Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by sobri909

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Packages published by sobri909

sobri909/LocoKit 7.1.0
Location, motion, and activity recording framework for iOS
⭐️ 1,510
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4.0.0 (the Sleep Mode release)
6 years ago
### Added - Added a low power Sleep Mode. Read the `useLowPowerSleepModeWhileStationary` API docs for more details. - Added ability to disable dynamic desiredAccuracy adjustments. Read the `dynamicallyAdjustDesiredAccuracy` API docs for more details. - Added LocomotionManager settings for configuring which (if any) Core Motion features to make use of whilst recording. ### Removed - `startCoreLocation()` has been renamed to `startRecording()` and now starts both Core Location and Core Motion recording (depending on your LocomotionManager settings). Additionally, `stopCoreLocation()` has been renamed to `stopRecording()`, and `startCoreMotion()` and `stopCoreMotion()` have been removed. - `recordingCoreLocation` and `recordingCoreMotion` have been removed, and replaced by `recordingState`. - The `locomotionSampleUpdated` notification no longer includes a userInfo dict.
6 years ago
### Added - Open sourced `LocomotionManager` and `LocomotionSample`. ### Changed - Moved `apiKey` from `LocomotionManager` to `ArcKitService`. Note that this is a breaking change - you will need up update your code to set the API key in the new location. - Split the SDK into two separate frameworks. The `ArcKit` framework now contains only the open source portions, while the new `ArcKitCore` contains the binary framework. (Over time I will be open sourcing more code by migrating it from the binary framework to the source framework.)
sobri909/SwiftNotes 1.1.0
A super simple wrapper around NotificationCenter
⭐️ 41
🕓 3 years ago
sobri909/CloudKitQueues 0.0.3
A queue manager for simplifying individual and batch operations on CloudKit records
⭐️ 11
🕓 2 years ago
iOS macOS

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