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software-mansion/starknet.swift v0.10.0
Starknet SDK for Swift language
⭐️ 22
🕓 1 week ago
iOS macOS
.package(url: "https://github.com/software-mansion/starknet.swift.git", from: "v0.10.0")

alt text


StarkNet SDK for Swift to interact with the starknet rpc nodes.



In XCode, go to your project, then select Package Dependencies tab. Click the + button, and in the window that just appeared search for starknet.swift package or paste the following url directly: https://github.com/software-mansion/starknet.swift. Select package and install it.

Swift Package Manager

Just add the package to the dependencies array in your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "https://github.com/software-mansion/starknet.swift.git", from: "0.7.0")

Then add `starknet.swift` to the dependencies array of every target you want to use the package in.


You can find the documentation of the project here.

Demo app

In the Examples folder you can find a demo ios application.

Before running it, make sure to run compatible version of starknet-devnet with a given configuration:

starknet-devnet --port 5050 --seed 0`

To install starknet devnet, please run:

cargo install \
--locked \
--git https://github.com/0xSpaceShard/starknet-devnet-rs.git \
--rev fa1238e

Run the demo app on ios simulator, to be able to access the local devnet instance.


Git hooks

Install hooks by running install_hooks.sh script from Scripts folder.

Code formatting

This project uses SwiftFormat for linting and formatting code. You can install it by running brew install swiftformat. Unformatted code will be rejected by pre push hook and lint github action. To format code in the project, run

swiftformat .

in main project directory.



Due to reliability on starknet-devnet-rs for testing, tests can be ran on macOS targets only.


You will need to set some environment variables:

  • DEVNET_PATH - points to starknet-devnet-rs cli
  • SCARB_PATH - points to scarb cli.
  • SNCAST_PATH - points to sncast cli.

You can set them in XCode scheme or by running these commands:

export DEVNET_PATH="$(which starknet-devnet)"
export SCARB_PATH="$(which scarb)"
export SNCAST_PATH="$(which sncast)"

This assumes you already have the following tools installed:

Binary dependencies

This project depends on two binary frameworks.

  • crypto-cpp from starkware, with c bindings. Compiled for ios and macosx targets. Built in this repo
  • poseidon from CryptoExperts. Compiled for ios and macosx targets. Built in this repo
  • generate_k method, from starknet-rs sdk, wrapped in a c binding. Compiled for ios and macosx targets. Built in this repo


This product includes software developed by the "Marcin Krzyzanowski" (http://krzyzanowskim.com/).


Stars: 22
Last commit: 4 hours ago
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Release Notes

1 week ago

What's Changed

  • Bump swift version to 5.10
  • Update StaknetTypedData in line with SNIP-12
  • Add StarknetMerkleTree
  • Add Felt(fromSigned) initializer
  • Add StarknetByteArray

Breaking changes

  • XCode 15.3+ (macOS 14+) is now required to build the package
  • StaknetTypedData.domain is now of type StarknetTypedData.Domain instead of [String: Element]
    • StarknetTypedData initializers now take domain as StarknetTypedData.Domain instead of [String: Element]
  • StarknetTypedData.types is now of type [String: [TypeDeclarationWrapper]] instead of [String: [TypeDeclaration]]
    • StarknetTypedData initializers now take types as [String: [any TypeDeclaration]] instead of [String: [TypeDeclaration]]
  • StarknetTypedData.TypeDeclaration is now a protocol; Use StarknetTypedData.StandardType instead
  • StarknetTypedData initializers are now throwing, not failable
  • Type verification is now enforced when instantiating StarknetTypedData

Merged PRs

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/software-mansion/starknet.swift/compare/v0.9.0...v0.10.0

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