Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by ryanlintott

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Packages published by ryanlintott

ryanlintott/LookingGlassUI 0.3.1
Shimmering SwiftUI Views using device orientation.
⭐️ 288
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
- Removed FirebladeMath dependency. - Added Quat (replacing Quat4f from FirebladeMath). It uses simd_quatd to store quaternion values and do quaternion math. - Quat init by angle uses SwiftUI Angle instead of Double storing radians. - Added typealias Vec3 for SIMD3<Double> (replacing Vec3f from FirebladeMath) - Vec3 axis static types renamed from axisX to xAxis and so on. - Added normalized to Vec3 - Made DeviceRotationEffectType conform to String, RawRepresentable, CaseIterable, Hashable, Equatable, and Identifiable by self. - Added QuaternionDataView to easily display quaternion data for debugging. - Added a few basic tests for Quat - Removed accessibilityHidden on ShimmerView. It will only show accessibility elements if one of the underlying elements is accessible. - Changed several properties in MotionManager to public in case others want to use them for custom effects. - Added documentation to MotionManager properties - Changed parallaxView so that the offset is zero if motion manager is no sending updates.
2 years ago
Added .parallax() view modifier
2 years ago
Updates: - Updated the readme, license and gitignore Bugfixes: - Fixed an issue where ShimmerView and .shimmer would block touches and interfere with VoiceOver selection.
2 years ago
Initial release. Although currently in use in one of my production apps it may not work perfectly in your use case.
ryanlintott/FrameUp 0.7.0
Reframing SwiftUI Views. A collection of tools to help with layout.
⭐️ 181
🕓 11 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
11 weeks ago
### New Features: - Added KeyboardHeight environment value that updates with animation when the software keyboard appears and disappears in iOS
19 weeks ago
### Bugfixes - SmartScrollView onScroll now reports correct edge values on view load.
20 weeks ago
### Bugfixes for `SmartScrollView` - Content no longer changes id on device orientation change (this used to reset the state of everything inside) - `SmartScrollView` will respond to most available size changes including device orientation changes and re-evaluate sizing correctly. - `HFlow` and other `FULayout` views should now work correctly inside `SmartScrollView` without crashing.
27 weeks ago
- Added support for watchOS and tvOS - Fixed a bug with LayoutFromFULayout where child views were not given the overall size as the proposal and would sometimes be larger than available space.
32 weeks ago
### Updated for iOS 17, macOS 14, and visionOS (beta) and added AccessoryInlineImage - Added `AccessoryInlineImage` to adjust any image or symbol so that it can render in the accessory inline widget. - Added `UIImage` extensions `scale()` and `scaledToFit()` to adjust images for accessory inline widget. - Changed `WidgetSize` functions `sizeForCurrentDevice`, `sizeForiPhone`, `sizeForiPad`, and `sizeForWatch` to return nil if a specific size is not known for that widget. Previously they returned zero. - Added watch widget sizes to `WidgetSize` and updated iPhone and iPad widget sizes. iOS 17 - Fixed `SmartScrollView` so that `scrollBounceBehavior` works as expected in iOS 17 visionOS - Added support for visionOS - Deprecated `FlippingView`, `TwoSidedView` and `rotation3DEffect`(with back view) with perspective - Added `TwoSidedVisionOSViewModifier` and `rotation3DEffect` (with back view) to match new visionOS rotation modifier. This modifier is still buggy most likely due to visionOS betas changing
48 weeks ago
# macOS support, FUViewThatFits, SwiftUI Layouts, FlippingView and more! ## New Features: - Added macOS support - `FUViewThatFits` - similar to SwiftUI ViewThatFits but works in older os versions) - `FULayoutThatFits` - similar to `FULayoutThatFits` but instead picks between different layouts with the same content (and it supports animation). - `HMasonry` and `VMasonry` now support both vertical and horizontal alignments. - All `FULayout` parameters are now animatable - SwiftUI `Layout` versions of `FULayout` are now possible. `HFlowLayout`, `VFlowLayout`, `HMasonryLayout`, and `VMansonryLayout` added. - Any `FULayout` can quickly be made into a SwiftUI `Layout using the `LayoutFromFULayout` protocol. - `LayoutThatFits` will pick the first `Layout` that fits with the same content (and it supports animation). - Made `FULayoutColumn` and `FULayoutRow` public so others can use them in their own `FULayout` - Replaced `Alignment` with new `FUAlignment` in `FULayout` views to allow support for the new `.justified` alignment. - `TwoSidedViewModifier` added with a new `.rotation3DEffect()` method that takes a closure for a view to show on the back side of the view. - `FlippingView` added. A two-sided view that can be flipped with taps or swipes. - `WidgetSize` updated for latest devices - Accessory widgets added to `WidgetSize` and `WidgetDemoFrame` ## Changes: - `TabMenuView` renamed to `TabMenu` - Reorganized folders grouping similar elements ## Removed: - layout parameter removed from `HStackFULayout`, `VStackFULayout`, and `ZStackFULayout` as SwiftUI Layout was not exactly equivalent. ## Bugfixes - Content offsets no longer use negative values for alignments. This ensures animations between alignments are handled correctly. - Selecting tabs is much faster for `TabMenu`. The `reselect` option will only be slow if there is also a `doubleTap` option. This is necessary to detect the difference between the two actions. **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ryanlintott/FrameUp/compare/0.4.2...0.5.0
1 year ago
### New Features: - Added FULayout protocol that can build layout views using either VariadicView or a built in .forEach function. - Added custom layouts: HMasonry, VMasonry, VStackFULayout, HStackFULayout, and ZStackFULayout. - Added a type-erasing AnyLayout. - Added FlippingView and TwoSidedView. - Added accessibility actions to TabMenuView actions for reselect and double tap. ### Changes and fixes: - HFlow and VFlow have changed from views to FULayout and now support various alignments. - Removed VGridMasonry (use VMasonry FULayout instead) - Changed .rotationMatchingOrientation view modifier to AutoRotatingView. - Fixed bugs in SmartScrollView - Changed SmartScrollView optionalScrolling and shrinkToFit defaults to true. - Changed WidgetRelativeShape for iOS 16 so that it no longer makes adjustments on iPads as Apple had fixed the bug that required it. - Added widget sizes to align with Apple's latest size specifications. - Fixed TabMenuView onReselect and onDoubleTap to use NamedAction instead of just a closure so they can support accessibility actions. - Fixed TabMenuView onReselect so it won't trigger alongside onDoubleTap. - Changed TabMenuView onDoubleTap so it only works on the selected tab. - Removed FixWidgetPreviewAlignmentBug as it is no longer an issue in Xcode.
1 year ago
- Added rotationMatchingOrientation view modifier - Added experimental VGridMasonry for Pinterest-style view arrangements.
2 years ago
Added .relativePadding() extension to View.
2 years ago
Bugfixes: - Fixed crash due to example test - Fixed availability issues on macOS
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
ryanlintott/ShapeUp 0.4.1
Make shapes and cut corners in SwiftUI
⭐️ 119
🕓 31 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
32 weeks ago
- Updated to support iOS 17, macOS 14 and visionOS - Dropped support for versions lower than macOS 11 - RelatableValue now conforms to VectorArithmetic - CornerStyle and Corner conform to Animatable - CornerRectangle, CornerTriangle, and CornerPentagon all have animatable properties including inset amount - CornerCustom inset amount is now animatable - AnimatablePack (iOS 17 and macOS 14 and up) added as a parameter pack version of AnimatablePair - Added Sendable conformance to a bunch of types to better handle swift concurrency
2 years ago
Readme Update: - Fixed the Swift Package Index links so they point to ShapeUp
2 years ago
Bugfixes: - Replaced an accessibility modifier with one that works in macOS 10.15 to fix macOS package compatibility
2 years ago
### Updates: Added AdditiveArithmetic to RelatableValue and Vector2Algebraic Added .mixed to RelatableValue so that they could be added, subtracted, or negated Added functions to add, subtract, negate, etc RelatableValue Added functions to multiply or divide RelatableValue by a CGFloat ### Bugfixes: Fixed negative depth notches so they flip into tabs instead of shifting inwards.
2 years ago
Initial release.
iOS macOS
ryanlintott/ZoomImageViewer 0.4.1
A SwiftUI fullscreen image viewer with smooth and bouncy pinch-zooming, scrolling, double-tap zoom in and out, and swipe to dismiss.
⭐️ 31
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
ryanlintott/WordpressReader 0.4.1
A simple asynchronous way to download and decode public Wordpress content.
⭐️ 9
🕓 1 week ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 week ago
Changed a couple unchanging computed properties to let
1 week ago
Updated for Swift concurrency
1 year ago
Initial release.
iOS macOS

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