prefix data structures with Lambda instead of namespacing them by @tomerd in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/256 * Add script to check for API breaks by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/258 * Some documentation fixes by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/260 * Add special Deployment instructions for the Mac M1 by @gestrich in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/263 * packaging plugin by @tomerd in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/254 * Fix performance test script by @stevapple in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/264 * DocC setup by @yim-lee in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/270 * API Refactoring by @tomerd in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/273 * fix concurrency api usage by @tomerd in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/282 ## New Contributors * @jareyesda made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/217 * @Lukasa made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/218 * @saltzmanjoelh made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/221 * @stevapple made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/231 * @StefanNienhuis made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/246 * @gestrich made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/263 * @sja26 made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/269 * @yim-lee made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/pull/270 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/compare/0.5.0...1.0.0-alpha.1
2 years ago
* Add guards for code that relies on _Concurrency to allow compilation with Xcode 13 (#237) - Thanks @programmarchy
2 years ago
- Clean up dependency graph and imports (#218) - Renamed completeWithAsync to completeWithTask (#221) - Thanks @saltzmanjoelh
2 years ago
* Fixes platform requirements (#214) * SNS MessageAttributes are optional (#208) - Thanks @DwayneCoussement * Inline and specialize LambdaHandlers (#201) * Small Performance Improvements (#199) * Updated S3.Event (#195) - Thanks @mufumade * Async/await support (#186) * Multiple updates to CI setup, code formatting, etc (#189, #190, #191, #196, #197, #198, #202, #207, #211) * Adopt SSWG security guidelines (#209)
3 years ago
- Fixed typo in LambdaRunner.swift documentation (#171) - Thanks @filletofish - Removed symbolicate-linux-fatal from Docker (#173) - Properties of HTTPResponses are now `var` in `APIGateway.Response`, `APIGateway.V2.Response`, `ALB.TargetGroupResponse` (#176) - Fixed the visibility of the JWT in `APIGateway.V2.Request` (#178) - Thanks @JBosecker - Fixed typo in SQS example (#181) - Thanks @mattmassicotte - Fixed the queryStringParameters variable for `ALB.TargetGroupResponse` (#182) - Thanks @proggeramlug - Fixed typo in README.md (#183) - Thanks @mr-j-tree - Use welcoming language everywhere (#184) - Added support for AppSync events (#187) - Thanks @DwayneCoussement - Added CI support for Swift 5.4 (#189)
3 years ago
* Better errors when lambda fails to start #155 * Remove requirement on macOS 10.13 #156 * Better error message when invoking local lambda server with incorrect http method #157 * Simplify date formatting #159 * Improved examples and CI scripts
3 years ago
⚠️ This release includes breaking api changes * Add an option to start the local debugging server based on an env variable #87 * Add a User-Agent when using the Lambda Runtime API #98 by @bmoffatt * Handle lambda error correctly in mock server #104 * Add example scripts and docs for Serverless Framework #113 by @Andrea-Scuderi * Rename `payload` to `event` #115 * Added header when reporting failing invocations or initializations #128 by @Ro-M * Added shutdown to the `ByteBufferLambdaHandler` #122 * Add initialization context #126 * Added SES Event type #130 by @adam-fowler * add syncShutdown to LambdaHandler #132 * Improved readme docs and examples
3 years ago
First pre-release
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
swift-server/async-http-client 1.21.0
HTTP client library built on SwiftNIO
⭐️ 870
🕓 2 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
AsyncHTTPClient 1.21.0
2 weeks ago
### SemVer Minor - Introduce `HTTPClient.shared` a globally shared singleton (#705) - Raise minimum Swift version to 5.8 (#729) ### SemVer Patch - Add support for Musl (#726) - Fix write timeout not being initialised (#730) ### Other Changes - Renew certificates in tests (#731) - Move availability guard to correct test (#734)
AsyncHTTPClient 1.20.1
14 weeks ago
### SemVer Patch - Update minimum swift-nio version (#725)
AsyncHTTPClient 1.20.0
17 weeks ago
### SemVer Minor - HTTPClientRequest: allow custom TLS config (#709) - Automatically chunk large request bodies (#710) - Support custom `backgroundActivityLogger` while using the default ELG. (#711) - Bump minimum Swift version to 5.7 (#712) - Add an idle write timeout (#718) ### SemVer Patch - Update Package.swift (#722, patch credit to @nishant-dani) - Fix potential race conditions when cancelling read/write idle timers (#720) - Use the given connection pool idle timeout in the HTTPClient.Configuration inits (#723) ### Other Changes - Fix wrong/outdated `connect` timeout documentation (#714, patch credit to @MahdiBM) - Fix flaky test `TransactionTests.testCancelAsyncRequest` (#707) - testPlatformConnectErrorIsForwardedOnTimeout port reuse (#716) - Add missing availability guards in tests (#719)
AsyncHTTPClient 1.19.0
35 weeks ago
### SemVer Minor - use NIOSingletons EventLoops/NIOThreadPool instead of spawning new (#697) ### SemVer Patch - Replace os() with canImport(Darwin) (#693, patch credit to @brennobemoura) - Removed duplicated code (#694, patch credit to @brennobemoura) - Fix auhorization typo (#695, patch credit to @brennobemoura) ### Other Changes - Add unit tests for NWWaitingHandler, closes #589 (#702, patch credit to @natikgadzhi) - Adopt the Swift CoC (#691) - Fix flaky `AsyncAwaitEndToEndTests.testImmediateDeadline` test (#698) - Add timeout to `RequestBagTests.testCancelFailsTaskAfterRequestIsSent` test (#699) - Remove tests relying on OS-dependent behaviour (#703)
AsyncHTTPClient 1.18.0
48 weeks ago
### SemVer Minor - Drop Swift 5.5 (#686) - Tolerate new request after connection error happened (#688)
AsyncHTTPClient 1.17.0
1 year ago
### SemVer Minor - Pass request `Task` to `FileDownloadDelegate` `reportHead` and `reportProgress` closures (#681) - Add support for custom cancellation error (#683) ### SemVer Patch - Add missing availability annotations for iOS, tvOS and watchOS (#685, patch credit to @cbaker6)
AsyncHTTPClient 1.16.0
1 year ago
### SemVer Minor - Add a control to allow DNS override (#675) - Add a control to limit connection reuses (#678) - Fail early in `HTTPClientResponse.Body.collect(upTo:)` if the announced `Content-Length` is known to exceed the `maxBytes` in-memory buffer limit. (#672) - Replace `TransactionBody` with `NIOAsyncSequenceProducer` to support `Task` cancellation while waiting on the next response body part (#677) ### SemVer Patch - Fix crash if connection is closed very early (#671) ### Other Changes - Accept bare 2023 in license header (#676) - Fix documentation and add support for CI-ing it (#679)
AsyncHTTPClient 1.15.0
1 year ago
### SemVer Minor - Mark Task.wait() noasync and provide Task.get() (#668) - Make syncShutdown unavailable from async (#667) ### SemVer Patch - Fix HTTP2StreamChannel leak (#657)
AsyncHTTPClient 1.14.0
1 year ago
### SemVer Minor - Make Task.logger accessible to delegate implementations outside of Package (#587, patch credit to @felixschlegel) ### SemVer Patch - Fix crash for large HTTP request headers (#661, #659, #658) - Fix request streaming memory leak (#665) - Fix request head continuation misuse (#666) ### Other Changes - Add Swift 5.8 CI and update nightly CI to Ubuntu 22.04 (#655)
AsyncHTTPClient 1.13.2
1 year ago
### Security Fixes - Defends against HTTP request header injection attacks (CVE-2023-0040) (https://github.com/swift-server/async-http-client/security/advisories/GHSA-v3r5-pjpm-mwgq) ### SemVer Patch - Add `Host` header to proxy CONNECT request (#650) (#651, patch credit to @MihaelIsaev) ### Other Changes - Add .spi.yml for Swift Package Index DocC support (#648)
linux macOS iOS
swift-server/http 0.1.0
:warning: Historical HTTP API - please use https://github.com/swift-server/async-http-client instead
⭐️ 703
🕓 5 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
HTTP 0.1.0
6 years ago
Provides a basic HTTP server that responds to incoming requests.
swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle 2.4.1
Cleanly startup and shutdown server application, freeing resources in order before exiting.
⭐️ 357
🕓 8 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
ServiceLifecycle 2.4.1
8 weeks ago
## SemVer Minor * Add `withTaskCancellationOrGracefulShutdownHandler` by @adam-fowler in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/176 ## SemVer Patch * `cancelOnGracefulShutdown` hangs, if cancellation is not immediate in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/177 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/compare/2.4.0...2.4.1
ServiceLifecylce 2.4.0
10 weeks ago
## SemVer Minor * Conform `ServiceGroup` to `Service` in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/172 ## SemVer Patch * Adopt `AsyncAlgorithms` in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/167 * Update readme to not refer to alpha in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/168 * Make sure we return after gracefully shutdown in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/170 * Update `TerminationBehavior` doc comments and notes in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/165 * Update readme instructions & version in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/164 * Fix logic issues during graceful shutdown in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/171 ## New Contributors * @hamzahrmalik made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/168 * @MaxDesiatov made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/165 * @tib made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/164 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/compare/2.3.0...2.4.0
27 weeks ago
## SemVer Minor * Add a configurable escalation behaviour for graceful shutdown and cancellation of the `ServiceGroup` in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/162
28 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Bump minimum Swift version to 5.7 in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/160 * Add support for `SIGWINCH` in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/161 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/compare/2.1.0...2.2.0
31 weeks ago
### SemVer Minor - Add async `gracefulShutdown()` function to wait on graceful shutdown trigger (#158)
34 weeks ago
This is the first major release of `swift-service-lifecycle` 🚀 which helps orchestrating components in your application using Structured Concurrency. To get started with this package check out the [documentation](https://swiftpackageindex.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/documentation/servicelifecycle). # What's changed since `2.0.0-beta.2`? - Propagate service error during graceful shutdown (https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/153) - Add convenience init to the group (https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/154) - Fix in docs (https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/155, https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/156) - Vendor swift-async-algorithms (https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/157)
35 weeks ago
# What's Changed - Only log at debug levels (https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/151) - Propagate service error when gracefully shutting down (https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/152)
35 weeks ago
## What's Changed - Add support for SIGQUIT (https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/146) - Add support for custom return/ThrowBehavior of services (https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/148) - Prefix default logging keys (https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/149) This release includes a small breaking change. The conformance to `Hashable` and `Equatable` from the `ServiceGroupConfiguration` has been removed.
46 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Rename shutdownGracefully to triggerGracefulShutdown on the ServiceGroup https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/142
49 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Fix an issue where `cancelOnGracefulShutdown` did hang waiting for a child task to finish https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle/pull/136
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
swift-server/swift-backtrace 1.3.4
💥 Backtraces for Swift on Linux and Windows
⭐️ 291
🕓 33 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
SwiftBacktrace 1.3.4
33 weeks ago
## What's Changed * DocC setup by @yim-lee in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-backtrace/pull/62 * Disable this library for Swift 5.9 and above. by @al45tair in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-backtrace/pull/68 ## New Contributors * @yim-lee made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-backtrace/pull/62 * @al45tair made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-backtrace/pull/68 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server/swift-backtrace/compare/1.3.3...1.3.4
SwiftBacktrace 1.3.3
1 year ago
# SemVer patch * #59 update vendored copy of libbacktrace * #60 flush stderr after printing backtraces --- **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server/swift-backtrace/compare/1.3.2...1.3.3
SwiftBacktrace 1.3.2
1 year ago
# SemVer patch * #58: trap SIGSEGV, SIGBUS, and SIGFPE by default, in addition to SIGILL
SwiftBacktrace 1.3.1
2 years ago
## SemVer Patch Add missing new method for Windows/macOS.
SwiftBacktrace 1.3.0
2 years ago
## SemVer Minor - added a new `Backtrace.install(signals:)` API that allows the caller to specify all signal to backtrace on.
SwiftBacktrace 1.2.3
3 years ago
SwiftBacktrace 1.2.2
3 years ago
# SemVer patch * Windows Support (#41 , #42) - Thanks @compared
SwiftBacktrace 1.2.1
3 years ago
# SemVer patch - Determine the executable path automatically #36 - Improve error reporting in SwiftBacktrace if something goes wrong #35 # Other improvements - Various CI improvements (#26, #27, #31, #32)
4 years ago
* add deprecation warning on Backtrace.print()
4 years ago
- feat: cross-compilation support (#17)
swift-server/swift-prometheus 2.0.0-alpha.2
Prometheus client library for Swift
⭐️ 134
🕓 3 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 weeks ago
## Security Vulnerability Report * Un-sanitized metric name or labels can be used to take over exported metrics https://github.com/swift-server/swift-prometheus/security/advisories/GHSA-x768-cvr2-345r ## What's Changed * Rename destroyMetric to unregisterMetric by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-prometheus/pull/102 * Update README.md by @sbeitzel in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-prometheus/pull/105 * Switch from swiftformat to swift-format by @armandgrillet in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-prometheus/pull/107 * Fix: MetricSystem => MetricsSystem by @yeahdongcn in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-prometheus/pull/108 * Rename unregisterTimeHistogram to unregisterDurationHistogram by @simonjbeaumont in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-prometheus/pull/109 * Unregister the metric fully when last labelled metric is unregistered by @simonjbeaumont in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-prometheus/pull/110 * Add missing call to label customization closure for meter by @simonjbeaumont in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-prometheus/pull/111 * Fix recommended email in security guidelines by @ktoso in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-prometheus/pull/112 ## New Contributors * @sbeitzel made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-prometheus/pull/105 * @armandgrillet made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-prometheus/pull/107 * @yeahdongcn made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-prometheus/pull/108 * @simonjbeaumont made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server/swift-prometheus/pull/109 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server/swift-prometheus/compare/2.0.0-alpha.1...2.0.0-alpha.2
Swift Prometheus 2.0.0 Alpha 1
30 weeks ago
## 🚨 Breaking changes This 2.0 pre-release contains breaking changes compared to the current released version 1.x: - `PrometheusClient` has been renamed to `PrometheusCollectorRegistry` - Most method names on `PrometheusCollectorRegistry` have been changed as well `createMetric` has been renamed to `makeMetric` in most cases - Summaries are no longer supported - The `PromMetric` protocol has been removed - The Collector types are no longer prefixed with `Prom` Please refer to our [documentation] hosted on the Swift Package Index for more details regarding the new API. ## Changes ### SemVer Major - New Version 2.0 API (#92, #97, #98) ### Other changes - Add package index config file, so docs are generated (#85, #99 patch credit @finestructure) - Remove `FUNDING.yml` (#88) - Remove `Package.resolved` (#87) - Remove XCTestManifest & LinuxMain (#89) - Prepare Dockerfiles and scripts for swift-server CI (#90) - Remove GitHub actions CI (#91) - Remove .jazzy.yaml (#96) - Add docc documentation (#100, #101) [documentation]: https://swiftpackageindex.com/swift-server/swift-prometheus/main/documentation/prometheus
40 weeks ago
### Patch fixes - Solved race condition in sub-summary https://github.com/swift-server-community/SwiftPrometheus/issues/79 - thank you for the contribution @blindspotbounty **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server-community/SwiftPrometheus/compare/1.0.1...1.0.2
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Add missing availability annotations by @rauhul in https://github.com/swift-server-community/SwiftPrometheus/pull/71 * Remove unused weak references by @fabianfett in https://github.com/swift-server-community/SwiftPrometheus/pull/76 * Fix Histogram Concurrency Issue by @Sam-Amin in https://github.com/swift-server-community/SwiftPrometheus/pull/78 ## New Contributors * @fabianfett made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/SwiftPrometheus/pull/76 * @Sam-Amin made their first contribution in https://github.com/swift-server-community/SwiftPrometheus/pull/78 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/swift-server-community/SwiftPrometheus/compare/1.0.0...1.0.1
V 1.0.0
1 year ago
# SemVer Minor - Add Async/Await collect APIs (#67, @MrLotU ) # SemVer Patch - Fix Display Unit (#64, @avolokhov ) - Remove labels parametrisation (#63 , @avolokhov ) - Sanitize Dimensions (#68 , @0xTim )
V 1.0.0 Alpha 15
2 years ago
# SemVer Patch - Finer concurrency in 'MetricType.observe' / 'MetricType.collect' (#59, @avolokhov ) - Make metrics collection independent from metrics creation (#60, @avolokhov ) - Move labels equality check out of critical section in summary/histogram (#61, @avolokhov )
V 1.0.0 Alpha 14
2 years ago
# SemVer Minor - Add native support for floating point counter (#55, @MrLotU)
V 1.0.0 Alpha 13
2 years ago
# SemVer Minor - Introduce PromSummary.capacity to improve performance (#57, @wacumov)
V 1.0.0 Alpha 12.1
2 years ago
# SemVer Patch - Fix bug in `DimensionLabel` equality. (https://github.com/MrLotU/SwiftPrometheus/commit/daf102f0c9234011e013d174b82861ef94decfe8)
V 1.0.0 Alpha 12
2 years ago
# SemVer Minor - Update minimum required Swift version to 5.2 (#51, @glbrntt ) # SemVer Patch - Fix various misspellings (#53, @rauhul ) - Reduce allocations (#54, @rauhul )
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
swift-server/RediStack 2.0.0-gamma.1.1
Non-blocking, event-driven Swift client for Redis.
⭐️ 127
🕓 45 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
RediStack 1.6.2
19 weeks ago
### SemVer Patch * Fix the AsyncStream polyfill for Swift <5.9 by @AntVil in https://github.com/swift-server/RediStack/pull/101
RediStack 1.6.1
23 weeks ago
### SemVer Patch - Add missing availibility flags (#99)
RediStack 1.6.0
23 weeks ago
### SemVer Minor - Add `RedisHashSlot` (#91) - Add `RedisClusterNodeDescription` and `RedisClusterNodeID` (#92) - Add `RedisClusterShardDescriptionProtocol` (#93) ### SemVer Patch - Improve error messages (#97, patch credit to @hamzahrmalik) - Change the 'debug' log statement when a connection is grabbed from a connectionpool to 'trace' (#88) - Add DiscardingTaskGroup and Stream polyfills for cluster support (#94) ### Other Changes - Update README.md (#95, patch credit to @0xTim) - Clarify how to obtain an EventLoop (#89) - Remove jazzy from docker images (#98)
RediStack 1.5.1
37 weeks ago
### SemVer Patch - Mark `RedisConnectionPool` as final (#83) - Cherry pick GitLab 187: Graceful connection close without sending QUIT command (#85) - Close connection pool even if some connections are leased/in creation (#86)
RediStack 1.5.0
39 weeks ago
### SemVer Minor - Conform `RedisByteDecoder` to `NIOSingleStepByteToMessageDecoder` (#63) - Delay connection attempts without addresses (#64) - Require Swift 5.6 (#65) - Implement a basic `RESP3Token` parser (#71) - Add support for usernames (#72) - Add `NIOSSL` dependency (#74) - Make `RedisConnection.Configuration.defaultPort` thread safe (#81) ### SemVer Patch - Explicitly depend on `Atomics` (#57) - Remove reliance on the NIO umbrella module (#60) - Add `RedisCommandEncoder` (#69) - Remove `Context`, use `Logger` everywhere (#70) - Move `RESP3TokenDecoder` into its own file (#75) - Move `ConnectionPool` files into the ConnectionPool folder (#76) - Split up Configuration file into two: `RedisConnectionPool` & `RedisConnection` (#78) ### Other Changes - Fix crash in tests: Use explicit `RedisCommand` instead of tuple (#52) - Add swift-server CI (#54, #58, #66) - Remove codeclimate (#55) - Update for new maintainers, switch mirroring around (#53, #56, #62, #67) - Add release.yml for better generated release notes (#80)
RediStack 1.4.1
45 weeks ago
The latest `master`, pre-release, and release API Docs are always available at [docs.redistack.info](http://docs.redistack.info) ### Semver Patch - Fix compiler error for pre Swift 5.7 versions [!201](https://gitlab.com/swift-server-community/RediStack/-/merge_requests/201)
RediStack 1.4.0
45 weeks ago
The latest `master`, pre-release, and release API Docs are always available at [docs.redistack.info](http://docs.redistack.info) ## Minor - Add onUnexpectedConnectionClose callback to pool [!200](https://gitlab.com/swift-server-community/RediStack/-/merge_requests/200)
RediStack 2.0.0 Gamma 1.1
47 weeks ago
_The latest `master`, pre-release, and release API Docs are always available at [docs.redistack.info](http://docs.redistack.info)_ ## Patch - Fix Thread Sanitizer races caused by lazy one-time initialization of RedisClientErrors [!196](https://gitlab.com/swift-server-community/RediStack/-/merge_requests/196)
RediStack 1.3.3
47 weeks ago
_The latest `master`, pre-release, and release API Docs are always available at [docs.redistack.info](http://docs.redistack.info)_ ## Patch - Fix Thread Sanitizer races caused by lazy one-time initialization of RedisClientErrors [!197](https://gitlab.com/swift-server-community/RediStack/-/merge_requests/197)
RediStack 1.3.2
1 year ago
The latest `master`, pre-release, and release API Docs are always available at [docs.redistack.info](http://docs.redistack.info) ## Patch - This is a re-release of [1.3.1](https://gitlab.com/swift-server-community/RediStack/-/releases/1.3.1), which was improperly tagged from `master`
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Swiftpack is being maintained by Petr Pavlik | @ptrpavlik | @swiftpackco | API | Analytics