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singnet/snet-sdk-swift 1.0.2
SNET SDK in Swift
⭐️ 0
🕓 2 years ago
iOS macOS
.package(url: "https://github.com/singnet/snet-sdk-swift.git", from: "1.0.2")


SNET SDK in Swift

snet-sdk-swift is a Swift library for interacting with AI services published on SingularityNET AI marketplace.

Platforms support

Platform Version
iOS 11 or higher
macOS 10.12 or higher

This SDK is under active development and not ready for production use yet. If you find any bug or something doesn't work as expected, please create an issue.



Xcode >= 12.0 or Swift >= 5.3.

You need to integrate AI service proto files in your project. Please check the developer link for the proto files from Service details page. Download proto files and generate stubs in Swift language using protoc-gen-grpc-swift plugin

$ protoc <Your project directory>/service.proto \
    --proto_path=<Your project directory>/Model \
    --plugin=./.build/debug/protoc-gen-swift \
    --swift_opt=Visibility=Public \
    --swift_out=<Your project directory>/Model \
    --plugin=./.build/debug/protoc-gen-grpc-swift \
    --grpc-swift_opt=Visibility=Public \
    --grpc-swift_out=<Your project directory>/Model

Stubs service.grpc.swift and service.pb.swift will be created in the output directory and add them to your project directory.

Swift Package Manager

snet-sdk-swift is compatible with Swift Package Manager v5 (Swift 5 and above). Simply add it to the project dependencies.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/singnet/snet-sdk-swift.git", from: "0.0.2")

Add snet-sdk-swift to the Framework, Libraries, and Embedded Content section of your target settings.


SDK assumes that there is enough eth balance to cover the gas cost and AGI tokens in the wallet to cover the service execution cost.

The SDK choses a default PaymentChannelManagementStrategy which is the simplest form of picking an existing Payment Channel if any or creates a new Payment Channel if no channel is found. This can be easily overridden by providing your own strategy to the SDK at the time of construction. Documentation on creating custom strategies will be available soon.


This library is built on PromiseKit and GRPC libraries. In order to create Service client and interact with service client methods, you need to import PromiseKit & GRPC modules in your Swift class file.

import snet_sdk_swift
import PromiseKit
import GRPC

SDK Configuration

First things first, you need to create instance for SDKConfig as below.

let config = SDKConfig(web3Provider: "https://<mainnet>.infura.io/v3/<Project_ID_from_Infura_Dashboard>", privateKey: "<Ethereum wallet privatekey>", signerPrivateKey: "<Ethereum wallet privatekey>", networkId: "<1>")

web3Provider is your Infura project URL. for development/testing you can use Ropsten network URL. For development you need to use Mainnet URL. privateKey and signerPrivateKey is your Ethereum wallet private key networkId is "1" for Mainnet and "3" for Ropsten networks.

Secondly, create instance for SnetSDK as below.

SnetSDK Instance

let _snetSDK: SnetSDK = try SnetSDK(config: config)

You can provide free call configuration to avail free calls for your subscription. Please visit AI marketplace for the free call configuration.

Freecall configuration

let _freeCallOptions: [String: Any] = [
    "tokenExpirationBlock": ,
    "email": "",
    "disableBlockchainOperations": true/ false,
    "concurrency": true/ false
] as [String : Any]

Interacting with AI Service

firstly {
    sdk.createServiceClient(orgId: "snet", serviceId: "example-service",paymentChannelManagementStrategy: nil ,options: serviceClientOptions, concurrentCalls: 300)
}.done { serviceClient in
    firstly {
    }.done { options in
        let client = ExampleService_CalculatorClient(channel: serviceClient.serviceChannel, defaultCallOptions: options ?? CallOptions())
        let numbers: ExampleService_Numbers = .with {
            $0.a = 100
            $0.b = 20
        let call = client.add(numbers)
        let response = try call.response.wait()
    }.catch { (error) in
}.catch { (error) in
} catch {

LICENSE file for details.


Stars: 0
Last commit: 2 years ago
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Release Notes

Release 1.0.2-beta
2 years ago

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