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Packages published by spotify

spotify/XCMetrics v0.0.13
XCMetrics is the easiest way to collect Xcode build metrics and improve developer productivity.
⭐️ 1,081
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Linux/arm64 docker images support
1 year ago
From now on, we will publish two architectures to docker hub: `linux/amd64` and `linux/arm64`
Update docker image to swift:5.6-focal
1 year ago
1 year ago
Thanks to @luispadron for bumping XCLogParser to its latest version in https://github.com/spotify/XCMetrics/pull/87. This should make it easier to use XCMetrics from a separate CLI tool.
Xcode 14 support
1 year ago
- Support Xcode 14
Redis connection timeout, health check for jobs, accept a JSON as auth header
2 years ago
- Adds an `additionalHeaderJson` argument to pass a Stringfied JSON header. Useful for Auth. https://github.com/spotify/XCMetrics/pull/75 - Use XCLogParser 0.2.33 that fixed a bug to parse validate command errors https://github.com/spotify/XCMetrics/pull/77 - Adds a new Environment variable to the backed that allows to specify a connection timeout to Redis. https://github.com/spotify/XCMetrics/pull/70 - Adds a new health check endpoint to check if the jobs can connect to the Redis queue. https://github.com/spotify/XCMetrics/pull/70
Daily jobs, support for tags, bug fixing
2 years ago
- Adds a new scheduled job that aggregates the number of builds per day. To run it, start the Backend with the `--scheduled` option: ``` command: ["./XCMetricsBackend", "queues", "--scheduled", "--env", "production"] ``` - Fixes the issue https://github.com/spotify/XCMetrics/issues/62 where Tags and Hardware information were not being saved - Adds a new `truncateLargeIssues` flag to the client to truncate the number of issues reported per task to 100. Useful to save database space and fix memory issues in the Backend
Statistics endpoint and bug fixing
2 years ago
- Adds a new `statistics` endpoint that will have routes to fetch build's data for the XCMetrics web dashboard - Bumps XCLogParser to fix an issue where some Swift errors were not being reported - Fixes an issue where some local logs were not being deleted
Bug fixing
2 years ago
- Fixes an issue where the client was not finishing unless there were reports not sent. - Fixes an issue where the processed logs were not being deleted in the backend - Fixes a bug calculating the duration of a Step
Add authorization flags to client
2 years ago
The client accepts keys that will be added as headers in the HTTP Request that can be helpful to use an authorization gateway: ``` --authorizationKey --authorizationValue ```
Adds option to skip inserting Notes
2 years ago
Adds an option to XCMetrics `--skipNotes true` that allows to not insert the Notes found in the Xcode logs. These notes are informative and in some cases can be thousands leading to the database to grow exponentially.
spotify/Mobius.swift 0.5.2
A functional reactive framework for managing state evolution and side-effects [Swift implementation]
⭐️ 543
🕓 8 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
8 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Disambiguate Nimble Predicate usage (https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/200) * Bump swiftlint action (https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/207) * Add `asDisposable` convenience property to `Task` (https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/205)
46 weeks ago
* Fixed test diffing failure (https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/188) * Fixed issue with asynchronous viewConnectable disposal (https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/190, https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/191) * Removed need for effect enums to always conform to `Equatable` (https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/194) * Updated Nimble to 10.0.0 (https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/187, https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/192) * Updated Quick to 5.0.1 (https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/195) * Updated CasePaths to 0.10.1 (https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/196, https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/199) **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/compare/0.5.0...0.5.1
2 years ago
- Improved `Effect` enum matching with [CasePaths](https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-case-paths) (https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/181, https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/184) - Updated copyright notice (https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/185) - Removed Carthage and CocoaPods support (https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/186)
2 years ago
- Updated dependencies to support Xcode 13 (https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/pull/180)
2 years ago
- Removed deprecations introduced in 0.3.0 (#145, #166) - Removed `initiate` from `Mobius.Builder` (#146) - Removed unnecessary generic arguments (#147) - Removed `MobiusTest` playground (#148) - Added `Mobius.beginnerLoop` helper and tests for the [Getting Started](https://github.com/spotify/Mobius.swift/wiki/Creating-a-loop) tutorial (#149) - Added `Connectable.map` helper for output transformation (#150) - Simplified `MobiusLoop` implementation (#151) - Fixed and simplified logging adaptors (#153) - Cleaned up APIs and implementations (#154) - Added ability to specify execution queue for effect handlers (#155, #157) - Updated doc comments (#158) - Replaced abstract `ConnectableClass` implementations (#161) - Disabled caching for CI SPM build (#162) - Updated CI to Xcode 11.4.1 (#163) - Added visual model diff to test expectation output (#164) - Addressed exclusionary language (#165) - Handled `#file`/`#filePath` distinction for Swift 5.3 (#167) - Removed strong connectable↔︎loop reference (#169) - Bumped version (#170) - Fixed various spelling errors (#171) - Deleted disabled assertion (#172) - Migrated dependencies to XCFramework (#174) - Fixed Xcode 12.5 compatibility (#175) - Added diffed effects in NextPredicate (#177) - Added more specific effect matchers (#178) - Fixed disconnected API comment (#179)
4 years ago
0.3.0 makes many changes from 0.2.0. Where possible, old names and types are available with deprecation attributes; these will soon be removed. - Updated threading model: - `MobiusLoop` is now single-threaded - `MobiusController` runs a loop on a single background queue. - Fixed several issues around hard-to-avoid assertions in loop teardown. - New `EffectRouter` and `EffectHandler` replace `EffectRouterBuilder` (which is deprecated along with several helpers). - Effects in `First` and `Next` are now an array rather than a set. This doesn’t imply an ordering guarantee, but does mean that effects don’t have to be `Hashable`. - Various things renamed or changed from methods to properties to better conform to Swift API Guidelines and for internal consistency: - `Initiator` is now `Initiate`, and is only used with `MobiusController`. - `MobiusLoop.getMostRecentModel()` becomes `latestModel`. - `MobiusController.getModel()` becomes `model`. - `Connectable.InputType` and `OutputType` become `Input` and `Output`; `Connection.ValueType` becomes `Value`. - `Update` is now a struct. This isn’t leveraged by Mobius itself at the moment, but makes it easier to write transformations on updates in a fluent style. - For consistency, `MobiusController` is created through a `makeController()` method on `Mobius.Builder` instead of being initialized with a builder argument. - All methods on `MobiusLogger` now have default do-nothing implementations. - `ConsoleLogger` has been replaced with `SimpleLogger`, which can take a consumer function to use instead of `print`. - `NoEffect` and `BrokenConnection` are deprecated. - `MobiusHooks.ErrorHandler` now returns `Never` rather than `Void`. - Mobius no longer adds a public extension to `NSRecursiveLock`. - There are more documentation comments than there used to be. - Tooling updated to Swift 5.0 and Xcode 11.0. - Swift Package Manager is explicitly supported for all Apple platforms; Carthage and CocoaPods are supported for iOS only.
4 years ago
- Deprecated `CompositeEventSourceBuilder` in favour of `MergedEventSource` (#28) - Support Swift 5.1 toolchains (#29)
5 years ago
- Remove `xcscheme` from Xcode project in order to improve performance when integrating the library with Carthage. (@BalestraPatrick)
5 years ago
Alpha Release
5 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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