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Packages published by sakiyamaK

sakiyamaK/DeclarativeUIKit 2.2.0
Library for writing UIKit Autolayout declaratively.
⭐️ 66
🕓 4 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4 weeks ago
UICollectionLayoutListConfiguration, UIContextualAction, UISwipeActionsConfiguration #121 #134 #135
9 weeks ago
some uibutton method merge #133
23 weeks ago
`func reset()`を`func resetDeclarativeUIKitLayout()`に修正
23 weeks ago
23 weeks ago
# JP declarativeメソッドのresetパラメータのデフォルト値をtrueからfalseに変更しました これによりdeclarativeメソッドもより簡易的に繋げることができます before ``` self.declarative { UIStackView.vertical { UIlabel() UIlabel() } }.declarative(safeArea: .init(all: false), reset: false) { //SafeAreaを無視したレイアウトを上から足す UIButton() .bottom() .right() .offset(x: -16, y: -16) } ``` after ``` self.declarative { UIStackView.vertical { UIlabel() UIlabel() } }.declarative(safeArea: .init(all: false)) { //SafeAreaを無視したレイアウトを上から足す UIButton() .bottom() .right() .offset(x: -16, y: -16) } ``` # EN Changed the default value of the reset parameter of the declarative method from true to false This allows declarative methods to be connected in a simpler way. before ``` self.declarative { UIStackView.vertical { UIlabel() UIlabel() } }.declarative(safeArea: .init(all: false), reset: false) { // Add the layout ignoring the SafeArea from the top UIButton() .bottom() .right() .offset(x: -16, y: -16) } ``` after ``` self.declarative { UIStackView.vertical { UIlabel() UIlabel() } }.declarative(safeArea: .init(all: false)) { // Add the layout ignoring the SafeArea from the top UIButton() .bottom() .right() .offset(x: -16, y: -16) } ```
24 weeks ago
declarative UIButton.Configuration
41 weeks ago
declarative UIBarButtonItem, UIBarItem applyNavigaitonView method [sample ](https://github.com/sakiyamaK/DeclarativeUIKit/blob/develop/Documentation/ja/uibarbuttonitem.md#sample)
1 year ago
- declarative UISheetPresentationController - applyView, applySheetPresentationController method ```swift UIViewController() .applyView { $0.backgroundColor(.white) } .declarative { UIScrollView.vertical { UIStackView.vertical { (0...50).compactMap { idx in UILabel("\(idx)でーす") .textAlignment(.center) .contentPriorities(.init(vertical: .required)) .customSpacing(8) } } .padding(insets: .init(vertical: 30)) } } .applySheetPresentationController { $0.detents([.large(), .medium()]) .preferredCornerRadius(16) .prefersGrabberVisible(true) .prefersScrollingExpandsWhenScrolledToEdge(false) .largestUndimmedDetentIdentifier(.large) } .present(from: self, animated: true) ```
1 year ago
deperacated imperative method ```swift UIButton("deprecated imperative").imperative { let button = $0 as! UIButton button.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12) button.titleLabel?.textColor = .green } ``` Let's use apply no cast needed ```swift UIButton("apply").apply { // no use cast // let button = $0 as! UIButton $0.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12) $0.titleLabel?.textColor = .green } ```
1 year ago
bugfix UIImageView.tintColor

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