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shilpeegupta14/RESTPkg tag
📦Light-weight REST web service library
⭐️ 0
🕓 1 year ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/shilpeegupta14/RESTPkg.git", from: "tag")


How to use this package?

  • Add the package through Xcode.

  • Create an instance inside the viewController file right before the viewDidLoad() method.

  • This package can be used to:

    • fetch data from the API with and without response headers
    • pass URL query parameters in the process of making get request.
    • Creation of new Data into the REST API with the configuration of HTTP Headers and the body parameters.
    • Fetching of single data from the api and store it into a Cache/FileManager directory.
  • Here is a detailed example of what you can do with this pacakage:

    • Fetch data without response headers
      func getUsersList() {
          guard let url = URL(string: "https://reqres.in/api/users") else {return }
          rest.makeRequest(toURL: url, withHttpMethod: .get) { result in
              if let data = result.data {
                  let decoder = JSONDecoder()
                  decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
                  guard let userData = try? decoder.decode(UserData.self, from: data) else {return }
    • Fetch response headers from the request.
       func getUsersListwithHeaders() {
          guard let url = URL(string: "https://reqres.in/api/users") else { return }
          rest.makeRequest(toURL: url, withHttpMethod: .get) { result in
              if let data = result.data { }
              print("Response HTTP Headers")
              if let response = result.response {
                  for (key, value) in response.headers.allValues() {
                      print(key, value)
    • Pass URL query params with the request.
      func getUsers() {
          guard let url = URL(string: "https://reqres.in/api/users") else { return }
          //this will create the url like https://reres.in/api/users?page=2
          rest.urlQueryParameters.add(value: "2", forKey: "page")
          rest.makeRequest(toURL: url, withHttpMethod: .get) { result in
    • Creation of new Data into the REST API with the configuration of HTTP Headers and the body parameters.
      func createData() {
          guard let url = URL(string: "https://reqres.in/api/users") else {return  }
          rest.requestHTTPHeaders.add(value: "application/json", forKey: "Content-Type")
          rest.httpBodyParams.add(value: "Shilpee", forKey: "name")
          rest.httpBodyParams.add(value: "SDE-1", forKey: "job")
          rest.makeRequest(toURL: url, withHttpMethod: .post) { result in
              guard let response = result.response else { return }
              if response.httpStatusCode == 201 {
                  if response.httpStatusCode == 201 {
                      guard let data = result.data else {return }
                      let decoder = JSONDecoder()
                      guard let newData = try? decoder.decode(JobUser.self, from: data) else {return}
    • Fetching of single data from the api and store it into a Cache/FileManager directory.
        func getSingleData() {
            guard let url = URL(string: "https://reqres.in/api/users/1")else {return}
            rest.makeRequest(toURL: url, withHttpMethod: .get) { result in
                if let data = result.data {
                    let decoder = JSONDecoder()
                    decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
                    guard let singleData = try? decoder.decode(SingleData.self, from: data),
                        let user = singleData.data,
                        let avatar = user.avatar,
                        let url = URL(string: avatar)else { return }
                    rest.getData(fromURL: url) { avatarData in
                        guard let avatarData = avatarData else { return }
                        let cachesDirectory = FileManager.default.urls(for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)[0]
                        let saveURL = cachesDirectory.appendingPathComponent("avatar.jpg")
                        try? avatarData.write(to: saveURL)
                        print("Saved Avatar url \(saveURL) ")


Stars: 0
Last commit: 1 year ago
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Release Notes

1 year ago

MVP release

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