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swift-libp2p/swift-noise 0.0.2
Swift implementation of the Noise Protocol Framework
⭐️ 1
🕓 1 year ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
.package(url: "https://github.com/swift-libp2p/swift-noise.git", from: "0.0.2")


Swift Package Manager compatible Build & Test (macos and linux)

A swift implementation of the Noise Protocol Framework.

Table of Contents


Noise is a framework for building crypto protocols. Noise protocols support mutual and optional authentication, identity hiding, forward secrecy, zero round-trip encryption, and other advanced features.

⚠️ Warning

This package has NOT been extensively tested in real world applications and should NOT be used in production environments. Although the actual cryptography is handled by swift-crypto, the handshake logic could, and probably does, contain a myriad of bugs. Please feel free to look over the code and submit improvements where you see fit.



Include the following dependency in your Package.swift file

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(name: "Noise", url: "https://github.com/swift-libp2p/swift-noise.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.0.1"))
            dependencies: [
                .product(name: "Noise", package: "swift-noise"),



check out the tests for more examples

import Noise

/// Instantiate an instance on the client side
let initiator = try Noise.HandshakeState(config:
        cipherSuite: Noise.CipherSuite(
            keyCurve: .ed25519,
            cipher: .ChaChaPoly1305,
            hashFunction: .sha256
        handshakePattern: Noise.Handshakes.XX,
        initiator: true,
        prologue: [],
        presharedKey: nil,
        staticKeypair: initiatorsStatic,
        ephemeralKeypair: initiatorsEphemeral
/// Instantiate an instance on the host side
let responder = try Noise.HandshakeState(config:
        cipherSuite: Noise.CipherSuite(
            keyCurve: .ed25519,
            cipher: .ChaChaPoly1305,
            hashFunction: .sha256
        handshakePattern: Noise.Handshakes.XX,
        initiator: false,
        prologue: [],
        presharedKey: nil,
        staticKeypair: respondersStatic,
        ephemeralKeypair: respondersEphemeral

/// On the client / initiator side

// Kick off the handshake by generating the first message
let (msgInit1, _, _) = try initiator.writeMessage(payload: []) // -> Yeilds the first payload to be sent to the host / responder

// ... wait for the response, then consume it
let (decryptedMessage2Payload, _, _) = try initiator.readMessage(responseFromHost) // -> Yeilds a decrypted payload if one was sent...

// Write the next message
let (msgInit3, initCS1, initCS2) = try initiator.writeMessage(payload: []) // -> Depending on the handshake chosen, you'll have your CipherStates available at this point

/// Handshake is completed on initiators end at this point...
/// After the handshake is completed, you'll have access to two CipherStates (one for inbound decryption and one for outbound encryption)

// You can start sending encrypted messages now...
let secureMessage1 = try initCS1!.encrypt(plaintext: "My Message".data(using: .utf8)!)

// And decrypting inbound messages using the second CipherState
let decryptedInboundMessage = try initCS2!.decrypt(ciphertext: encryptedInboundMessage)

/// On the host / responder side

// Read the first message from the initiator...
let (decryptedMessage1Payload, _, _) = try responder.readMessage(firstMessageFromInitiator) // -> Yeilds a decrypted payload, if one was sent... 

// Respond
let (msgResp2, _, _) = try responder.writeMessage(payload: []) // -> Yeilds the response message to be sent back to the initiator

// ... wait for the response from the initiator, then consume it
let (decryptedMessage3Payload, respCS1, respCS2) = try responder.readMessage(responseFromInitiator) // -> Depending on the handshake chosen, you'll have your CipherStates available at this point

/// Handshake is complete at this point...
/// After the handshake is completed, you'll have access to two CipherStates (one for inbound decryption and one for outbound encryption)

// You can start sending encrypted messages now...
let secureMessage1 = try respCS1!.encrypt(plaintext: "My Message".data(using: .utf8)!)

// And decrypting inbound messages using the second CipherState
let decryptedInboundMessage = try respCS2!.decrypt(ciphertext: encryptedInboundMessage)


/// Noise.HandshakeState
/// Initializers
Noise.HandshakeState(config: Noise.Config)

/// Methods
Noise.HandshakeState.writeMessage(payload:[UInt8]) throws -> (buffer:[UInt8], c1:CipherState?, c2:CipherState?)
Noise.HandshakeState.readMessage(_ inboundMessage:[UInt8]) throws -> (payload:[UInt8], c1:CipherState?, c2:CipherState?)

Noise.HandshakeState.shouldWrite() -> Bool
Noise.HandshakeState.shouldRead() -> Bool

Noise.HandshakeState.peerStatic() throws -> Curve25519.KeyAgreement.PublicKey
Noise.HandshakeState.peerEphemeral() throws -> Curve25519.KeyAgreement.PublicKey
Noise.HandshakeState.localEphemeral() throws -> Curve25519.KeyAgreement.PrivateKey

/// Noise.CipherState
/// Encryption / Decryption Post Handshake
CipherState.encrypt(plaintext:[UInt8]) throws -> [UInt8] 
CipherState.decrypt(ciphertext:[UInt8]) throws -> [UInt8]


Contributions are welcomed! This code is very much a proof of concept. I can guarantee you there's a better / safer way to accomplish the same results. Any suggestions, improvements, or even just critques, are welcome!

Let's make this code better together! 🤝



MIT © 2022 Breth Inc.


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Last commit: 1 year ago
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