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seznam/swift-uniredis 0.15.0
Redis client for Swift on macOS and Linux
⭐️ 10
🕓 3 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/seznam/swift-uniredis.git", from: "0.15.0")

macOS Linux Apache 2 Build Status


Redis client for Swift which supports authentication, transactions, pipelining and sentinel. It also provides own implementation of ro/rw locks to synchronize multiple clients accessing data in redis storage.


Connect to redis on localhost, set and get simple value:

import UniRedis

let key = "test"
let value = Date().timeIntervalSince1970

do {
	let redis = try UniRedis("redis://localhost:6379")
	try redis.connect()
	try redis.cmd("SETEX", params: [ key, "60", "\(value)" ])
	let result = try redis.cmd("GET", params: [ key ]).toInt()
	print("key '\(key)' has value \(result)")
} catch UniRedisError.error(let detail) {

Connect to remote redis server using non-default timeout values and perform a transaction in non-default database:

import UniRedis
import UniSocket // https://github.com/seznam/swift-unisocket

let host = "redis.seznam.net"
let port = 6379

do {
	let redis = try UniRedis(host: host, port: port, db: 2)
	redis.timeout = (connect: 3, read: 2, write: 1)
	try redis.connect()
	let response = try redis.multi {
		_ = try redis.cmd("HMSET", params: [ "connection", "host", host, "port", "\(port)" ])
		_ = try redis.cmd("HGET", params: [ "connection", "host" ]).toString()
		_ = try redis.cmd("DEL", params: [ "connection" ])
	guard response.type == .array, let result = response.content as? [UniRedisResponse], result.count == 3 else {
		throw UniRedisError.error(detail: "redis transaction failed, unexpected response")
	if let value = try result[1].toString(), host == value {
	} else {
} catch UniRedisError.error(let detail) {

Connect to local username and password protected redis storage and update lock-protected content in database 10:

import UniRedis

let username = "optionalUsername"
let password = "RedisRequirePassword"

do {
	let redis = try UniRedis("redis://\(username):\(password)@localhost/10")
	// or let redis = try UniRedis("redis://\(password)@localhost/10")
	try redis.connect()
	guard try redis.lockWrite(expire: 5, timeout: 5) else {
		throw UniRedisError.error(detail: "failed to get write lock")
	if let value = try redis.cmd("LPOP", params: [ "queue" ]).toString() {
		_ = try redis.cmd("SETEX", params: [ value, "5", "\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)" ])
	try? redis.unlockWrite()
} catch UniRedisError.error(let detail) {

Connect to a sentinel-controlled redis cluster:

import UniRedis

let hostname = "sentinel.host.seznam.net"

do {
	let redis = try UniRedis("redis+sentinel://\(hostname)")
	try redis.connect()
	let response = try redis.cmd("ROLE")
	guard response.type == .array, let result = response.content as? [UniRedisResponse], result.count == 3 else {
		throw UniRedisError.error(detail: "unexpected role response")
	if let value = try result[0].toString(), value == "master" {
		print("good, connected to master")
	} else {
		print("something went wrong, not connected to master")
} catch UniRedisError.error(let detail) {

Utilize messaging capabilities of redis:

import UniRedis

do {
	let channel = "news"
	let client1 = try UniRedis("redis://localhost")
	let client2 = try UniRedis("redis://localhost")
	try client1.connect()
	try client2.connect()
	try client1.subscribe(channel: [ channel ])
	try client2.publish(channel: channel, message: "weather report")
	if let message = try client1.msg() {
		print("got message '\(message.message)' on channel '\(message.channel)'")
	try client1.unsubscribe(channel: [ channel ])
} catch UniRedisError.error(let detail) {
} catch {
	print("unexpected exception")


Written by Daniel Fojt, copyright Seznam.cz, licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.

Thanks to Alexander Solncev for Swift 5 compatibility.

Thanks to Stephen Mitchell for "pmessage" support.


Stars: 10
Last commit: 3 years ago
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