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Packages published by soto-project

soto-project/soto 7.0.0-beta.1
Swift SDK for AWS that works on Linux, macOS and iOS
⭐️ 856
πŸ•“ 2 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
v7.0.0 Beta 1
2 weeks ago
Using SotoCore [7.0.0-beta.1](https://github.com/soto-project/soto-core/releases/tag/7.0.0-beta.1) Using AWS models from [Release (2024-04-05)](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/releases/tag/release-2024-04-05) ## New services - Artifact - Chatbot - CodeConnections - Deadline - NeptuneGraph - NetworkMonitor - SupplyChain - TimestreamInfluxDB ## Removed services - GameSparks - Macie (Replaced by Macie2) - IoTRoboRunner ## Major release changes - Require Swift 5.8 ## Minor release changes - S3: Multipart upload - Add support for uploading a single ByteBuffer. PR #691 - Add `concurrentUploads` parameter to control how many uploads run at the same time. PR #692 - Remove `ThreadPoolProvider ` and replace with `NIOThreadPool` defaulting to `NIOThreadPool.singleton`. - S3: Add support for concurrent multipart downloads. PR #705 - Use async `NonBlockingFileIO` APIs instead of APIs requiring an `EventLoop` - Add S3.generatePresignedPost for HTML form based uploads. PR #710 from @nicksloan ## Patch release changes - Add swift setting `StrictConcurrency=complete`. PR #711
29 weeks ago
Using SotoCore [v6.5.0](https://github.com/soto-project/soto-core/releases/tag/6.5.0) Using AWS models from [Release (2023-10-03)](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/releases/tag/release-2023-10-03) ## New Services - AppFabric - Bedrock - BedrockRuntime - EntityResolution - ManagedBlockchainQuery - MedicalImaging - NeptuneData - PcaConnectorAd ## Minor release changes - Set minimum swift version to 5.7 - Default to using `NIOThreadPool.singleton` instead of creating a new one in `S3.multipartUpload`
v7.0.0 Alpha 1
37 weeks ago
Using SotoCore [7.0.0-alpha.1](https://github.com/soto-project/soto-core/releases/tag/7.0.0-alpha.1) ## Major release changes - Internals of Soto are now Swift concurrency based and all `EventLoop` based APIs have been removed. - Replace `AWSPayload` with `AWSHTTPBody` which can be either a single `ByteBuffer` or a stream of `ByteBuffers` to store request and response payloads. - Decode response headers by passing `ResponseDecodingContainer` which holds details of raw response to decoder. - Encode request headers, query parameters by passing `RequestEncodingContainer` which holds reference to raw request to encoder. - Add support for decoding Event streams. - Reduce exports from SotoSignerV4 and SotoCore. - SotoXML is imported as implementationOnly so is unavailable outside of SotoCore. - Restructure Middleware, new type `AWSMiddlewareProtocol` replaces `AWSServiceMiddleware`, added `AWSMiddlewareStack` result builder. ## Minor release changes - Use AsyncHTTPClient Swift concurrency based APIs - Adding `AWSTracingMiddleware` to add basic tracing support to Soto calls.
43 weeks ago
Using SotoCore [v6.5.0](https://github.com/soto-project/soto-core/releases/tag/6.5.0) Using AWS models from [Release (2023-06-23)](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/releases/tag/release-2023-06-23) ## New Services - CodeGuruSecurity - MediaPackageV2 - OSIS - PaymentCryptography - PaymentCryptographyData - VerifiedPermissions ## Minor release changes - Allow more complex ConditionExpressions when using DynamoDB.UpdateItemCodableInput. PR #671 and #673 from @Andrea-Scuderi ## Other changes - Removed old documentation and individual module generation scripts
1 year ago
Using SotoCore [v6.5.0](https://github.com/soto-project/soto-core/releases/tag/6.5.0) Using AWS models from [Release (2023-04-14)](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/releases/tag/release-2023-04-14) ## New Services - CloudTrailData - IVSRealtime - InternetMonitor - Telco Network Builder (TNB) - VPCLattice ## Minor Release Changes - Update minimum required Swift version to 5.6. - Remove all `#if compiler` checks for Swift concurrency and Sendable conformance - Replace _SotoSendable with Sendable - Add multipartUpload that takes an AsyncSequence of ByteBuffers as input. - This version of multipartUpload will upload up to 4 parts concurrently. - The async/await file multipart upload uses this now.
1 year ago
Using SotoCore [v6.4.1](https://github.com/soto-project/soto-core/releases/tag/6.4.1) Using AWS models from [Release (2023-01-27)](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/releases/tag/release-2023-01-27) ## New Services - CleanRooms - KendraRanking ## Minor Release Changes - Replace `EC2.ArrayCoder` with `EC2ArrayCoder` from SotoCore ## Patch Release Changes - Fix uploading of empty files with multipart. PR #659 from @bridger
1 year ago
## Patch release changes - Fix a bug where empty files can't be uploaded with multipart. PR #649 from @bridger
1 year ago
Using SotoCore [v6.4.0](https://github.com/soto-project/soto-core/releases/tag/6.4.0) Using AWS models from [Release (2023-01-03)](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/releases/tag/release-2023-01-03) ## New Services - ARCZonalShift - CodeCatalyst - DocDBElastic - KinesisVideoWebRTCStorage - LicenseManagerLinuxSubscriptions - OAM - Omics - OpenSearchServerless - Pipes - SageMakerGeospatial - SageMakerMetrics - SecurityLake - SimSpaceWeaver ## Minor Version Changes - Add support for FIPS and dualstack endpoints. Enabled via `AWSService` option `.useFipsEndpoint` and `.useDualStackEndpoint`. ## Patch Version Changes - Merge service files into three different files: `{service}-api.swift`, `{service}-api+async.swift` and `{service}-shapes.swift`. This provides a fixed number of output files for the code generator build plugin. - Fixed issue with duplicate endpoint names.
1 year ago
Using SotoCore [v6.3.0](https://github.com/soto-project/soto-core/releases/tag/6.3.0) Using AWS models from [Release (2022-11-18)](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/releases/tag/release-2022-11-18) # New Services - ChimeSDKVoice - IoTRoboRunner - ResourceExplorer2 - Scheduler - SsmSap # Minor Release Changes - Add FIPS service endpoints to services - Replace APIGateway, Glacier and S3 middleware with middleware from SotoCore # Other Changes - localstack.sh: Add ability to run localstack in the foreground
1 year ago
Using SotoCore [v6.1.0](https://github.com/soto-project/soto-core/releases/tag/6.1.0) Using AWS models from [Release (2022-10-25)](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/releases/tag/release-2022-10-25) # New Services - ConnectCases - ControlTower - IoTFleetWise - MigrationHubOrchestrator - SupportApp # Minor Release Changes - Add support for disabling S3 `100: Continue` header. PR #613 - Code Generation changes - Add support for Smithy 2.0 model files, including EnumShapes and traits default, clientOptional, uniqueItems - Fix endpoint setup, when endpointPrefix attribute not available - Fix enums with associated values that reference themselves # Patch Release Changes - Fix Sendable warning in `multipartDownload`. PR #629 - MediaConvert: Patch S3 path validation
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS linux macOS iOS
soto-project/soto-core v6.0.0-alpha.1
Core framework of Soto the Swift SDK for AWS
⭐️ 110
πŸ•“ 2 years ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
v7.0.0 Beta 1
2 weeks ago
## Major release changes - Add AWSHTTPClient protocol. PR #606 - Removed `HTTPClientProvider` and replace with simple reference to `AWSHTTPClient` defaulting to `HTTPClient.shared`. PR #609 - Hide request/response containers behind @_spi(SotoInternal). PR #593 - Hide Stdlib, Foundation extensions behind @_spi(SotoInternal). PR #601 - Remove `AWSClient.eventLoopGroup` PR #597 - Remove `public` scope from `EventDecodingContainer`, `AWSMiddleware2`, `AWSDynamicMiddlewareStack` - Remove typealias `AWSMiddlewareHandler`, struct `PassThruMiddleware` ## Minor release changes - Add support for `AWS_ROLE_ARN` environment variable. PR #605 ## Patch changes - Don't store `JSONDecoder` in `MetaDataClient`. PR #595 - Use Async NonBlockingFileIO functions instead of EventLoop based versions. PR #597 - Fixes for Swift 5.10. PR #604 ## Other changes - Add documentation visibility to exported symbols
30 weeks ago
## Patch Release Changes - Default to using `.singleton` EventLoopGroupProvider instead of `.createNew`. PR #584 - Bump swift-crypto version to include v3.x. PR #588 from @jeffdav
v7.0.0 Alpha 3
30 weeks ago
## Patch Release Changes - Use `ISO8601DateFormatter` instead of `DateFormatter`. PR #583 - Default to using `.singleton` EventLoopGroupProvider instead of `.createNew`. PR #585 - Expand version requirements for swift-crypto to include v3.x and above. PR #586
v7.0.0 Alpha 2
36 weeks ago
## Patch release change - Expand version requirements for swift-crypto to include v2.x.x and above
v7.0.0 Alpha 1
37 weeks ago
## Major release changes - Internals of Soto are now Swift concurrency based and all `EventLoop` based APIs have been removed. PRs #545, #549, #550, #551, #552, #553, #554, #557 - Replace `AWSPayload` with `AWSHTTPBody` which can be either a single `ByteBuffer` or a stream of `ByteBuffers` to store request and response payloads. PR #558 - Decode response headers by passing `ResponseDecodingContainer` which holds details of raw response to decoder. PR #565 - Encode request headers, query parameters by passing `RequestEncodingContainer` which holds reference to raw request to encoder. PR #576 - Add support for decoding Event streams. PR #566 - Merge `AWSRequest` and `AWSHTTPRequest` into one type `AWSHTTPRequest`. PR #569 - Merge `AWSResponse` and `AWSHTTPResponse` into one type `AWSHTTPResponse`. PR #569 - Reduce exports from SotoSignerV4 and SotoCore. PR #567 - SotoXML is imported as implementationOnly so is unavailable outside of SotoCore. PR #573 - Restructure Middleware, new type `AWSMiddlewareProtocol` replaces `AWSServiceMiddleware`, added `AWSMiddlewareStack` result builder. PR #570 ## Minor release changes - Use AsyncHTTPClient Swift concurrency based APIs #555 - Adding `AWSTracingMiddleware` to add basic tracing support to Soto calls.
39 weeks ago
## Patch release changes - Fixed concurrency warning on Linux - Don't remove `content-type` from list of signed headers
1 year ago
## Minor release changes - Update minimum required Swift version to 5.6. - Remove all `#if compiler` checks for Swift concurrency and Sendable conformance - Added `FixedSizeByteBufferAsyncSequence` which takes a `ByteBuffer` AsyncSequence and returns ByteBuffers of a fixed size. - Added `Sequence.concurrentMap` which returns an array of mapping the given async closure over a sequence elements. The async functions are run concurrently. Also added a version of this that ensure only so many concurrent tasks are running at any one point. ## Patch release changes - Fix possible issue with `AWSPayload. asyncSequence` iterating results
1 year ago
## Patch release changes - Fixed issue where streaming files could cause a stack overflow. PR #538
1 year ago
## Patch Release Changes - Remove sequential spaces in header values in canonical request when signing - Fix compiling with Swift 5.6
1 year ago
##Β Minor Version Changes - Move `EC2ArrayCoder` from Soto to SotoCore so it can be used alongside the code generation build plugin
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS linux macOS iOS
soto-project/soto-s3-file-transfer 1.3.0
Simplifying upload and download from S3 using Soto the Swift SDK for AWS.
⭐️ 41
πŸ•“ 28 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
28 weeks ago
## Patch release changes - Fix for v6.8.0 of Soto
1 year ago
## Minor Release Changes - Add `resume` function to resume a failed download. PR #33 - Log level for file copy logging is now `debug` instead of `info`. ## Patch Release Changes - Optimise the transfer and deletion lists when syncing. PR #34 ## Other Changes - Add a `generate-contributors-list.sh` script
1 year ago
## Minor release changes - soto-s3-file-transfer now requires swift 5.5 or later - `S3FileTransferManager` is now a class ## Patch release changes - Fix crash when deleting `S3FileTransferManager` which created its own thread pool - Update concurrency primitives to use `NIOLock` and swift-atomics ## Other changes - Add CI using Localstack - Add API breakage test CI
1 year ago
## Major release changes - Using Soto v6.0.0
2 years ago
- Fix prefix removal for folder paths with symlinks when copying a folder to S3. PR #21 from @billowsofcode
2 years ago
- Fix: Use unique key for s3 files when calculating progress for copy folder from S3. PR #19 (credit to @billowsofcode)
2 years ago
- Add progress closures to copy/sync folder functions - In copy/sync from S3 to local file system validate S3 file list to ensure we don't have files that would overwrite folders.
3 years ago
- Add platform requirements for iOS, tvOS and watchOS. PR #7 from @krzysztofzablocki
3 years ago
- Fixed issue where downloading an S3 file that does not exist creating a local empty file - Throw `fileDoesNotExist` error when a file does not exist
3 years ago
- Rename `S3Path.path` to `S3Path.key` - downloading an S3 file to a folder will place the file in the folder
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS linux macOS iOS
soto-project/soto-cognito-authentication-kit 5.0.0-beta.1
Authenticating with AWS Cognito
⭐️ 31
πŸ•“ 2 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
5.0.0 Beta 1
2 weeks ago
Update to use 7.0 beta of Soto
v5.0.0 Alpha 1
13 weeks ago
Update to use 7.0 alpha of Soto
26 weeks ago
## Patch release changes - Use `en_US_POSIX` in dateFormatter used by SRP code
1 year ago
## Minor release changes - Update minimum required Swift version to 5.6. - Remove all `#if compiler` checks for Swift concurrency and Sendable conformance - Replace _SotoSendable with Sendable
1 year ago
## Major release changes - Using Soto v6 - Add `Logger` parameter to many public symbols - `ChallengedResponse.name` is a `CognitoChallengeName?` instead of `String?`. - Added `Sendable` conformance to relevant symbols - Protect access to `CognitoAuthenticatable.jwtSigners` with a lock ## Other changes - Add API breakage GitHub action to be run on all PRs - sanity script has been renamed to validity
2 years ago
- Fixed missing @available tag
2 years ago
Revert concurrency availability checks to macOS 12, iOS 15 etc
2 years ago
- Swift concurrency APIs are now available for macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13 and watchOS 6
2 years ago
## Minor release changes - Added Cognito Userpool credential provider. PR #22 - Added Support for async/await. PR #24
2 years ago
- Add tvOS as a supported platform
iOS macOS tvOS linux macOS iOS
soto-project/soto-smithy 0.4.0
Swift based AWS Smithy loader
⭐️ 1
πŸ•“ 1 week ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 week ago
- Don't throw errors for unrecognised traits outside of the `smithy.api` and `aws.api` namespaces.
4 weeks ago
## Patch release changes - Add `aws.iam#serviceResolvedConditionKeys` and `aws.iam#conditionKeyValue` traits
9 weeks ago
## Patch release changes - Add `smithy.api#requestCompression` trait
12 weeks ago
## Patch release Fix names of traits `aws.iam#iamAction`
20 weeks ago
## Patch release changes Added traits `aws.iam#action`, `aws.iam#actionName` and `aws.protocols#awsQueryCompatible`
33 weeks ago
## Patch Release Changes - Fixed Selector for `aws.api#tagEnabled`. It should only be applied to ServiceShapes
36 weeks ago
Add `Smithy.registerShapesAndTraits`
1 year ago
- Update ExamplesTrait
1 year ago
- Create unique set of prelude shapes for each model, to avoid them be accessed from multiple threads
1 year ago
- Update selector for aws.api#data trait to include all simple types

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