Swiftpack.co - stleamist/NMapsMap-SwiftPM as Swift Package

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stleamist/NMapsMap-SwiftPM v3.11.0
SwiftPM을 지원하는 iOS용 네이버 지도 SDK의 비공식 미러 저장소
⭐️ 9
🕓 3 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/stleamist/NMapsMap-SwiftPM.git", from: "v3.11.0")

version Swift: 5.3+ Xcode: 12.2+ iOS: 9.0+
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Swift Package Manager

Add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift file:

.package(name: "NMapsMap", url: "https://github.com/stleamist/NMapsMap-SwiftPM.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "3.10.0"))

Next, add NMapsMap as a dependency for your targets:

.target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: ["NMapsMap"])

Your completed description may look like this:

// swift-tools-version:5.3

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "MyPackage",
    dependencies: [
        .package(name: "NMapsMap", url: "https://github.com/stleamist/NMapsMap-SwiftPM.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "3.10.0"))
    targets: [
        .target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: ["NMapsMap"])


Select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency, then enter the following URL:


For more details, see Adding Package Dependencies to Your App.


Stars: 9
Last commit: 3 years ago
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Release Notes

3 years ago

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