Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by stleamist

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Packages published by stleamist

stleamist/BetterSafariView v2.4.2
A better way to present a SFSafariViewController or start a ASWebAuthenticationSession in SwiftUI.
⭐️ 544
πŸ•“ 26 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
26 weeks ago
### Fixed - Fixed an issue where the `SafariViewPresenter` fails to find a view controller to presented from (#41 & #46). Thanks, @Tunous and @SongJiyeon!
1 year ago
### Fixed - Fixed an issue where the `WebAuthenticationPresenter` fails to find its presentation anchor (#22). Thanks, @kevvdevv, @exentrich, and @ldstreet!
2 years ago
### Changed - `SafariViewPresenter` and `WebAuthenticationPresenter` now conforms to `UIViewRepresentable`, instead of `UIViewControllerRepresentable`. ### Fixed - Fixed an issue where the `SafariView` is not presented on the multi-layered modal sheets (#20). Thanks, @twodayslate!
3 years ago
### Fixed - Fixed an issue where the `SafariView` is not presented on the modal sheets (#9). Thanks, @boherna!
3 years ago
### Added - Added `WebAuthenticationSession` support for macOS and watchOS.
3 years ago
### Fixed - Fixed an issue where the changes of `SafariView` and `WebAuthenticationSession` is not applied after an initialization.
3 years ago
### Fixed - Fixed an issue where the package could not be compiled on Swift 5.2 or earlier.
3 years ago
### Added - `SafariView` now conforms to `View` protocol, so it can be used even in the `.sheet()` or the `.fullScreenCover()` modifiers for the advanced usage. - Added `accentColor(_:)` modifier to `SafariView` as a convenience method of `preferredControlAccentColor(_:)`. - Added a new initializer of `WebAuthenticationSession` where the `onCompletion` closure receives a `Result` instance, which contains either a `URL` or an `Error`. ### Fixed - Fixed typos on the markup.
3 years ago
### Changed - Coordinators are now in charge of view controller presentations, following the structure of [VisualEffects](https://github.com/twostraws/VisualEffects).
3 years ago
### Fixed - Fixed typos on the markup.
iOS macOS watchOS
stleamist/NavigationSearchBarModifier v0.3.0
A clean way to attach a search bar with a scope bar in SwiftUI.
⭐️ 24
πŸ•“ 3 years ago
stleamist/MKZoomLevel v1.2.0
An implementation of logarithmic zoom level getter & setter missed in MKMapView.
⭐️ 17
πŸ•“ 3 years ago
iOS macOS tvOS
stleamist/NMapsMap-SwiftPM v3.11.0
SwiftPM을 μ§€μ›ν•˜λŠ” iOS용 넀이버 지도 SDK의 비곡식 미러 μ €μž₯μ†Œ
⭐️ 9
πŸ•“ 3 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
stleamist/OnLoad v1.1.0
A SwiftUI equivalent of viewDidLoad().
⭐️ 5
πŸ•“ 3 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
stleamist/ExtensionKit v1.1.0
A collection of useful Swift extensions for my personal use.
⭐️ 0
πŸ•“ 3 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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