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ryanslikesocool/CursorKit v1.2.0
Cursor control for SwiftUI on macOS
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🕓 1 year ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
.package(url: "https://github.com/ryanslikesocool/CursorKit.git", from: "v1.2.0")


Set cursors in SwiftUI on macOS.

CursorKit acts as a wrapper around NSCursor for SwiftUI, and supports all default cursor types.


Install via the Swift Package Manager (File/Add Packages...)


or as a package dependency

.package(url: "https://github.com/ryanslikesocool/CursorKit.git", from: "1.1.0")


import CursorKit
// CursorKit is now available to use 🎉


On a SwiftUI view, add the cursor(_:) modifier and pass in the desired cursor type from the Cursor enum. The cursor will change to match the desired type when hovering over the view, and will reset to the standard arrow when not hovering.

RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 16)
    .frame(width: 64, height: 64)
    .cursor(.pointingHand) // <- Here!

For better compatability with custom views and stacks, apply the contentShape(_:) modifier before the cursor(_:) modifier.

HStack {
    Image(systemName: "arrow.left")
    Text("Left and Right")
    Image(systemName: "arrow.right")
.contentShape(Rectangle()) // <- Set the hover test area to the entire stack, rather than just the visible parts


For custom controls, you may find that simply triggering a cursor on hover doesn't cut it.
For these cases, you can use push and pop functions manually.

	.onChange(of: someCondition) { state in
		if state {
			// The push function is attached to the specific cursor
		} else {
			// The pop function is static

Always make sure to balance push and pop calls to reduce the risk of issues.


CursorKit will compile on all platforms without errors. This is a design choice made for ease of cross-platform development. However, it will only make cursor changes on platforms that support AppKit.


Stars: 0
Last commit: 17 weeks ago
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Release Notes

1 year ago
  • Enabled compilation on all Apple platforms. Cursor changes are only visible on platforms that support AppKit
  • Added push and pop functions for advanced usage.
  • Updated README.md and LICENSE.md

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